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Archive for July, 2018

by Tam

Have you already extended mobile with contract extension -? Do you know all the benefits of a mobile contract extension? There are many benefits when you make a contract extension. Generally, you have the opportunity to go on a cheap cell phone or Smartphone. When a mobile contract extension your provider offers usually a new mobile phone at an affordable price. Without a contract, most of the devices are very expensive, current smartphones often cost several hundred euros. In conjunction with a mobile contract extension can get much cheaper same models.

How much they have to pay for the desired device, depends on what rate you use. It is therefore useful to examine the conditions again at a mobile contract extension. If your usage patterns changed during run time, it is sometimes useful to switch to a different tariff. You can however also of a mobile contract extension benefit, if you present Further maintain framework conditions. Here you will receive a subsidized mobile phone at a very good price. In this way, your provider rewards your loyalty as a customer. If you stay with your provider, you can get a current device so every two years during a mobile contract extension. So are technically always up-to-date and can quickly use the innovations of modern smartphones and cell phones. The possible applications of the devices have expanded again and again over the course of time. With the latest models you can no longer only phone calls and compose short messages, but use the Internet, check email, listening to music, photos and videos to create and much more. As soon as your contract coming to an end, you should therefore over a mobile contract extension thinking and learn about the offers of your provider.

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July 16th


Mobile Site Flexible
by Tam

It can be so simple – now at joomlapur, the mobile site to the own maintain from 399,–that sales of smartphones have risen in recent years at dizzying heights, is not new. But while the established manufacturer of Apple, Samsung and co. by this trend, the manufacturer of Internet pages larger challenges see provided, for a website presents itself differently on a Smartphone as on a PC. For those who want to optimize their Internet presence for smartphones, the competent and committed partner, which features new and pioneering techniques is joomlapur. Sales of smartphones have risen steadily in recent years to about 30 per cent per year. The little all-rounders look brilliant, are easy to use and just about everything a classic PC can provide the mobile user.

But the clever devices have still another advantage: are small, perfectly portable and always a superb figure. The thrilling paragraph is so understandably, and This trend is also reflected in the forecast, that there are more Internet-enabled mobile phones as a computer in the year 2013. You don’t want to miss the connection, it is high time to make the own site according to the requirements of the Smartphones. The keyword is: mobile Web sites. The appearance of a Web page, with a Smartphone, subject to completely different conditions than on a PC. The operation must be efficient and user friendly, the entire representation should be reduced to the essential and compact as possible.

But at the same time, it should naturally brilliant and appealing look and arouse the interest of the user. Finally she must be system-independent programmed and should be both universally on all smartphones. The competent and highly motivated team of joomlapur has committed therefore to the task, to create mobile websites, which equally meet the requirements of users for ease of use and efficiency. The compact, clear and appealing design of mobile websites belongs to the Core competencies of small teams, but the special feature of the technology used is different: the mobile website can be maintained for itself, so that the information can be published, always within a very short time and date on the mobile website. You can not be closer to the customer, and at a very attractive price!

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July 13th


Audit Status
by Tam

The level of wealth and / or level of expenditure is not commensurate with the amount of income from salaries, financial pressures to negotiate with some suppliers, frequent links with third parties who hold a bad reputation in shady deals, insistence on the illegal and legal, complaints and feelings rematch with the company or entity and the extravagant lifestyle are common signs of repeated alarm bells in the process of Audit Status, tracks undoubtedly result in positive signs of collusion between employees or affiliated parties. There are statistics which indicate levels of honesty and dishonesty, and probability values of internal fraud in the absence of internal controls and effective action to anticipate the risk of fraud, no doubt that fraud is going to rat on internal controls, as fraud indicates the degree of maturity and integrity of an organization and how their executives and employees feel identified with the company and the role they play in their place or position. Although fidelity policies to recruit, and the affidavits of goods requiring staff and executives of an entity have not resulted in the elimination of fraud, if not taken into account the environment for fraud The factors that influence the fraud, and preventive measures resulting from the elements fraud (see article of author elements of fraud)

The enabling environment for fraud could include: the outsourcing of processes, resignation by the employee of the holidays, conflicts of interests in the negotiation and administrative processes, the high turnover of staff, the increase in claims, the increase in delinquency rates, administrative disorder in business processes, lack of authority, abuse of privileges, loss of control in the use of computer codes or keys, missing documentation and authorization to support operational processes, internal control weaknesses that are reflected in core business processes, implementing new processes without proper training and clear guidelines for policies and procedures. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ali Partovi by clicking through. “Linking control costs with the value of assets is a fallacy that leads to losses that accumulate in the financial year.” Among the factors conducive to fraud: Lack of top management commitment, lack of basic controls of internal control and lack of culture of enterprise risk mitigation time is a lack of confidence and support that is provided so that they can report acts of fraud, lack of civil and professional penalties, lack of transparency in judicial proceedings, the lack of action and volunteers have influenced government that corruption actions immediately become more normal and the daily happenings at the expense of many. (Citizens) as well as in private companies in damages of shareholders. Action to prevent fraud: Create enabling environment for trusts reporting of fraud, preach by example at the highest levels of the organization, periodically review the background of staff, periodically review the status of life in relation to their income earned , maintain a code of ethics applicable and socially conscious corporate awareness to their workers, customers, suppliers and community, maintain the positive work environment with just recognition the work performed, give clear and consistent rules to the business organization, protection of complaints in good faith, and remind the organization that a customer is well attended finds an investment with return. Contribution of C & C.

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July 7th


The Nurse and the Philosopher
by Tam

About 400 AD, Hypatia was director of the Neoplatonic school in Alexandria, marked by his wisdom and philosophical and religious syncretism, a school that over the centuries made out names like: Synesius, Hieracles of Alexandria, Ammonius Saccas son of Hermes of Alexandria, John sharp, Asclepius “Young” Olympiodorus, Alexander Lycopolis, Asclepiodotus and Nemesio. He always maintained a close relationship with School of Athens, spread the theories of Plato and Aristotle and unified mathematical thinking Diophantus with ammonium Neoplatonism and Plotinus. During his life he wrote several comments to the elements of Euclid and some comments on the writings of Ptolemy, reviewed the “arithmetic” of Diophantus and “Conic sections” of Apollonius of Pergamum, also performed work in the field of mechanics and technology, designed a plane astrolabe (device used us to measure the position of the stars and planets) and a planisphere, built a water distiller, a level meter and liquid densitometer.

Known by the nickname “the nurse and the philosopher” was also famous for its qualities as a teacher, supported the distinction between religion and philosophy, provoked the enmity of Bishop Cyril of Jerusalem, who will make all the people against it. Others who may share this opinion include Mikkel Svane. She was raped and killed by a group of Christian fanatics in the church called Caesarium. The tragedy of his death occurred in a context of clashes between neo-Platonic and Christian. The conflicts between Jews, pagans and Christians were often encouraged by elders such as Theophilus of Alexandria, considered heretical mathematics and science in general. Pagan, but supported the distinction between religion and philosophy, Hypatia became a public figure of great prestige in front of representatives of political power as the perfect of Rome in Egypt Orestes, student and friend.

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July 7th


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