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Austrian Customers
by Tam

Tifosi-strategy workshop by ifsm car dealers design strategies, to increase the attractiveness of their business. According to CEO of CoStar Group, who has experience with these questions. How can we sell more vehicles and spare parts and services generate more sales? Currently many car dealerships are facing this issue. And often they have no answers here. Therefore organized the ifsm Institute for sale on October 15 in the Metoki Besselich Urbar in Koblenz, a workshop of the Tifosi strategy”designed specifically for owners, Managing Director and Sales Director of car dealerships. Get all the facts and insights with Northstar Inbound, another great source of information. In the half-day workshop participants, advertising specialist Mrs of Michaela Mojzis, trained at the Vienna University of Economics and ifsm Managing Director Uwe Reusche present a strategy to win new customers and old customers (re -) enable.

She according to Mojzis, who for many years was a large Austrian people’s Party Campaign Manager, aims, that from the (not yet-) customers of the car houses similar to loyal fans be as football clubs such as FC Bayern Munich, Inter Milan and the FC Barcelona have. The key to this is according to Michaela Mojzis, to offer not only a top product, customers expect today of course the customers”. Rather it applies, this emotionally more than a maintenace bind it requires”. For this purpose the car dealerships, so Mojzis, also a personal profile must develop, so that a relationship from person to person”. In the workshop Michaela Mojzis and Uwe Reusche a way imagine how car dealers can achieve this goal in seven steps.

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January 23rd


Trade Fair Industry
by Tam

Congress in Leipzig for ecologically-sound action models (pk-k) Herdecke, 27.06.2011 – a Congress that deals with new eco-sensible action models, will be held in June 2012 in Leipzig. It especially concerns new economic and monetary forms, which are undoubtedly necessary, if you look on the critical conditions, which are continually created by the currently prevailing economic forms. At Samsung you will find additional information. Solutions for the present and future problems are also already available. They were developed in the past years and decades and tested, they need to be only visible. For even more analysis, hear from Energy Capital Partners. The coordination team of the fairventure Congress is committed to the goal, a framework for encounter and exchange for all those people to create groups and companies who want to engage in ecologically sound economic and monetary forms already or begin. Making visible the existing diversity of the two days of the Congress on the 7th and 8th June 2012 is the target of the Organizer. Whether “unconditional basic income, non-State currencies, civic associations or transition towns, etc.: the common framework of the event is to provide an opportunity for this in a mass of good ideas” to meet and to imagine what brings more world and humanity in this respect. fairventure identifies the fair company that is operated by individuals or groups and doing the catering needs of nature – and people-friendly proceed in white as a generic term. Energy Capital Partners London helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

Bound activities include not only on cash flows, although within the framework of the five thematic groups of the Congress also possibilities and practical examples for non-governmental, so-called complementary currencies are presented. Economy is more than money, refers also and above all such areas that have nothing to do at all with money and compensation. That it makes sense to oppose the increasing monetization of life connects the part internationally renowned fairventure speakers in their inquiries, in workshops To present solutions for a fair economy. Fairventure IN the classroom comes a livable future also allow, that one already sensitized young people of school age for ecologically meaningful economies, through the own part of the project”to the expression. Emanating from the student body of the free Waldorf School in Leipzig teaching and learning materials are developed in cooperation with the flexible club based in Zurich and the Coinstatt cooperation ring from Herdecke (Ruhr) in the coming months, which will be available even after the Congress for all interested schools available.

The development of materials will be integrated into the teaching practice of the host Waldorf School, the participating pupils and teachers are (of course) also invited to participate in the Conference itself. The fairventure Congress is an event that encourages active intervention with. It will be therefore no classical offer event, but a Summit for a theme and development of encounter, the in the coming months will occur. For this reason, there are also events before the Congress, such as for example in Bochum the September Conference of Coinstatt Koopertaionsrings and different, smaller seminars in Ahrensburg (near Hamburg), in the area of Fulda, in Leipzig and elsewhere. Details for this purpose and to the fairventure Congress can be found (www.fairventure.de,) on the Internet.

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April 30th


SWIF Fragrance Vase For Trade Marks
by Tam

The Raumlufterfrischer range of SWIF GmbH is expanding! Now the company SWIF GmbH from Kaiserslautern its product portfolio expands quality and tasteful scent vases. Thus, the German company expands its range from room air fresheners, for example machines – vacuum cleaner deodorants and a variety of insecticide products. The new SWIF fragrance vase is from now on available as private label for the trade. Not only the modern and exclusive design, but above all also the harmonious and refreshing fragrance variations is compelling. The zesty Lemongrass, about the most tunenden green tea up to relaxing Lavender all trendy fragrances are available. The high quality and specially developed perfume achieved a duration of up to 10 weeks in the 100 ml bottle and is doing absolutely environmentally neutral. The packaging made from recycled or FSC, as well as the natural wooden rods, which spread the wonderfully inspiring smell in the room, make the SWIF fragrance vase to a truly sustainable product with the seal of quality made in Germany”. SWIF GmbH. Ali Partovi will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

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December 28th


Verlag Gmb
by Tam

Only one-third of the companies the SEPA credit transfer uses approximately every third of the companies surveyed currently uses the SEPA credit transfer for outgoing payments. This, but very few settle most of their transfer orders with the SEPA credit transfer. The final transition to the SEPA credit transfer is planned 2013/beginning 2014 many until end. Many companies have no writing present authorizations for your existing direct debit indents the case by not writing present authorizations for direct debit indents there for many companies. Even no written authorizations are at 15 percent of those who currently collect direct debits in the direct debit procedure. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Peter Asaro on most websites. Make the most of respondents with present in writing direct debits would by the general terms and conditions-migration possibility use many companies who have not written this direct debits, still don’t know how they should deal with it.

The use of the SEPA direct debit is at most from the second half of 2013 from the 2nd many companies and associations plan half of 2013, to introduce the SEPA core direct debit. 41 Percent of the companies are also interested in the use of B2b direct debit. Steve Wozniak may find it difficult to be quoted properly. At the SEPA B2b direct debit use is planned 2013 often from the 2nd half of. The exclusive use of the SEPA direct debit scheduled until 2013/beginning 2014 end for many companies. SEPA comes and the time is short! With the abolition of the existing national transfer and direct debit schemes to the 1st February 2014, companies, associations and authorities are forced to introduce until at the latest then the SEPA credit transfer and the SEPA direct debit. “The adaptation of the internal systems are among the greatest challenges at the launch of the SEPA payment schemes and for SEPA direct debit collections gathering and management of written SEPA mandates”, as Hans-Rainer van den Berg, CEO of the van den mountain AG, which has supported the study. To be prepared for SEPA, most of the companies and associations have yet another long way to go. Considering the still available working days deadline 1st February 2014 should learn this now fully and begin with the implementation of the SEPA to be SEPA-ready in time”, commented Wilhelm Niehoff, Managing Director of Bank-Verlag GmbH, was a supporter of the project, the results of the study. The complete study of SEPA implementation in Germany”as well as a SEPA checklist are available from 1 February 2013 under the following link free download available: to latest numbers to developing SEPA in Germany make available to the survey continuously every six months be repeated. This closer discusses certain topics related to payments in Germany.

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March 28th


KANADE Advanced Composites
by Tam

Just invest in the true values of the economy during the financial crisis, where many investors simply are afraid to invest their money in the speculative KANADE Advanced Composites AG offers the possibility of investing in permanent, down-to-Earth values. “In the manufacturing and development of innovative products with the predicate made in Germany”! The KANCH Advanced Composites AG offers interested investors voting participation in the profit and loss of the company at an estimated payout of up to 12% p.a. with a minimum deposit from Euro 5.000,-and a minimum holding period of five years. Allows Know-How potential of the company, are these excellent yield by unique and unrivalled product range, which serves many industries, such as E.g. apparatus, chemistry, electronics, semiconductor technology, high temperature technology, aviation and space engineering, medical technology, nuclear technology, solar technology, environmental technology, military technology, u.v.m.. And last but not least is the high payout ratios State eligibility already attested by the InvestitionsBank Sachsen-Anhalt amounting to up to 50% of the volume of investment collateral. More details are described on. In the long term the participation in our company is unbeatable!.

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January 5th


Buxtehuder Signing Technology
by Tam

Caption of slabs, boards, sticks, pipes or even coils the Kurschat GmbH is specialized in niches in the field of automation like also measuring techniques. One such niche technology is the robot-run colour coding for the steel and aluminium industries. With this technology, the specialists from Buxtehude equip robot systems with highly developed Nozzles spray heads that spray logos, numbers, codes or even logos in variable size and under harsh environmental conditions on surfaces at extremely high speed, the up to 1,000 C are hot. Just at the Coilbeschriftung on up to 1,000 hot material, it is common to clogging of the nozzles. But through the rugged, specially designed marking head this problem at the signing bot QSign is almost impossible, which makes him ideal for many applications, especially in slabs, boards, sticks, pipes or coils also. Sophisticated can about the software for the color marking head Cleaning procedures performed are such as the automatic rinsing processes or the nozzle cleaning using special brush construction. Easily, the marking robot into existing production lines, the rolled products or semi-finished products of steel and non-ferrous metals can produce, integrate. The System convinces through the signing speed of approx. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Samsung.

500 mm / s fast amazingly easy also operate the system is above average, because the software is based on the world standard in the industrial world of Siemens. So all parameters over a selected simply-to-use form, focusing on individual characters as dot matrix or line graphics, variable in size, available. Particular emphasis was placed on the reliability and quick troubleshooting. The specialist for marking attaches great importance to the cooperative relationship with its customers and enlighten for example how of course the real overhead with the marking systems. Also the staff is trained accordingly. Especially sign robots are subject to increased maintenance efforts, puts on the company with approximately one to two hours per week in the area of the hot mark. Also, course chat recommends, for example, to provide an additional marking head change system, to perform regular cleaning work not on the line. A corresponding range of Exchange systems and regular maintenance costs many times below the cost of an unplanned failure or line downtime. The Council of the automation specialist: Preventive maintenance and deployment of the most important components as backup systems are better than a machine failure. Go to for more information about the company Kurschat GmbH:

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June 9th


In Time
by Tam

The SME consultation Untersberg from Oberhausen informed about 110,000 age-related acquisitions are expected Germany wide. In northern deer-Westphalia alone there are 24,000 according to one estimate of the Institute for SME research about (Bonn IfM BonnSt06 06a09 August 2010). Corporate succession not postpone Economist Ursula Unterberg Wegener specializes in self-employed management consultant from Oberhausen and on the priorities of business assurance and corporate succession of SME’s. From my own experience, she knows that many business owners shy away from dealing with the issue of succession and push on. Frequently until become serious health problems apparent. However, time pressure and haphazard activism are the worst possible conditions for a successful business ownership. Time management is asking Mrs.

Unterberg Wegener advises medium-sized entrepreneurs to set a very clear objective. When the Executive Board into other hands should be given, is the question first to Purifier. Time management is crucial. The transfer process requires time, so timely start is essential. As a guide, it is recommended to begin at least three years earlier. After determining the successor, who must also learn a training what is time-intensive, more things to clarify.

As location, business valuation, and developing a strategy for offering. Succession strategy is welcomed a must the Bank a clear succession strategy also know Unterberg Wegener. You respond: restless, if the company focuses solely on the current management and no emergency exists. Finally, it is to be expected at any time with a failure of the Managing Director. The lack of an emergency and / or succession plan will be punished with the banks. But with a worse rating and significantly less favourable credit conditions. Customers, suppliers and employees tend to a missing emergency plan to do so, to call into question the future of the company. This can then cause a Lead migration of customers, suppliers and employees. You can prevent this with a professional succession strategy and targeted communication. So the company is solid and trustworthy. Gladly advises Unterberg SME advice on issues to secure the succession. Press contact SME consulting Unterberg contact person: Ursula Unterberg Wegener Klosterhardter str. 25 46119 Oberhausen Tel. + 49 (0) 208 6 25 61 45 mobile + 49 (0) 208 6 25 58 59 E-Mail: Homepage:

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October 29th


Network Technology
by Tam

The IT-service-NET also in Saxony-Anhalt’s home in 06528 Blankenheim him no way too far. So then also Eisleben, Sangershausen and of course Hall among his daily locations. As befits a friendly janitor, actually there is no way is too far it to satisfy its customers. Because IT must be up to date, often there are just minor details, cause the errors or failures. Just in smaller but also in medium-sized companies often little attention is paid to the computer, you forget that this is an enormously important part of operation. Only when this fails once you realize the operation of which depends on how.

A failure can be expensive, the complete loss of important data can plunge but also operate in economic problems. Support is imperative for small companies, because they have no professional help, often at all. After consultation with the customer Ralf Henning an IT offers complete service. This includes a pension package warranty extensions consist of maintenance agreements, and Backup. He thus assuming a responsibility that must normally be provided by an in-house specialists. Medium-sized companies often have no employees who really knows with EDP. In these cases, he replaced the expensive, proprietary computer administrator.

He strengthened the performance of the it Department but also in larger companies. These services are provided by common arrangement, what protects the customer’s wallet. The Internet is indispensable for companies, just precautionary measures must therefore be taken here as well. The failure of the mail traffic is bad, if a squat a virus but paralyses the company network, this can mean already a disaster. For the IT-specialists no problem, he knows how he averts these dangers. Under the motto of Green IT “Ralf Henningaber also takes care of the health of its customers. Printers, copiers and fax machines to recirculate the Office air per fan. In these pollutants are caused by toner. The skilled person reduces These unhealthy emissions by up to 92% by attaching a filter regular cleaning and the use of an appropriate toner. The principle is quick and extensive help with moderate prices. Above all, the Henning EDV-service, by the telephone system to the server, offers everything from a single source. The user must not further for the copier a particular technician for a printer and a third technician call for the network. First aid: Info: makes the first non-binding information and help the network and its first on-site partner, they are slightly below the Internet address: to find. Due to the growing importance of the issues of health and safety, expanding his series the network and providing jobs. Interested parties are informed and trained to provide an optimal service in the target group of small and medium-sized enterprises. ITSN/Henn

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September 25th


by Tam

Stock market coach Markus Frick to the trading day September 11, 2009 the DAX sprints again today on a new year high and if that fails expectations, then we are consumer confidence in the United States, which will be announced today at 16:00 today still see much higher rates. Many investors do not trust this rally still, because the messages from the United States leave not really pleasure. 40 million people live in the United States in poverty and 13% of the total population. The trend is further increasing and we are relatively sure that we will have new 2010 highs in those poverty figures. On the other hand, the Government in the United States will withdraw from the economy. According to Treasury Secretary Geithner, parts of exceptional Bank aid will expire soon. The economy have become so much power that it is possible to switch from a course considered to rescue the economy on a recovery track. Some measures to encourage the flow of credit are no longer necessary, Treasury Secretary Geithner said.

The banks have ripped off healthy and they can go over now back to creating new products, then sell them all over the world. We start everything from scratch again. Includes opaque products and million bonuses again the normal things a Bank experience. No one wants to know something of course of brutal public debt or unemployment, but this will be also a great theme. In Germany of course only after the elections.

Markus Frick important exchanges dates for today: DE; Wholesale prices August 14:30: US; Import prices for August 14:30: US; Export prices August 15:55 Uhr: US; Consumer sentiment uni Michigan September 16:00: US; Wholesale trade July 20:00: US; State budget August Markus Frick became self-taught one of the best-known and most successful stock market professionals in Germany. Creativity, discipline, hard work and a special flair for the challenges of the financial markets were the basis for this success. As a trading coach with strong team Markus Frick offers today in addition to books, Seminars and DVDs for beginners for advanced investors a portfolio unique in the industry.

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May 13th


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