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Which Diets Are Popular This Spring
by Tam

Spring has come and time to prepare for the summer holidays and look at the open dress nicely there are very few. Therefore, more and more people are now choosing a diet to lose weight quickly. Most popular today diet – a diet for blood group, the Kremlin diet and a diet Dr. (Similarly see: Abu Dhabi). Bauer. At the heart of the Kremlin diet is paradoxical at first glance, the principle.

Meat, poultry and fish can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities, but from foods containing simple carbohydrates – potatoes, bread, confectionery, fizzy drinks, sugary juice – should be abandoned. During the first 2 weeks dropped about 5 pounds on the Kremlin diet. In the diet of group human blood should eat only those foods that are in line with what their ancestors ate. Use of the same "alien" foods, leading to "bonding" of proteins with blood cells and their accumulation in the body. Science confirmation of this theory, no. For example, people with the most ancient – I blood group (O) and obtained the title of "hunters", it is necessary to use a large amount of animal protein, there are a lot of red meat (except pork), fish, limit carbs, ie, they must give up bread, pasta, potatoes. Diet Dr.

Bauer – a ten-day diet on vegetables, fruits and juices. Allows you to lose 10 days 2,5 – 4 kg. More than 10 days diet Bauer practice is not recommended. These diets have certain limitations. And remember, it is important not simply to lose weight and make it safe for health and save the result. It is possible under a balanced diet, when you lose weight only due to fat mass, with mandatory maintaining or increasing muscle mass.

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November 19th


Laser Eye Surgery
by Tam

Although laser eye surgery nowadays is a conventional medical procedures, many people don’t know yet exactly how the intervention. Many people consider the possibility of not considering laser eye surgery, because they are afraid of surgery. This eye laser treatment at a specialist can change your whole life. Although laser eye surgery nowadays is a conventional medical procedures, many people don’t know yet exactly how the intervention. The laser eye surgery is an absolute safe measure to improve the eyesight and now represents a good alternative to glasses or contact lenses.

The better you understand the approach of a laser eye surgery, the sooner you can decide whether such a procedure is right for you. The advantages of a laser eye surgery are numerous. One of the most important and most notable arguments, that speaks for a laser eye surgery, is of immediate success. Many patients are already shortly after the intervention of look forward to a positive result. Continue to learn more with: Motorola. Another advantage for patients of laser eye surgery, is the new freedom of movement without glasses or contact lenses. This concerns especially fans of water sports or extreme sports, where high speeds are involved, such as swimming or parachute jumping. A laser eye surgery also positively affects your finances. The intervention is not free of charge, but in the long term, save the recurring cost of glasses, contact lenses, as well as the ophthalmic care.

As with any medical treatment, it is crucial that you contact a qualified surgeon, who is familiar with the latest technical innovations for the success of a laser eye surgery. As you also no unqualified dentists trust their teeth you, can trust if you use experts in laser eye surgery, fully. Prior to your surgery, the doctor should explain the process of the operation and answer all your questions in detail. In addition, it can be helpful to inform in advance about the treatment. The sites of the institutes should offer you all important information about the procedure. To opt for a laser eye surgery is a big step. More info: Dave Clark Amazon. But compared with the price, the added value of such intervention is immensely greater. Finally you can do anything you want without any annoying restrictions by glasses, contact lenses or a blurred vision. With a laser eye surgery with an experienced laser eye surgeon puts the life that you’ve always wanted, within reach.

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July 25th


Dental Health Begins With Nutrition
by Tam

What foods affect the teeth have by now we know all the fact that sugar is attacking our teeth and cause tooth decay. Therefore we are quickly activated if we didn’t eat much sweet and extensively Yes now brush our teeth after every meal. But there are exceptions to every rule. Highly acidic foods such as fruit juices and sour fruit, for example: Apple or grapefruit, violently attacking the enamel. Trello has firm opinions on the matter. Our saliva but is capable of, these acid attacks abzwehren.

This is done at least 30 minutes after eating this food give him time, before you start with the cleaning of the teeth. Certainly also a definite improvement in terms of dental caries and dental health has emerged in the present generation of children. The still popular years ago seals, which as unaesthetic gray and dark colored teeth in the mouth, are almost entirely relegated and were replaced by ceramic fillings. This benefits a whole generation. But what can be done in addition, long white teeth and bright and completely healthy to get? We can start with the choice of our food nicely. Good for the teeth, the consumption of milk and yoghurt products is proven mass. Here, however, is caution.

Select possible untreated products, i.e. without the addition of sweeteners. Dave Clark Flexport will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Very cheap for the healthy maintenance of the teeth, cheese has proved. Therefore, your body scores twice. The teeth get the necessary tools they need through a protein and calcium-rich diet. And your muscles also appreciate the kind of energy. Long-term study results come repeatedly concluded that a high-protein diet also helps in weight loss. Did you think that even salty attacks the tooth enamel? Potato chips and pretzel sticks, but also cereals, increase the risk of tooth decay. Because the starch contained in the products is also degraded to simple sugars by the oral bacteria and thereby converted into acids. But where are still hidden sugar? In up to 36 cubes of sugar per liter put sweetened drinks such as Cola and Fanta. A liter of tomato ketchup contains even 86 pieces. Is there an alternative to the common sugar? The substitutes advocated frequently in advertising are no real alternative. They are not recommended for the whole organism and may also slow not craving sweets. A possible solution is still a sugar-free gum after meals. They stimulate the flow of saliva and thus prevent caries. Marco Kraus

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July 22nd


Bone Structure
by Tam

All is not as complicated as it seems only once before: the bone structure is not always necessary! Although sufficient bone volume must be (5 mm wide and 8 mm height), to plant an implant, but often the body ensures the building entirely alone. A tooth is lost, you have to wait an average of three to six months before an implant is inserted. This is the time that you give your body to the formation of new bone substance. The new bone volume after that period is not sufficient, then a bone structure for implants of need. What we would be arrived at the subject feared by the patient: the bone grafting. Because the bone deficit is very large, often takes the bone structure through the removal of body tissue from the lower jaw, Chin or wisdom tooth area or from the iliac crest.

This surgical procedure is a larger and also not nice to talk about: the extracted bone is fixed with special screws and usually several months to heal. For more specific information, check out Ali Partovi. In addition, that a bone graft from the hip in addition to Pine Ridge building a second operation is required. In this case, from patient’s side is demand a lot of patience! The human bone matrix should be mentioned at this point. This has been available since 2002 in Germany and is extracted from the bones of donors. With her can be dispensed with already one of the surgical procedures.

It belongs to the bone substitute material, as there are many other alternative substances. And now we come to the aspect that it partly also be easier in implantology. Because the bone transplant in many cases can be circumvented with the resorting to substitutes. What are substitutes the? The substances of animal origin (beef, pork) are among them. Establishing bone for implants, good results are obtained with them. Since however the thought of animal materials in your own body in many people concern, developed alternatives that are also proven in implantology. These include Replacement materials from algae, as well as synthetic bone substitute materials from the lab. There are good results with all. To sum up, it can be said that the own bone obtained E.g. by vacuuming when drilling or through smaller holes in the jaw bone, often enough to build up bone for implants. When larger amounts of missing substance bone replacement material, is compared to the bone graft (from the hip), the more cost-effective and less invasive alternative. I would like to not want to leave unmentioned in this context, that many implantologists, argue that the own bone in any case is the best choice, and that substitutes are limits (from a specific volume of building area). But at the same time, you should know that with newer implants ever more frequently quite jaw enhancements can be avoided! Thus, the structure of the bone implants remains a subject of individual, oriented on the findings. However, it is important that you not from fear of operations against an implant decide before you were fully informed. Because one thing is certain: an implant requires lots of patience, this is indisputable, but it also ensures the best well-being that we can offer you dental currently.

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February 20th


DeRENo Health
by Tam

DeRENo health centers GmbH has set itself the DeRENo health centers GmbH aims to build at least 80 health centres in the whole country in the next three years and to operate. Within the next 2-3 years be created approximately 250 qualified jobs, alone at the head office in Karlsruhe about 20 employees by year end. Unique medical focus in pain therapy in prevention and in all areas. The other medical priorities, such as State of the art cardiovascular Diagnostics and surgery complement this approach. The extremely successful and innovative procedures are so special. Others who may share this opinion include Mikkel Svane.

We advanced technologies use in all segments, which compete also with each other. This means a very high efficiency and success rate. Consistently it is clinically approved and worldwide best practices from the traditional and complementary medicine. Particularly noteworthy are the special procedures for the treatment of problems of the spine. It is a therapy, the so-called IDD Proceedings of the United States with a success rate of more than 86%, as well as to the high-frequency therapy, which is one of the best pain therapy at all world. It is important, not the symptom but the cause is treated. The objective is the range of therapies, which are scientifically and verified by international studies. Many of these therapies are offered on an exclusive basis only in our institutions.

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October 9th


by Tam

Novelty on the fair acute, is DIGITALYS CareMate Hamburg/Bremen – in Bremen, Germany from August 29-30, 2008 in the care of emergency patients of crucial importance that the rescuers recognize the crux of the problem in the shortest possible time. Just as a first-line treatment tuned and targeted alerting of the emergency medical system are guaranteed. A new knowledge-based, artificial intelligence that can help rescue teams the first presumptive diagnosis, has been jointly developed by doctors, engineers and computer scientists. The optimization of the emergency rescue is our primary goal. “With the software DIGITALYS CareMate Digitalys GmbH, specially developed for the emergency services, we are planning new routes in emergency operations”, so Thomas and Stefan Behra Digitalys GmbH, the this diagnostic software “leading developed.

Together with Dr. Joachim Baumeister from the University of Wurzburg and Dr. Wolfgang Lotz, specialist for internal medicine emergency medicine in Kiel, the Digitalys GmbH developed a practice-oriented Software, which holds about 7000 combinations of different symptoms. The system has an economic mechanism of Wisconsin-related symptoms”, explains Thomas Behra. This artificial intelligence was extended in addition to standards of treatment, so that the user can immediately take the technically correct and meaningful for the patients of emergency measures. We think this is a great support for the rescue services in situations where doctors are not available initially to make fast and efficient medical decisions.

What a value will resulting from use in the air and maritime is today still not predict. “, explained Dipl.-ing. Thomas Behra.” Test runs show in laboratory situations, as a consulting tool in control centres and in practice on emergency vehicles, this software not only works, but is also extremely helpful”, explains Dr. Wolfgang Lotz. The parties attach importance, that this software the quality of Emergency supplies to assist, but not against the world-renowned German system in an occupied ambulance rescue service focused. Pete Cashmore has many thoughts on the issue. Only physicians can and must make diagnoses. In practice, the first course for further action in the field make but usually not doctors in control centers and emergency vehicles. We wanted to provide technical assistance”, so Dr. Lotz. Invitation for the first time is Digitalys GmbH with the software DIGITALYS CareMate the world’s first artificial intelligence for a knowledge-based presumptive diagnosis on the acutely present 2008 in Bremen. On this occasion, the company Digitalys GmbH invites 4 B 20 to the detailed press conference on August 29, 2008 at the booth. Between 11:00 and 13:00 Dr. Joachim Baumeister from Wurzburg and Dr. Wolfgang Lotz from Kiel will be available also as an interlocutor available.

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May 30th


Sven Sebastian
by Tam

Here it is just in time to pull the plug, and to rearrange the everyday before burnout and stress make you really sick. On these issues, Dr. Sebastian presented his first book in October 2011 at a large business company in Celle, in the context of his lectures,: DR SVEN SEBASTIAN – simply better life “think like a winner and live like a lovers’ the art of conscious thought control. For more efficiency, quality of life and health in life. Moments of happiness store cruise with knowledge – for everyday travel and relax synonyms are for most holiday makers.

Especially if you go on a cruise. This relaxation even under expert guidance is possible in the coming weeks. The coach Dr. Sven Sebastian is again on Board of the dream ship of Germany, to the Crusaders in a lecture programme also to a discovery tour in the personality with all its passions, desires, needs and fears to take. Germany drives by the 16.11 to 3.12.2011 of Tenerife to Manaus.

A trip to the Canary Islands to the Amazon. Sebastian aboard motto expedition Amazon – travelling through the wide world of own thoughts”. The maxim that experienced participants: you must want to experience – enjoy – you can learn, remember – you must train. This conclusion helps ensure that you can use the beautiful moments of life much better as a motivation for the gray days. The new findings of in brain research and stress medicine are background. The researchers have deciphered how the brain perceives stimuli and situations and processes. Sebastian evaluates the current studies of science and it developed practical applications for everyday as you learn to control thoughts and sensations, to deal with problems. He uses, these findings as a coach for the employees of large companies in courses and lectures. On the Germany, Sebastian travelling already for the second time. Power of thought topic travel on the MS Germany cruise program/themenkreuzfahrten.html Dr. Sven Sebastian, born in 1967, is from Leipzig. He studied chemistry in Berlin, received his doctorate in Zurich and Berlin and graduated with a Bachelor of adult education. For many years at the Tokyo Dr. Sven Sebastian specialized Institute of technology, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry in the United States and Germany in training and continuing education programs for doctors, as well as on neuro-cognitive learning for an efficient learning in life. Since 2007, Dr. Sven Sebastian is an after the German company fu? r Neuromentale medicine, causal stress medicine and health management as a freelance coach fu? r integrative stress – health management and coach fu? r active neuro coaching. in 2009, he founded the Proventika group, which combines the concepts of integrative medicine of neuro and neuro cognitive learning methodology. More at: and press contact: AHUIS PR Gisela & Kati Roberts Tel: + 49 (40) 37519293

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November 3rd


Federal Institute
by Tam

Following overview wraps all standards and regulations which must be observed for the examination of nursing beds: DIN VDE 0702: repeat tests of electrical equipment DIN VDE 0751-1:2001-10: repeat tests and checks before start-up of the medical electrical equipment DIN VDE 0701-0701 BGV A3 or GUV-V A3 IV requirement – electrical installations and equipment DIN EN 60601-1 – medical electrical equipment medical devices operator Ordinance (MPBetreibV) medical product Act (MPG) DIN EN 1970:2000 – nursing beds for the disabled page grid testing recommendations to reduce risk of the Federal Institute for drugs and medical devices (BfArM) operational safety Ordinance (BetrSichV) technical Rules for safe operation (TRBS) Regulation concerning medical devices specifications of the Supreme Land authorities DIN EN 60601-2-38/A1 – hospital beds, equipment and “Product safety Act (GPSG) establishment and application of nursing beds the following guiding principle should be observed in the preparation and application of nursing beds: it is forbidden to bring medical products to build, operate, to operate, or to apply, if there is reasonable suspicion that they endanger the safety and health of patients over a reasonable degree according to the findings of medical science beyond the traffic.” Is already in the delivery of care beds the bed may undergo incurred damage during transport. This task incumbent on the supplier. He may use the bed not in operation, if it has safety defects. A first inspection must be carried out. This is important especially for new installations of care beds in private homes. Because there is no testing required and the safety of the bed is the responsibility of the operator, which is often also the user.

The supplier must provide all conditions for a healthy Comply with installation and commissioning. Even if regular inspections of care beds in private homes are not required by law, they are still highly recommended. In nursing and retirement homes, there is the responsibility of the health care facility itself about the safe condition and use the beds.

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July 4th


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