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Ms Office
by Tam

Exactly Small and medium-sized businesses often require automation of the most effective management and as a result of cost reduction and profit growth. The company "Ofis24" offers "Automate activities of sales representatives "without the initial financial and time investment. When connected to an already configured for the activities of your company's system, you start working in it. The service is intended primarily turn to companies engaged in wholesale deliveries of goods in retail trade tochki.Avtomatizatsiya Mobile can help your business: Almost without initial investments to log in and begin work Making an agent to accept applications in a shop, but not from home by telephone sales representatives control the routes and time of their arrival in the trade tochkiSdelat so that sales representatives have seen the real state storage, while "in the" Monitor receivables outlets at the time of receipt of applications reduce the transfer time data from price lists and orders on paper forms into your system and shipping department Get access to comprehensive customer information anywhere and at any time, we offer ready-made automated control system for mobile commerce, which consists of two main parts: server and mobile, without the initial investment for the purchase, installation and maintenance of the technical component – the server side, just provide your company such as software products: 1C, Ms office, and others on a "business processes in rent. For more specific information, check out Pete Cashmore. " Mobile part of the work on hand-held computers (PDAs) and is intended for use by sales representatives. The server side runs on an industrial the company's server "Ofis24." Your company without the cost of technical implementation is fully connected to the final IT infrastructure. You get a comprehensive service, which allows: Server part: Minimize costs of acquiring, configuring and maintaining server hardware to use the program (1C, Ms Office, etc.) on a "business application to rent" minimize the cost of the license 1C, Ms offise etc. programmPodklyuchitsya to the ready IT infrastuktureRabotat with a single base of information to store information kopirovaniemBezopasnost backup data with encryption mobile part: to automate the collection of bids for the supply of goods automate the sale of goods from warehouses to automate the collection of mobile merchandising information, biographical data and photos dealer own history and plan of sales for the counterparty, which helps form to the best Pocket PC application and using the GPRS communication channel to send her to an enterprise system to form on the PDA any reports in HTML to control the work of sales agents to reduce the use of GPRS number of operators on the list in the office to print original documents to the printer integrated with 1C without changing the basic configuration.



June 15th


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