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Mobile TV – What Is It And Why It Is Needed
by Tam

Your mobile phone can display TV programs? Perhaps it would be great. This is a very non-standard possible, though not the main one. To date, a mobile TV means television standard DVB-H. The capital service mobile TV DVB-H today granted the two companies, mobile network operators – "Beeline" and "Iota". You may find Pete Cashmore to be a useful source of information. Until recently, Digital Terrestrial TV worked and the firm 'dominant', but about three years ago it acquired company "Beeline".

To become a full broadcast, first of all had to get permission at the same time was the development of technical means. Finally, by September 2009 all the permissions of "Beeline" were obtained, and December 7 mobile TV was officially launched. To date, the capital of the television coverage of "Beeline" is about 90 percent of the area of the city. As shown in the past months of practice receiving mobile TV, it operates reliably in the street and indoors. While mobile TV service will be free, then apparently followed the division of the ether for a few sets of programs different levels of cost, and will be introduced monthly fee. We also know that the main competitor of "Beeline" Company "Iota TV" is not going to charge for mobile TV, and wants to recoup its costs through advertising. Mobile TV was born not so long ago – the formal adoption of DVB-H standard was held in 2007 in Europe.

It is regarded as an opportunity to raise diminished the popularity of conventional TV, using the mobile phones. The principle of operation of mobile television is the fact that the signal is DVB-H broadcast individual transmitter and mobile networks because it does not have the overhead. Mobile TV is already in operation in major European countries, but the championship belongs to Asia – namely, that South Korea, where the number of users of mobile TV is already 40 million, while the number of Member of the European countries is almost four times smaller. Mobile TV in Europe are only about a tenth of mobile subscribers. Phones supporting DVB-H, it is basically the Samsung and LG (Samsung P960G, LG U900), Nokia 5530 TV Edition. A significant aspect of mobile TV is that it requires special content. As the experience of Asian countries, mobile users do not need a lengthy television programs, which tend to be at home watching TV. The most popular format is news, and short transmission, viewing the mini-series, special entertainment clips.

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April 24th


3G IPhone Repair
by Tam

First of all, note that repairs cell phones iPhone 3G – not quite a simple exercise. And it's not only because this type of device is relatively new to our reality, but also because it is not subjected to frequent breakdowns, and enough experience in the repair of the masters is not much. In addition, repair of mobile phones iPhone 3G requires special equipment, as well as specific components of the original. Repair Cell phones iPhone 3G may need for different reasons, but it is still possible to distinguish the most typical. Geoff Richcardss opinions are not widely known. Additional information is available at Michael Dell. Quite often, you may need to repair the screen iPhone. In this case, more often than not involves mechanical damage display iPhone with careless handling it. Often the repair requires a replacement screen.

But if the iPhone performs spontaneous reboots, or is not possible to send sms messages, the repair will be more suggest setting the phone software and flash unit. Also, there is often a possibility that the moisture inside the phone. Michael Dell may find this interesting as well. Major repairs are not always required, but it is better not risking expensive telephone and give it for repair. If you are faced with the need to repair your iPhone, then in any case do not do it yourself. Just do not refer to it in different firms unskilled personnel. Even if you and highly recommended any service center – should not be there to make repairs iPhone. It is only by qualified service staff spares needed to repair iPhone sent directly from the factory – manufacturer. The faster the specific actions performed when moisture is better. In addition, the presence of water for a long time in the apparatus may further damage the speaker, microphone, the central board and others. It is better to avoid.

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October 8th


Life Of Belarus
by Tam

To date, hard to even imagine what else does a little time ago, people used to communicate only a standard telephone connection. And the most advanced mobile device for communication turned out to be a pager. This happened just a few years ago, while today the number of mobile operators, which provide more high-quality communication, including the Internet, is growing rapidly. One of the most first cellular operators, who were able to work at the local communications market and has continued this work until now, proved to be the operating company Wellcome. And today, like telecom operator offers the most complete coverage for the whole of Belarus, and on the direct communication quality, including in remote areas is very good. But every year there are regular translators that can make the network coverage improved.

Yet none organization working in the domestic market without competitors, unable to really develop rapidly. Others including Peter Asaro , offer their opinions as well. It showed out on the domestic market sector of the Russian mobile services operator MTS. Quite significant potential for the company to quickly advance a trademark of MTS and the immediate territory of our republic. And if velcom originally touted as a cellular communication for a solid persons, the MTS – as an extremely affordable mobile communications operator. In fact, each operator was able to take a certain sector of the market and now they both support each other by offering new services. But domestic market share for two – is also small.

Of course, for the consumer. Because the greater the number of companies in the market and competitors, the greater the number of different options, the lower cost and more profitable consumers use cell phones. At this point in the market sector there is also another major mobile operator, intensely thrilling own clients in all social and professional strata. It – Telecom operator life:) Belarus. Despite the fact that the operator acts on the domestic market relatively not so long ago, he actually won quite a considerable share of the market segment, thanks to a non-standard commercial valuable suggestion – and specifically, the relationship 3G. Since high-speed wireless Internet access is a very attractive commercial offer, respectively, and the number of users in organizations are constantly increases. Mezhkonkurentnaya guarantees continuous struggle for the emergence of the market sector are more original and more interesting services. And for users of the most important – do not miss the best offer.

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November 23rd


AAC Equipment
by Tam

Nor can we fail to note that the quality of modern data transmission channels is constantly increasing, and often the simplest home ADSL-channel can be better and more reliable than a leased line connection. Kai-Fu Lee will not settle for partial explanations. And why use a cheap and s time-proven ADSL-connection as a backup link? When choosing a particular piece of equipment for transmitting sound over IP-based network is first necessary to decide: what tasks need to decide what your budget, what functions needed, and what can only be neglected in a given situation can be offered a specific solution. So what are the problems in the first approximation, can solve a set of equipment for transmitting sound over IP-based networks? The simplest and most lying on the surface response transmit sound in the "point-point", where both sides are fixed in space, such as studio and transmitter. There is a sound source, there is a receiver, arranged between IP-channel. Rent a certain bandwidth, select the appropriate format for audio compression (MDE, PCM, AAC, etc.) and you can work.

Another option is the output digital stream of sound in the public network, the Internet, for example, for the organization station. Let's see how it works. We have an ethereal sound source control. Required to organize the audio signal on the official website of the radio station. Anyone will be able to visit the site, click on the link and using the software player (WinAmp, Windows Media Player, Aimp, QuickTime, etc.) to play this stream on my computer. Note that modern mobile phones are also able to play Internet radio signals. Set the IP-coder connect its input to the output of air control, install and set up special software on the server. Encoder to encode audio information begins in the digital video (for example, in the format MDE) to transfer the site to the radio. This will allow listen to your radio anywhere and anytime, which is especially interesting. organize Internet broadcast can be without having frequencies in the air and even more so without a special radio transmission equipment.

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March 1st


Digital Configuration
by Tam

Note that a rough adjustment makes sense to hold on the most powerful channel, and the final fine-tuning – to the weakest. Making sure that you can not improve the picture, finally tighten all fasteners on the antenna, route the cable from the antenna to the site to view and install all the equipment in stand under the TV. In the case of the digital receiver to perform this operation much more difficult. The fact that the analog method has a very wide range of input levels – from when something becomes clear through interference, to the ideal reception. Moreover, the analog receiver fulfills input change instantly, changing the picture on the screen, respectively. Digital reception is characterized by the appearance of a threshold character image.

Transitional stage, when the image trembles and breaks, has a very narrow range of input signal levels. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the digital receiver is not an instant 'captures' the picture. He even sufficient level of input signal must be a few seconds for image processing. Therefore, we can offer the following options configure the system with a digital receiver. First, you can borrow anywhere analog Receiver settings. On the most popular satellite groups, such as Hot Bird 1,2,3,4,6; Eutelsat W4/Sesat; Astra-1 B, C, D, E, F, G, H, 2C; Thor-2, 3 / Intelsat-707, currently there are both digital and analog TV channels. After setting up an antenna "by analogy" You can connect digital equipment.

If the analog receiver to take no place, there remains the option of setting the signal level meter. It should be remembered that satmetr can be connected to the converter cable segment is not longer than a few meters. With the cable in a few tens of meters satmetr 'does not pull. " Most models of digital satellite receivers have built-in digital signal level meter. Although it is rather crude measures of, but the setup process, they make it easy. In the case of setting the level of the signal is particularly important accurate azimuth setting. Satellites in geostationary orbit located a few degrees. Therefore, adjust the signal level on the wrong satellite and set the parameters of digital signal (frequency, SR, FEC), you will not see anything, and realize that you have configured incorrectly, it will be very difficult. Much expand your ability to foster a satellite positioning system unit with the different satellites. Such a system allows you to receive up to 100 or more analog channels and many more digital. Consider antenna design, which can be configured for multiple satellites. This dish is different suspension design, which is called the 'polar'. Invention of this suspension was for astronomical instruments and has this name, because the axis around which the mirror antenna, parallel to the axis of rotation of the Earth. And it is known, is aimed at Polaris. Suspension design in the most general terms is shown in Fig. 10 and 11. In this Configuration angle of elevation of the polar axis is approximately equal to the absolute value of latitude point of the antenna. Amendment 'about' arises from the fact that the Earth is not perfectly spherical shape, and flattened by the poles. Elevation is selected from the calculation of directional antenna axis parallel to the equatorial plane. To turn the antenna axis in the direction of the satellites in geostationary orbit, a so-called correction, or the angle of declination. From simple geometrical considerations it is clear that these three angles add up to 900.

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May 31st


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