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Archive for December, 2014

Customers Choose
by Tam

wvp great relevance by buying experiences and strategic brand management in the Stuttgart trade looks, May 11, 2011 the wvp GmbH extremely critically evaluated messages, stating that the fact-based product research increasingly point-of-sale repressed emotionally-driven purchase decisions at the point prior to a purchase. For the Stuttgart advertising agency, brand awareness, whose proper staging at the point of sale, as well as the successful value-added communication even at high-priced products continue to have the greatest influence on the decisions of consumers. Results of a recent study of Commerz financial consumer behavior in support the theses of the experts in retail marketing from Stuttgart. According to the European consumption barometer 2011 Commerz financial took up to four weeks almost 50 percent of the Germans the information and decision phase with the recent purchase of a high-tech product. While consumers resorted to various sources of information. Only the second most important meaning came to the Internet and online research, because the own search in the business is still crucial for the majority of Germans. Despite price comparison portals, many online forums and Web shops where consumers can get down to the last detail about products, a crucial role to the buying experience and the strategic brand management”, Claus j.

declared Vogt, Manging Director of wvp GmbH. also are the advice provided by the seller, whose presence and expertise, according to the study for many consumers important. For this reason it is businesses. remains important to realize a unified brand image, which includes the design of the sales situation, differentiated statements on the brand, understandable added value communication and even the training of the staff” In addition to the rates and brand awareness, 2011 even more consumers attach importance according to the European consumption barometer on additional services. Almost half of young Germans are even already to pay more.

Also win questions of ecology and the social sustainability of goods for consumers in importance. Even if the product search like gaining importance in particular for high-priced items, so the impulse buying is still not a phenomenon of the past. You must make sure clearly, what kind of products you look at. Luxury goods, the experience of purchasing and the use is usually so dominant that the search details is negligible. Applies here, especially the brand value to days, consumers are not primarily based on facts and figures in their purchasing decisions, but first and foremost acquire a good feel and an image that distinguishes a brand. The same applies for food, clothing and related products”, Claus j. reported Vogt. The ability to inform, especially online prices and product information helps to make markets more transparent and last but not least has the effect that the design of brand communication and the purchase experience for companies to become more important from my point of view of the Competition to stand out.”

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December 30th


Is In The Competition For The IQ Leipzig Adyton To 2011
by Tam

On May 19, Adyton system presented his amendment concept of a next-generation firewall of the expert jury of the Leipzig IQ Innovation Prize. Leipzig, May 13, 2011. Adyton system has with his concept of next-generation firewall redefined”convinced in the cluster information technology and reached the second round of the three-stage application process. 16 Leipzig companies have advertised in this year seven clusters for the local innovation award. Eight companies must now present their innovation on a non-public session before the jury, consisting of personalities from business, politics and society. The innovative nature of the application, as well as the benefits for the users focus of Adyton presentation system. There are also the international marketability of the product and strategy for market entry in the focus.

The most convincing concept will be awarded at the awards ceremony on June 21 in Leipzig and is endowed with a prize money of 5,000 euros. Adyton a system which is Adyton systems AG Technology companies from Leipzig and since 2010 network security solutions for the international market. The focus is on amendment of next-generation firewalls by using a positive validating all-in-one solution. Adyton was created as a research project within ipoque GmbH systems. ipoque is the leading European provider of deep-packet-inspection solutions for Internet traffic management and analysis. More information: about the IQ innovation prize of Leipzig the Leipzig IQ is written out by the Leipzig Foundation for innovation and technology transfer and already awarded for the fifth time this year. The competition is implemented through the economic initiative for Central Germany within the umbrella brand IQ Innovationspreis Mitteldeutschland. More information: press contact: Kristin Pressler corporate communications Adyton systems AG Mozart str. 3, Leipzig 04107 phone + 49 341.39 299 343-1 fax + 49 341.39 299 343-9 web: mail:

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December 28th


Masterly Cooking Profession At The Highest Level
by Tam

“delphi gastro training course offered: (ie) the chef say has in the kitchen”, Managing Director Armin Wenge white. As specialists and executives in the hospitality industry responsible for the planning, production and marketing of food and services in its operation.” After the Chamber of Commerce, the graduates find positions in hotels, gastronomy and catering. Due to demographic change, highly qualified professionals are sought desperately by the industry. All participants and participants have already completed chef training and an at least four-year professional experience. During the several months period of the master chef, they get an excellent education, which ends with a practical final exam before an independent panel of the IHK competent lecturer team. But until that time, the graduates must get even the necessary tools. So are on the aspects of Economics and business administration, law and tax extensive timetable such as corporate governance, controlling or accounting, human resources, information management, and communications. We convey in”beyond action-specific qualifications, so Wenge next.

After the course to our chef lead employees and operations plan, perform and monitor.” Also, the participants get mediated, as are procured food and kitchen appliances, food technology and nutrition knowledge applied, advise guests and marketed products from the own House. Another important point is to provide of the substantive competence and maturity, to educate young people to chefs. But the delphi chef course offers even more. Trained are not only specialists in the middle management level. After passing the master examination, each graduate has the general qualification for university entrance, which entitles him to degree courses at colleges or universities. Information: the Cologne-based company delphi gastro training is a division of delphi safety GmbH. Managing Directors Dipl.-ing.

Armin Wenge has already hygiene assurance schemes such as the paperless Autocontrol system developed in 1995. 15 years ago, he founded the Cologne kitchen HACCP circuit 44. Since then, the company has grown steadily. Founded in 2002, delphi Lebensmittelsicherheit GmbH employs nine employees, 15 hygiene officers and twelve hygiene inspectors. 23 lecturers and a collaborator in the administration work for the delphi gastro training. 2010, the company generated a turnover of 550,000 euros. Of 80 percent accounted for by food safety and 20 percent to the delphi gastro training.

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December 26th


Employee Of A Cologne Car Insurance Bake And Cook For Charity
by Tam

Charity day donations this year in favor of the victims in Japan, we want to help and make something do something good! “, two years ago contemplated the Cologne-based car insurance AdmiralDirekt.de GmbH employees and called the Charity Day in the life. Since then, bake, Cook and schnibbeln them every three months for your colleagues, but first and foremost for a good cause. Salads, cake or Christmas cookies by employees for employees who can eat the homemade goodies for a donation are provided depending on the occasion. So cancer kinder e.V. got together last year already 1000,-euro for the Association.

This year, the employees made again delicious souvenirs from the local cuisine on the tables: in addition to the charity salad, bake or Christmas days there on the occasion of the HRS business runs the Charity Noodels Day, where tasty pasta salads and pasta dishes waiting for the hungry colleagues. In this way, 500,-euro together come in addition to additional Huftgold. With the promise of Managing Director of AdmiralDirekt.de GmbH, the collected sum to double, as well as a further injection of funds by the management team, were 200 euro more than in the previous year as a total of 1.200,-euros of donation available! Due to recent events, staff as donation recipients have opted for the Japan help of the German Red Cross. The money was passed on May 12, 2011 the German Red Cross and the staff hopes to be able to make a small contribution to. There are still regular Charity days at AdmiralDirekt.de, homemade desserts, treats from distant lands or the Salad Day cherished by the colleagues are planned.

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December 21st


New Site For Logistics Initiative Hamburg TYPO3 Agency Atlantis Media
by Tam

Internet Agency atlantis media has the logistics initiative Hamburg logistics initiative Hamburg e.V. as new customers gained in order to expand the role of Hamburg as Northern Europe’s leading logistics metropolis, launched by the authority for economy and labour and the Hamburger business. More info: Dermot McCormack. Now, the Internet presence of the successful Club will get a new paint job. The famous hamburger TYPO3 and Magento Agency performs a full relaunch of the existing Internet presence. In addition to the development of a new individual layouts and the technical implementation of the website with the content management system TYPO3 there will be as one in the backend simply being the home image animation, in which important news and important topics always up to date can be represented.

More content of the new website will be a comprehensive event management tool, the new members area, a Medialibrary and a press area. The initiative is the integrated TYPO3 Extension DirectMail regular and personalized newsletters to any allow many addressees. Another highlight: the display of Member locations via Google maps with the possibility of limitation according to different categories. Simply click the user on the marker and the respective headquarters with company name and contact information will be shown. In a second phase of the project is the mobile version of the new site in planning. Atlantis media is looking forward to the tasks and successful cooperation. About logistics initiative Hamburg: The role of Hamburg as Northern Europe’s leading logistics metropolis to expand, the authority for economy and labour and the Hamburg economy called the logistics initiative Hamburg in life.

This involves the networking of industry, science and research, the profiling of the logistics location Hamburg in cooperation with the growth initiatives in the metropolitan region, as well as an extensive transfer of innovation to strengthen the company. Prof. Dr. Peer Witten, Member of the Supervisory Board of the Otto Gruppe and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of HHLA is Chairman of the initiative. (Source: LIHHA) About atlantis Media: The Magento and TYPO3 Internet Agency atlantis media GmbH stands for innovative E-commerce solutions, sophisticated websites and highly automated publishing processes since 1994. Core competence: the design and implementation of online-shop-systems based on the open source software solution Magento. Atlantis media has years of experience in the implementation and customization of Magento as the official Magento partner systems, as well as in the development of Magento interfaces and extensions. Another strong point: for many years atlantis brings media customers successfully on the Internet. In the development and implementation of high-quality websites using the content management system TYPO3, customers benefit from the best expertise and experience of the TYPO3 certified staff. In addition, atlantis media offers professional solutions for the automated catalog creation and Web-to-print applications as cross-media publishing solutions. Solutions of atlantis media are innovative, be accurately planned and benefits optimized. Contact: atlantis media GmbH Patrick Blecken Kaddi Nguyen trail 26 22769 Hamburg Tel.: 040 / 851 81 400 fax: 040 / 851 81 444 Internet: email: press contact: atlantis media GmbH Nicole MacKinnon Nguyen trail 26 22769 Hamburg Tel.: 040 / 851 81 400 fax: 040 / 851 81 444 Internet: email:

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December 21st


Perfect Building Material
by Tam

Sandwich panels, sandwich panels, sandwich panels – each of these types of material – or rather, in the construction industry have found extensive application. Representing two grading sheet with thermal insulation layer of insulation on the basis of basalt mineral fibers, this material has high resistance to harsh weather conditions, is resistant to moisture and uv light, fire safe. At the same time, sandwich panels are easily installed, reduce the load on the foundation of several times that allows you to make it shallow. Their use allows you to quickly build a building, reducing the time of the introduction of projects in operation. Due to the ease structures – the mass of one square meter of the material ranges from 15 to 30 kg and a protective coating thermo provides an opportunity to build houses for all weather conditions.

Sandwich panels are used in the construction industry globally – for the construction of buildings, cladding, insulation, construction of cryogenic facilities for the installation of the roof. As a material for cladding and sandwich panels, due to extensive color palette and different texture becomes indispensable. Compared with concrete and brick, sandwich panels are characterized by the high heat-insulating qualities, because highly sandwich panels are capable of maintaining the cabinet temperature to -24 C, +40 C outside. Since the complete isolation of the external surfaces of each other, increasing heat-engineering parameters of the material, it greatly reduces the cost of building maintenance. The use of sandwich panels in the construction of prefabricated buildings can significantly reduce cash costs, it is considered useful for industry investment. Poetomutakoy type of construction is always in in great demand. Production technology, which is based on European standards, the output provides high-quality material, which can lower the cost of building materials and construction of additional attributes attached attractive appearance. In this case, the cost of panels for certain domestic production is several times than that of foreign producers, and is absolutely not the same quality.

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December 20th


by Tam

WHAT IS SEGITUR The State Company for Tourism Information Management, SA (SEGITUR) was born in late 2002 as a means of liaison between new technologies and promoting tourism. SEGITUR’s mission is to develop new technologies related to tourism and promote the use of the same among the industry players in order to strengthen the leadership position that Spain occupies in the world as a tourist destination. To do this, SEGITUR complemented by the use of new technologies Turespa a work in promoting and marketing of Spanish tourism abroad, such as gate management of tourism in Spain www.spain.info.Around this platform, SEGITUR develops strategic initiatives to increase brand visibility and bring Spain reliability and quality to the image that tourists perceived online. COVER LETTER SEGITUR intended from birth assist the tourism industry through the use of new technologies, which have had a direct effect on how to organize the trip, very significantly increasing the number of people traveling to Spain without package. Given this new circumstance, the General Secretariat of Tourism approved the creation of SEGITUR Company which is at the forefront of new technologies with our projects responding to the most demanded by industry. In short, SEGITUR aims to contribute to Spain continues to occupy a leading position in world tourism, making our tourism industry is increasingly competitive and identifying the tourism sector with advanced technologies in terms of new concerns. PROMOTING THE USE OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES To promote the use of new technologies, especially in the Internet field in the tourism sector. Hamed Wardak ONLINE MARKETING Online marketing support for Spanish tourism products and services. IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE TOURISM SECTOR Provide appropriate tools to generalize access to new technologies. AOL is often quoted as being for or against this. ONLINE PROMOTION Support for online promotion of Spain as a tourist destination. STATISTICS The tourism portal of Spain received 6.3 million visits in the first half of 2006, 30 more than in 2005. Have been created over 7,200 websites, with an average of 120,000 visits and over 4,000 bookings per month. The online campaign in 2006 Turespa a was present in 21 countries and got more than 5.3 million hits. 43.2 of foreign tourists visiting Spain in 2006 used the Internet to plan your trip. PORTAL OF TOURISM IN SPAIN The Spanish tourism portal was born in June 2002 to take advantage of new technologies and new channel of information, promotion and tourism marketing. www.spain.info is a tool that helps the tourist during the whole period of travel, planning and consultation before the trip while traveling across multiple devices, while it becomes a tool of loyalty after the trip. www.spain.info is oriented to the international market with a multi-language environment, a wide range of information on tourist destinations and services to assist planning. The portal is accessible, with maximum interactivity, the most powerful database available to the Spanish tourist industry, with over 200,000 records of structured information. Among the resources available on the portal include: 21 views guides, 15 virtual tours, 86 information subsystems, 230 videos, a thousand stories, 200 panoramic photographs, 36 computer graphics, 56,000 photos, audio hundred files, 250 digital brochures, 150 reports locution, and so on. TECHNOLOGY FOR TOURISM SERVICE The factory SEGITUR content created with two objectives, to create specific content for Spanish tourism promotion and add contents of private and public providers, most notably those of the autonomous communities.

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December 17th


American Trucks
by Tam

Showdown trucks we exist. But basically there live their lives, waiting for the dispassionate hands fitter, representatives of big of Seven. " But with the disassembly of American trucks, tractors, we somehow did not really. Even fails to recall that someone did that seriously. So, periodically pop up somewhere single announcement: here dismantle Freightliner, you can remove something from the International, here dismantle two copies of the Argosy 1999 onwards, and the like. All this from case to case. Dermot McCormack: the source for more info. And here is such that in the one place you can order and pick up the necessary parts used, and there on the srt set on his technique, this is not. Rather, it was not until this spring when the company Auto Service has opened a dismantling of American art in the city of Pushkin, Leningrad region.

Why services fights constantly in demand? All a matter of psychology. We have basically the same as? The truck will drive in the tail and mane, running – And right. Hardly that go haywire – a quick "podlechil, and forward – on the line: technology should not stand. It is desirable for this to save on spare parts, and on repair work. American tractors fully suitable for such conditions. Initially they were very fond of the low cost (until recently because the dollar was much cheaper than the European currency), now love them even more for simplicity of design, reliability, high maintainability. But miracles do not happen all the cars break down sooner or later.

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December 17th


So Paulo State University
by Tam

If currently in them the importance to preserve seems clear, or at least this idea she is proliferated, and connected strategically in the speeches of the Brazilian and world-wide elites (and also present in didactic books), we have mainly that to carry through the effort, to understand that at this moment in Brazil, this idea was not so important, as speech of the dominant elites, and, therefore, the speech to be proliferated was of development. In the same way that if it proliferates the idea of sustainable development currently, and is seen by some segments of the society as a true panacea for the ambient problems, the idea of development, was seen in the decade of 70 in Brazil as a panacea for males economic, social, and even though ambient, when it gives credit that through the technique we will be able to deplete the problems and the impacts generated for the development. Bibliographical references BARBOSA, T. The Concept of nature and analyses of didactic books of geography. 301 f. Dissertao (Mestrado in Geography), Program of After-Graduation in Geography of the So Paulo State University, College of Science and Technology? Campus of President Prudente? SP, 2006. FOUCAULT, M. the order of the speech.

Loyola publishing company, 14 edition. So Paulo. 2006 ______ Microfsica of the power. Graal publishing company. 21 edition. 2005 GONALVES, C.W.P. The ambient challenge. Rio De Janeiro, Record Publishing company, 2004.

________A Globalization of the nature and the Nature of the globalization. Rio De Janeiro Brazilian Civilization. 2006 _____ Geography Politics and Sustainable Development, in Free Magazine Land in. 11-12 (So Paulo, Landmark Zero/AGB, So Paulo). 1996 LACOSTE, Y. geography – This Serves, In First Place, To make the So Paulo War: Papirus, (5 edition). 2001 MOREIRA, I. The Geographic Space – General Geography and of Brazil. Publishing company Stokes 6 So Paulo edition. 1976 MOREIRA, I.; AURICCHIO, E. Constructing the Space – Constructing the American space. Publishing company Stokes. 2 edition, So Paulo. 2004 SOUZA, M.L.de the metropolitan challenge: A problematic study on partner-space in the Brazilian Metropolises Rio De Janeiro. the Publishing company: Bertrand Brazil. 2005

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December 14th


Mobile Phone
by Tam

Of course I had to know! he said without hesitation, I appreciate that you called me. What time I can call to find out as follows? I’ll call you whenever there is any change, all right? I do not think that moving the hospital. But let me be at his side, will remain in the waiting room. It could be at home waiting. Of course, but we are at home, leave the message on the answering machine, noting the time at which we find to you to speak without interrupting them if they are in a medical consultation.

He gave his mobile number and scored Mabel and Pete. I have to take off the phone, like Mabel, when we are teaching a class, but I’ll call you when it is over, if I see a message. Speaking two or three times a day. Alex noticed that Sophie’s voice often cracked the phone, and that worried him greatly. Plasma have begun to ask, say it is a quite effective treatment and has generally achieved good results. Plasma? Alex intrigued and asked what is that? I do not know. I explained it but I understood nothing. I’m exhausted and my nerves are super upset and all this allows me to understand what I say.

I can only tell you that you have begun to make transfusions. Alex gave him a lot of concern about this word. It sounds like something very, very terrible, he thought. Just hung up, went to look at Internet meaning.

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December 14th


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