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Archive for October, 2011

by Tam

Run Counter-Strike. Create a game at any de_ map for Counter-Strike and go in the game for a team of terrorists. To accomplish this trick you should have a bomb, as well as any weapons except a knife (and will approach the starting weapons to terrorists – a pistol Glock 18). Make two or three shots from the weapon and press the button recharge.

During recharge need to switch to bomb (ie the process of exchange should be completed). Again, switch to the weapon and press the button recharge. Again, during the charge click on the button Q (pull out the bomb) and fast (but not both), click on the button jump. That’s it. Note. This trick is tested by me only in Counter-Strike 1.6. I can not say whether he would work with other versions of the game.

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October 31st


by Tam

After the dialogue, take the legendary motorcycle and go into place. There you have to ability to ride a motorcycle. You will need to overcome obstacles. Then, in one of the lanes, kill a couple of people and catch up with the three Baker – they too are subject to liquidation. And then, be sent to the monument to the Globe and lay at its base explosive. How to activate the bomb is this: you must first show a certain sequence of button presses = you have to memorize it and repeat. After activate the bomb, there will be a colorful screen saver Mission passed! – For free.

Mission 42: Faster Pusher Man! Sell! Sell! Need to collect the required number of drug: but very unusual way. Pulls the car to drug traffickers and "To shift" costume with drugs, from one bag to another! This can be done without leaving the car – it you will greatly facilitate the execution of the mission. After the required number of Zborov, vezite all "good" to the rear entrance of the lunchroom. Mission is free. On the map there is one label, "H-Shield" take rate, and rush there. Mission 43: Scrambled. After the dialogue, remember the place indicates the location on the map. For those of memory and using the scale be sent there.

So Makar go further Two points: everywhere we "wait" shoot the bad guys. And then catch up with car and blow it. During the mission will get nothing.

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October 27th


Exclusive Billing
by Tam

Types of stretch potolkovNatyazhnoy ceiling can be installed in a few or one level. The ceiling in several levels of help to divide the room into different functional objects hide imperfections and defects in the usual ceiling, communication items, swings. The shape of this design can be very diverse, for example in combination with different geometric shapes, line, shape, curves, bent, etc. The variety of suspended ceilings are mostly species it faktur.Vidy suspended ceilings. Traditional texture: – Lacquer (partially mirrored, creating a spatial sense, visually increases the amount of premises). – Matt (imitates a high-quality plaster ceiling) for those who like a standard ceiling – satin (imitates a top-quality drywall, painted); Exclusive Billing: – Hi-Tech Metallic and for those who love technology solutions – Marble (imitation marble pattern in different shades) – Suede (an imitation of a natural element suede) – tree (an imitation of expensive wood species) – suspended ceiling with the effects of stellar sky. – Opal (texture with a high coefficient of diffusion of light, half-transparent, is applied when installing a ceiling wall) – count the ceiling, a new art technology to apply to any suspended ceiling painting or a photo, a couple of recommendations regarding the selection of ceilings for rooms! For old and rough ceiling suspended ceiling is the most suitable option to hide all the irregularities of the ceiling.

If you wish to leave old matt ceiling light type uses a white matte, or satin tape. In the construction in Sevastopol is used for the rooms, mostly dull light colors. Subtleties of glossy ceiling (lacquer film) extend the space and height. They are used for buildings with low ceilings. Well this looks like a glossy ceiling in the living room ceiling komnate.Dlya in the kitchen and bath rooms are ideal patent, because of their easy to wash or matte film (without roughness).

In addition, the kitchen and the bathroom is recommended to install the suspended ceiling, as the blade is made of PVC film, which is not affected by any moisture, and on the ceiling can not occur condensate. If your bathroom or kitchen room neighbors filled with water, then presentable your ceiling is almost not be affected because the film is no trace of the potential will not be abandoned. In the case of such a situation, one square meter ceiling can keep yourself on up to 100 gallons of water. PS The popularity of stretched ceiling in Western countries is so huge that no more or less prestigious private office or interiors can not be imagined without it. Also in Russia has recently seen the same situation. According to experts, in 2010, Moscow's leading companies set up to 1 square kilometer of stretch ceiling each month.

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October 23rd


by Tam

Rooms must be ventilated for a short time, but intense. All windows and doors should be opened. Short and intensive aeration will not dissipate the heat from the walls, so that heat loss will be small. Slightly open window – this is not an adequate alternative to extensive disclosure within a short period of time. 10. If your home is severely infected with mildew – the only solution is to induce experimental assistance.

In many cases, was reported positive effects of moving from raw and ‘musty’ dwellings in the building without similar problems. 11. Ventilate wet clothes before you hide it. 12. Not Keep the room dried flowers and wreaths, which often contain mold. 13. Avoid use of pillows, mattresses and furniture, rubber filled with foam, as they sweat musty.

14. It was found that the combination of these ‘Simple’ techniques such as more frequent opening of windows, lack of unheated rooms in the building in winter, the lack of drying clothes indoors, current repairs of cranes, a higher standard of cleaning, increased ventilation bathroom and a smaller number of potted plants, can lead to a significant decrease in the concentration of mold spores in the air is contaminated by fungi premises. 15. In patients with atopic dermatitis symptoms eased after the move to less raw space. In the case of asthma reported a similar effect – a decrease of drug treatment and improvement in lung function among asthmatics who moved into the room with a better indoor environment and is well ventilated. Remember, to prevent mold growth is much easier and cheaper than removing the fungus and eliminate the consequences of defeat and even more difficult get rid of Shashel! RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SELECTION biocide in shops and markets can be found through various means, claimed as a means of combating biovreditelyami and protection from them.

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October 19th


Petersburg Building
by Tam

Now for the important repair work such as carrying out electrical work very hard to find a decent man who would quickly coped with this task. Such work as the repair of apartments St. Petersburg today is not the complexity – a sufficient range of various building materials and the use of the latest building technologies to help carry out the repair without any problems and just in time. The need for repair and electrical work occurs most often because of obsolescence of buildings. This process is accelerated because of our failure to meet certain rules for its operation, which entails the loss of its functional characteristics. But in each case, whether home or office, the person who entered into the premises for the first time are likely to evaluate it, and therefore the master of his aesthetic qualities.

A rapid prosperity and organizations doing business depends largely on the experiences regular customers and business partners. So smart leaders are constantly paying attention to his work as the buildings. An integrated approach – very acceptable way. After plastering and finishing works include a sufficient set of interim procedures. Any plumbing work in St. Petersburg is now necessary to give all his attention. This is necessary in order to in any building work it was comfortable for everyone. Thus, wiring, plastering and plumbing work must be carried out in parallel.

These works involve many different procedures: installation plumbing, installation of wiring, sockets and so on. Be sure that these works will be carried out very highly skilled workers. Main – come for help to connoisseurs, are well within the state proven in the domestic market organization, rather than working on a masters. Need some reassurance, and insurance against mistakes. Laying of tiles and flooring in St. Petersburg – a process that should accompanied by continuous monitoring. Depending on the characteristics of the buildings use different upgrades and new practices. This may be as common styling, and art with decorative elements. Well-known organization offering a full range of work, constantly updated list of building materials and technologies. Market introduction of new equipment has given more positive innovations in the repair and plumbing. We guarantee all our customers unsurpassed quality and indivdualny approach. Reliability and responsibility – the main advantages of cooperation with professionals.

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October 18th


National Olympic Committee
by Tam

In 1938, she began to be used for broadcast television and became the emblem of the Soviet television for many years. By analogy with were built water pumping and radio tower, lighthouses and more than 200 steel plants. Tower was declared a monument of architecture and engineering. Masterpiece architectural art protected by the state. Technology development, begun brilliant engineer, is actively continuing.

And today Metal can implement the most ambitious in conception architectural projects, such as a ski resort on flat terrain. Better mountains can be Kaluga region. Here are preparing for the opening of a unique project – a real ski resort. No mountains in Kaluga? That’s right, it is heart of the Russian Plain. But the skiing here could be as early as this winter.

Thanks to modern metalwork. A key element of one of a kind project that was created for one of the largest Russia building structures – Kalugaglavsnabstroy “- an artificial slope length of 108 meters and a width of 45.7, with an overall length of the slope is 300 meters. A base of “mountains” – five-story building. This hotel is 84 rooms, rent restaurants, lobby bar and a spa. The complex will operate this platform, in addition, there are modern facilities for the production of snow, but because of Kaluga ski resort can be athletes and holiday 12 months a year. According to the chairman of the National Olympic Committee of Russia, Leonid Tyagachev, in the future complex “Kwan” could become a base for training jumpers jumping and snowboarding.

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October 18th


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