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Archive for December, 2015

Aluminum Products
by Tam

Key areas of demand for high-tech products nonferrous metals industry will determine the envisaged large-scale structural changes in the military-industrial complex aviation, shipbuilding, nuclear energy, transport and construction. Ali Partovi usually is spot on. Significantly increase the demand for high-tech aluminum products in connection with the development strategies of the United Aircraft and United Shipbuilding Corporation, Development Strategy for railway transport till 2030, which will provide a more balanced by product type (and sector), the consumption structure of aluminum semis. The most succinct of consumption of aluminum are: Transportation – 23%, construction – 20% Electrical – 16%, Packing – 14% Engineering – 8%, consumer goods – 9%. Their aggregate share in the structure consumption is 90%. Pete Cashmore can provide more clarity in the matter. Projected development of aviation and shipbuilding, power engineering, road and rail transport will determine a significant increase in demand for aluminum semi-finished products, particularly all in mechanical engineering and metalworking sectors. Its share in 2020 will increase to 24%, consumption will exceed the 2007 level by 2,8 times. This will be accompanied by an increase in demand for vysokokotehnologichnye products: large aluminum plates (including for export to foreign major aircraft manufacturing companies, Boeing and Airbus) and the production of forging and stamping production for the project of establishing a regional Superjet 100, programs Ilyushin, Tupolev and others; aluminum drill pipe, including the drilling of ultradeep wells in the oil and gas industry, etc. The tendency of increasing demand for rolled aluminum for the production and packaging, as well as extruded profile production and sheet products for construction (the annual growth in demand for aluminum profiles is about 10-15%).

By 2020, demand for aluminum construction profiles can grow in 2,5 times to 320 thousand tons (in 2007. – 130 tons). Share of the construction sector in the structure of aluminum consumption will increase to 25-27%. One of the major problems of development of domestic market of aluminum constructions – replacement imports of domestic. Improving the competitiveness of Russian products is associated with significant improvement of its quality through the use of highly efficient equipment and technologies that enable produce designs of any complexity and a wide color gamut. Overall demand in the domestic market for aluminum products including aluminum castings, will increase in 2020 on innovative options for approximately 1,9 times and will be not less than 1,340 tons (in 2007. – 717.7 thousand tons).

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December 29th


Installation Of Generators And Power
by Tam

The generators are of several kinds of different capacities and different basis, with different engines: a generator that runs on gasoline welding generator, diesel generator sdmo, gasoline generator, portable on Honda engine and other engines. The main thing to know what power you have and what quality, because it depends on the producer firms. Also recommend to buy generators for the purpose of use: diesel generators class reliability for country houses, large-scale construction projects, production, powerful 250 kW diesel generator, welding generator specifically for welding and others own generators or power – the right decision disruptions electricity. (Not to be confused with Peter Asaro!). Therefore, at the right time to think, why spend money on useless interruptions, if easier to order your own generator? We will help you in this choice. It is also important to select the desired power to the generator. It may be advisable to diesel generator diesel power engines Isuzu, Kubota, Komatsu, Volvo Penta and others need to acquire power plants in the field of use. There are available to give mini electrical power stations, Check out the city, access to professional power plants for construction, give, trade, power of the middle class for small spaces.

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December 28th


Yandex Search
by Tam

Each newly created website it is mandatory to unwind, and what to give this process a fairly large amount of time and fixed assets, at least up until you reach the desired for the creator of the result. By itself, a web promotion – the site requires it to so it was possible to increase the number of visitors to the project, which, in turn, will increase very substantially and the income who will get the developer of the project from his creation. Untwist the site can, of course, in many ways, but if the user wants to be a project for a long time remained in the top positions most popular search engines, then need to make power. Promotion is legal (white) and illegal (black). People such as Pete Cashmore would likely agree. These concepts are relative, no one will penalize the site, untwisted illegal methods. Just such a promotion interfere with the search engines to Moreover, it is not durable. But the most important sentence – a ban search engines. This is a very bad impact on profits that accrue from the project, so it is better to use the legal website promotion.

To raise the thematic citation index (with Yandex it determines the degree of importance of the site on the Internet) is well suited to links to promote the project, from other sites. Links can be obtained in various ways. Most common of them – writing a unique article, very interesting, attention-users. After placement of this text, you must enable it from running on other sites, indicating a hyperlink to source, that is, to promote the site. If the article is new, does not contain copies of the Internet, search engine necessarily notice it, tci project rises, the position occupied by the site will increase. In addition, when a reference to the third-party sites will be located, then from there follow the flow of users, this in turn will raise the number of visitors that will enhance the project’s importance in the eyes of search engines.

The most important thing this article does not necessarily create yourself, enough to order it from the experts, freelancers, which can be found on any exchange of articles, for example, on the exchange Etxt.ru. For a small price copywriters write unique and interesting article. But for the promotion of one Articles will be small, so it’s best to order several texts, 10-20.

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December 24th


by Tam

What is a stock photo, photo-banks and how to work with a photographer? Let’s start at the beginning. Russian language, less literary, the term ‘Stock Photography’ can be translated as ‘archival photo’ (Stock – stock, have availability, range, as any collection of objects, characterized by a set of common features). That is, stock photography can be any image, posted in the photo bank. But still, we can give something which definition – a great technical picture is not created under a specific project, and the transmission is any idea, or itself a source of ideas. As mentioned above, these photos are placed in photobanks, just yet called photo agencies and photo stock. Roughly speaking, this catalog pictures a variety of topics. So mikropeymentovye photobanks feature of these banks is that the cost of each photo sold through standard type of licensing is very small, usually one or a few dollars.

Of these, the photographer gets 20% -80%. But due to the large number of sales achieved significant revenue. Although several types of licenses, yet the lion’s share of sales is just the standard. The same picture can be sold several times a month, sometimes hundreds, although it may not sell at all – a lot depends on the content of the image (see below). One important detail – uploading image in such a bank, you do not lose it copyrighted, and may as well post this same image in a similar photo-banks to profit from there. A bit about licenses Buying a snapshot of the expanded license, the buyer has the right to use images in publications, which allows to use images for commercial purposes, where the reproduction of these photographs of a financial Profit: in promotional products, corporate brochures, on packaging, Web sites, multimedia projects, etc.

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December 18th


Industrial Production
by Tam

Nowadays, one of the fairly promising trends in industrial production, of course, serves the construction of buildings. In this area all the time are modern building materials, without which the implementation of technological projects in general is unthinkable. But, for various innovations, today, still in demand for construction materials of concrete. Processes for production of concrete with improved every year, it admits to use this extremely reliable and durable building material at construction sites both residential and industrial areas. These days, reinforced concrete works and general companies producing reinforced concrete, it is very important. Their product satisfies the criteria for compelling the correct construction, and breadth of product represented an opportunity, and especially construction firms, and other customers to select primarily those goods they need. At the moment, construction of a major city will not be able to imagine without such materials as the foundation blocks, reinforced concrete pipes and products used for decorating the inside area: vases, benches, fences, tile road, and more.

In addition to the necessary strength, long-term operation of these parts must be extremely serious performance look. Only institution with the most good equipment, and collaboration with developers allows the possibility to achieve and in truth worthy of the outcome of which is worthy evaluated by consumers. Many of our brands that produce the release of such objects for the erection of buildings as a bridge of reinforced concrete, working with architects, which allows you to change some of the quality of completed orders. In other words, do good to the very necessary properties and also on individual applications. Moreover, strict compliance with specifications and price lists make cheap products from reinforced the basic building materials on a large number of construction sites. Builders and consumers are well aware that the reinforced concrete extremely well established as both core and additional building elements. Products are absolutely indestructible, they are resistant to fire and easy to install. For the reason for any Construction of the building is reinforced concrete – the best solution.

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December 16th


by Tam

3. Requirements for the design bases, foundations and underground parts of tall buildings 3.1. For tall buildings, characterized by large and uneven loads on the foundation and base, should provide Use the following foundations: slab foundations increased rigidity (including box-shaped with well-developed underground parts of buildings) in a natural or fortified the base, pile foundations (Preferably in the form of deep supports); combined, including pile-slab and plate-anchor foundations. 3.2. Source: Pete Cashmore. When designing high-rise buildings is preferable to use options for layout and architectural and planning solutions that provide favorable interaction with the base of the building, including: a device underground floors that improve the rigidity of fixing the building at the base and change in the favorable attitude of the stress-strain state of soil at the base, resulting in a decrease in sediment and also rolls facilities. Decision on the use of underground space should be take in view of geotechnical factors on the basis of techno-economic analysis device around the altitude of the building above ground stylobate buildings or buildings with a variable number of storeys, which increases structures in general, the device of dividing walls, dug into malodeformiruemye base layers to minimize the impact of the construction of high rise buildings on the surrounding buildings, the unit bearing walls and diaphragms stiffness of the underground floors, use of architectural and planning schemes that do not cause significant constructive load eccentricity and irregularity of the sediment. 3.3. Design selection basement on the basis of technical and economic comparison of options under 'Project' and is determined by design-planning scheme of the building, the nature of soil strata, their physical and mechanical characteristics, load of the building at the base, the interaction of a building under construction with an array of ground and with the surrounding development, organization and technology features of the building.

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December 14th


by Tam

To succeed in freelancing is not enough simply post your resume and wait for you to offer high-paying job. Freelance – Work on this particular project, tender for which is yet to win. The main thing you need to get Internet work – an ability to communicate and experience. Experience – come with time, and even a programmer with no experience can get a profitable project, properly and promptly responding to the customer. Initially, however, should not threaten to large projects, and try to gain positive feedback, performing minor work. For customers with smaller projects are often the determining factor is the speed of response, and often the first applicant will become Executive winner of the tender. This can happen literally in the first minutes and even seconds after posting the project, so it is important to monitor new projects and respond quickly to their appearance.

To provide timely information about new open source projects is very convenient to use the rss-feeds freelance-sites. Do not be afraid to bet on multiple projects. All bets are preliminary and require further confirmation. Often Customers placing projects on several exchanges freelance work and forget about their projects. So many bids do not response. To get a job, you need to apply for the execution of several projects. Formulate a proposal for the project can be reformulation task the customer. For example, if the customer needed to correct errors in based on the OSCommerce site, and write 'I'll fix bugs in your OSCommerce site'. Such an application favorably with applications such as 'Ready to start', which are often exhibited in the automatic mode, special programs, and at least gives the customer the confidence that you have read the job on the project. Also, the application should indicate how (by what tools, based on what sources) you will solve the problem of the customer. So, to get a job on a freelance site, you must: be an expert in a particular area to respond quickly to the deployment of new projects Make an application for a number of projects properly formulate the text of the application to specify a timeframe and price the job brings ever greater experience and positive feedback from customers

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December 8th


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