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Archive for June, 2017

CoPFlow – Web-based Process Management Brings Processes At The Workplace
by Tam

Document documenting business processes, creating work instructions or directives directly in the workplace business processes or create work instructions or directives without expert knowledge. No expert knowledge in process management is required when the BPM software CoPFlow. (Not to be confused with David S. Levine!). Entering data is structured and tabellengefuhrt, where a graphic is automatically created simultaneously with the description. So no time consuming sign, but simple, efficient and goal-oriented document. Publish shared documents and templates is done with a few mouse clicks. The newspapers mentioned Ali Partovi not as a source, but as a related topic. Do you want to document processes? With CoPFlow administrator, can describe their process at work as a non-expert in the topic of process documentation. The appropriate experts for process modeling thus receive the status and can then prepare the descriptions and publish or create target processes and develop improvements. There are already process descriptions in the form of a process map? CoPFlow allows user-friendly Descriptions created using templates erganzet and are made available to users in the workplace. Using a simple, with receive rights to use just a few clicks, the only beneficiaries of the desired additions to the descriptions and documents. You want to automate processes? A professional set description (technical concept), which is to create from a technical perspective is necessary. CoPFlow is the ideal tool for this, because the software is designed precisely for this purpose that the employees of the departments can document their processes. The specification tools of developers are too time-consuming and therefore not suitable. CoPFlow, provides for a quick capture and content understanding in addition to the graphical representation of work processes, standardized visualizations with colors and icons. Thus CoPFlow is a business process management software (BPM solution), which allows your company in a simple way, with stakeholders, include in detail to document processes, manage and continuously improve. The SMC, Aschaffenburg, known for their professional advice and through their standard software in the areas of process – and project management (www.coptrack.de), as well as by their individual software solutions for the automation of Office work.

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June 30th


Social Networks
by Tam

Social media a way to more civic participation Berlin 01.08.2012 – E-Government 2.0, social media management terms that describe the change of authorities to citizens through the use of new media, in the context of the public administration sometimes still quite strange appear. Social media, and in principle all possible uses of new media, seem to hide countless opportunities and potentials, while the benefits for Governments and public institutions to estimate not so clearly is for companies of the private sector. Certainly the new media and IT are generally useful instruments for the communication with citizens, they offer dialogue but a new form of dealing with the complaint management And these technologies provide a new base for the press and public relations work of administrations and authorities. Yet a certain personnel, cost and technology associated with their use, and new forms of communication are necessary. New personal competences and professional regulations are the new forms of communication require first and foremost a new distribution of tasks, a reorganization of powers and competences and last but not least a comprehensive data, information and knowledge management. Apply the new organisational structures must, to E-Government and management 2.0 no empty word phrases at the top”, so that the redesign of the management goes hand in hand with a far-reaching redesign of the State. Lacks many administrations and public institutions but also simply to skills and the appropriate parent strategy of press and public relations work with social media, useful and benefit mehrend to use the new media. Employees who are engaged in social media in public authorities and institutions, need to establish legal certainty, for example, and on guiding principles and values of the institution to be able to orient themselves clear social media guidelines, so far only in a few public institutions exist. The use of the Internet as private as official users, then represents a gray area coming social media tools in the game.

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June 24th


Valdemir City
by Tam

From this plant, we delimit the quarters what it made possible in them to dimensionar all the quarters; To rescue the evolutiva history of the city, we consult the quantity of the Diocese of the High Solimes, CFSOL/8 BIS, and from its registers it made possible in them to make analyses with the depositions or history of life of the inhabitants oldest. Such depositions had been recorded with a portable device of storage of data (MP4), and from this analysis to understand the evolutivo process of the city. 4 RESULTS AND 4,1 QUARREL Field of Comment the city of Tabatinga-Am with 43.974 an esteem population of hab, (Estimative IBGE-2005), located in the region west of the state of Amazon, to the edges of the River Solimes, in the verge of Brazil with Colombia and Peru. Distant about 1607 km for it saw fluvial of Manaus, has the following ones co-ordinated: Latitude: -4 15' 1' ' S/Longitude: -69 56' 14' ' W. Figure 01: Localization of Tabatinga Source: Adaptation, MAFRA, Ronaldo and SIQUEIRA, Valdemir, 2007.

4,1 Description of the povoamento Falar of the city of Tabatinga is to make a trip in the time. The history of Tabatinga if confuses with the History of Amazon and retraces the Portuguese acupao and the land dispute between Portugal and Spain. The city of Tabatinga had its origin with the construction of a fort constructed in the second half of century XVIII in the current quarter of the Comara. Therefore its strategical position favored the control and fiscalization of that they adentravam or leaves Peru and Colombia, for in such a way was constructed a small blockhouse, the fort, installed in 1776 for Portuguese major Frank Domingos, took for itself functions military and fiscal initially exerted by the Fort of Are and the River Javari, some kilometers of the river of the same name for to be more strategical its confluence of the rivers Javari and Solimes.

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June 24th


The Future Of Management
by Tam

The ladder must be swept from the top. Russian Proverb considerations, concerns Whither administrative science in the future? What will change? What is its scope, impact? What knowledge, new tools appear? How do start or operate business schools in the training of professionals? What should be the new managerial leadership?, Be some of the many questions that have been generated, according to management behavior, knowledge they contain, as a result of the characteristics of the current economic scenario and the role played by organizations in them.

Concern for many young people who have decided to opt for Master’s degree in administration, what is the future of management, especially given the signs of the economic characteristics, presenting dynamic and constant changes that significantly affect the management, direction the companies. They worry what will be the competencies required of a good manager in the future, what should be the profile and that knowledge must be purchased to ensure a successful performance in the exercise of their profession.

Of course, given the behavior of economic scenarios on the marketing that they experience, where changes are accelerated, generating threats but also opportunities, uncertainties, risks, it is necessary to have a managerial leadership that knows how to interprete, face and create the changes needed to apply the knowledge that science provides administrative and using the proper tools to guarantee favorable results according to how they thrive in business, especially the successful forcing their competitiveness is taken into account. One can not remain anchored with knowledge of the past administrative tools

Changes Many companies are already experiencing changes since its structure, formal structure of operation of the organization, feedback and giving way to more effective departments, operational functions endorsed more productive, less bureaucratic, proactive, less expensive and guaranteed by the performance of trained professionals in their fields All this has led to assess what knowledge is needed must know how to handle the present, how to integrate new concepts, fundamentals of modern management who have given life to new topics managerial, technical, administrative systems to ensure operability, reached by achieving a good integration of all resources involved..

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June 23rd


by Tam

Apart from the chat rooms, instant messaging and e-mail created for communication and dialogue between people, the need for a personal and human aspect in building online communities gave way to the blogs. Blogs or Web / Blogs "is considered one of the best Internet technology platforms for people worldwide. These are updated very quickly, we present excerpts from the personal life of individuals and more recently for internet marketing. For most, a "Blog" is a personal diary, unedited, and authentic to be shared in an online community. The Blog is a place where bloggers can publish many things, thoughts, feelings, photos, special events, experiences, promote products and services and so on. Follow others, such as Robotics, and add to your knowledge base. It is more than an online diary with videos, links, documents, newsletters and opinions on almost any topic that interests you. Robotics has compatible beliefs. Blogs are made to receive the views and opinions of all and therefore therefore should not be written too formality. In the grounds of the blogs, the tone of the conversation should be the most appropriate to reach your target audience.

Create a Blog has its own set of advantages: – Freedom of Expression. If you want people to hear you and also give their own opinions, this is the best way to create a line of effective communication, even more if you have any Entrepreneurship on the Web – Networking is at its best. Creating a blog is a good platform for exchanging genuine ideas from consumers to you as a seller of a product or service.

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June 23rd


Ms Office
by Tam

Exactly Small and medium-sized businesses often require automation of the most effective management and as a result of cost reduction and profit growth. The company "Ofis24" offers "Automate activities of sales representatives "without the initial financial and time investment. When connected to an already configured for the activities of your company's system, you start working in it. The service is intended primarily turn to companies engaged in wholesale deliveries of goods in retail trade tochki.Avtomatizatsiya Mobile can help your business: Almost without initial investments to log in and begin work Making an agent to accept applications in a shop, but not from home by telephone sales representatives control the routes and time of their arrival in the trade tochkiSdelat so that sales representatives have seen the real state storage, while "in the" Monitor receivables outlets at the time of receipt of applications reduce the transfer time data from price lists and orders on paper forms into your system and shipping department Get access to comprehensive customer information anywhere and at any time, we offer ready-made automated control system for mobile commerce, which consists of two main parts: server and mobile, without the initial investment for the purchase, installation and maintenance of the technical component – the server side, just provide your company such as software products: 1C, Ms office, and others on a "business processes in rent. For more specific information, check out Pete Cashmore. " Mobile part of the work on hand-held computers (PDAs) and is intended for use by sales representatives. The server side runs on an industrial the company's server "Ofis24." Your company without the cost of technical implementation is fully connected to the final IT infrastructure. You get a comprehensive service, which allows: Server part: Minimize costs of acquiring, configuring and maintaining server hardware to use the program (1C, Ms Office, etc.) on a "business application to rent" minimize the cost of the license 1C, Ms offise etc. programmPodklyuchitsya to the ready IT infrastuktureRabotat with a single base of information to store information kopirovaniemBezopasnost backup data with encryption mobile part: to automate the collection of bids for the supply of goods automate the sale of goods from warehouses to automate the collection of mobile merchandising information, biographical data and photos dealer own history and plan of sales for the counterparty, which helps form to the best Pocket PC application and using the GPRS communication channel to send her to an enterprise system to form on the PDA any reports in HTML to control the work of sales agents to reduce the use of GPRS number of operators on the list in the office to print original documents to the printer integrated with 1C without changing the basic configuration.

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June 15th


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