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Archive for August, 2017

The Life
by Tam

When a tree if curve ahead of the secular fort and if leave to fold for its devastadora force, the tree obtain to reerguer themselves as soon as pass the secular fort. If you would like to know more about Ali Partovi, then click here. Same with the shaken roots obtains to remain itself in the alive soil and. But the tree that if fold to the weather and if does not keep rigid and immovable, then is pulled out, broken to the launched way and for far with all force secular it. Thus, he is the man whom it knows to tread its way in the good and knows the moment that must be folded, in the difficult situations of the life, knows to ahead place in flexible way them difficulties and circumstances of the life. It will survive to pass the experience for the others, will survive to know that the life is made of strong and dry climates. But when if it does not recognize and it does not demonstrate a little of goodness, humildade ahead the values of the humanity, then is dragged for the first hurricane that passes, and is broken in the abyss of social exclusion. The ilibada, ethical and ascetic life can helping in them in ' ' problemas' ' of necessity and will. We can consider the necessities and wills as spaces to be filled and worked for virtues as the proper freedom.

We can choose the reflection as half to arrive at a thought free and ethical, capable to make choices with rationality. We can consider the ethical reflection here as an expressive act concrete of the virtuous rationality of the human being. To be called reflection thus, we think that it can leave of the root of the thing, of deepest. To leave of the root and the deep one of the being, it can be that it is necessary it human being to have sensitivity.

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August 11th


Free Browser Based Online Game
by Tam

Crossroads of the Worlds – a free browser based online game, new to the Internet project is not yet a year old, but already it draws from all of the real world and invites them to comprehend this fantastic world of Virtual For Varkross most players, the nickname given fans of the project has become a place where they found the real, proven fighting friends, found the second half and put together the knot, feeling close to a decent, loving man and a shoulder on which you can rely on in time of emergency, as in this fascinating universe, and on the other side of the screen Every fight is a truly unforgettable experience (up to 20 players beginning of the battle, or 10 soldiers from each side. Where you'll see such large-scale slaughter, and the more they will be able to participate? Believe me – nowhere ). The fight generated a very balanced, and the opposing team you must find a player whose forces do not exceed your requirements, thus giving each team a chance to win. There are nice utility (snacks, great add-on), such as "cart shopkeeper, enabling you need to buy scrolls and Mana Recovery X directly during the battle, if you forget to do this before. Shadow (master replicas) arising near the enemy and your ally, not giving him a chance at salvation, the smell of blood on the battlefield, the wild cries of the dying, hiring intervene in the battle, in order to reverse the outcome of the massacre and battle your opponent, all this and more will not make you bored for a minute

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August 4th


Yaroslavi Entertainment
by Tam

You are going to an ancient Russian city of Yaroslavl. On vacation, at work or travel – it's not important. Where to stay up at night? Here's a question that touches everyone. Yaroslavl is a golden ring of Russia, so he does not suffer lack of tourists, especially foreigners. For them, the city built a few 4-star hotel, well, the rest of the hotel, too, want to attract maximum visitors to their desired. In this regard, there is a problem big prices hotel room in any hotel. What is the alternative? Rent an apartment. Price an apartment is always less than the cost of a similar room at the hotel.

See, what better rent an apartment or room? apartment on the day Yaroslavl price from 550 to 2,500 rubles, the presence of food in the apartment, a wide selection of apartments, including the historic city center, providing reports; to meet w / train station; provision of taxi services at a lower price, Ladies and Gentlemen! I would like to invite you to our great city of Yaroslavl, where this summer will mark 1,000 years since the founding of the city! And so I encourage those who want to come to our city for a great feast for the earlier worry about booking a hotel or rent an apartment for a day! As the saying goes Prepare sleighs in summer and winter bike! Come be fun! Welcome to our beautiful city will be happy to meet you! We offer daily rental apartments for those who respect themselves and take your money. Yaroslavl – one of the most beautiful cities in the country. This peculiarity of the "Golden Ring of Russia" has started a history of about 1000 years ago, when Rostov, Prince Yaroslav the Wise founded at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl fortress city, naming it after himself. Yaroslavl was to protect the approaches to the largest city of Rostov then Great. For several centuries, Yaroslavl grown from a small outpost in the big city, which became a center of culture and commerce of the ancient state. By the number of churches and monasteries, he competed with the capitals many principalities. And its good geographical position has allowed to become the largest item of trade routes. Yaroslavl through trade routes in the Eastern countries (the Volga) and Europe (through Arkhangelsk).

Many merchants had to City of their monastery. Was highly developed crafts, fishing, iconography, architecture. High rate was under construction. By the XVII century Yaroslavl in population came in second place in the country, giving Moscow alone. Do not lag behind in their development and the arts. At the end of XVII century was opened in Yaroslavl, Russia's first public theater. With the founding of St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl lost the value of the main trade route from the West, but began to develop as an industrial center.

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August 4th


Bad Habits For Data Warehousing
by Tam

To some it may seem strange that in this article some of the common habit of database administrators are defined as "harmful." However, given the critical nature of most of the data and possible damage to which can lead to loss or damage, it is easy to understand, such habits are really dangerous. Unfortunately, they are quite common among database administrators, but fortunately, by following certain rules, they are You can get rid of. It's like when quitting smoking, most importantly take the first step, acknowledging the very existence of the problem, and then follow inexorably towards its goal. The following are the most dangerous habits, are some Rules for abandoning them. Samsung Electronics can provide more clarity in the matter. "We believe in the backup" Blind faith – it's convenient, but not when it comes to backup the database.

Trust can only be a backup after the database was successfully from it restored. Rules: Test your backups in several ways. Do not trust one testu.Sozdavayte copy backups. Administrators should always use at least two backup methods. For example, create a backup copy on disk, and then save a copy on tape, in addition make a backup of AI-arhivov.Proveryayte backups.

Restore the backup and rolled on her AI-files for day, it proves that the backup files, and AI-not povrezhdeny.Testiruyte recovery process as often as possible. One of the signs that the busy administrator, or his priorities wrong display is that during the quarter there was a test restore. Testing the recovery process will confirm that your backup strategy and restore true, or to identify deficiencies that need to be correct.

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August 2nd


Internal Site Optimization
by Tam

Internal optimization Catching promotion, the first question. which occurs in the web designer, where to get links. Large role in the number of links are internal links. In making the internal links are very important role is an internal website optimization. visitors love it when everything is simple and clear as they can in one click to get the right information. Proper internal linking give you a great otkryvaemost pages, search engines are interested in pages on which a lot of links, even from your own site.

1. Site map. It now goes on sitemap.xml, though this resource to search engines is very important. We'll talk about this page on your site, as site map. First of all, I would like to stress the importance of this move to increase the attractiveness to visitors. From this page you need to do all the links on your pages strategically osobovazhnye site. Wrong location is a link to another web site would lead the visitors. 2.

The most frequently asked questions. This item will be very helpful to your visitors to pass through the site, in poiskeneobhodimoy for them information. After visiting here, they receive immediate assistance, while the rate for polucheniyainformatsii very important. 3. Linke similar materials. It is very convenient at the bottom of the article, after its logical conclusion, to print a list of similar materials, list of the best articles. Similar in meaning they may be of interest to visitors and they will pass on the link to your page, rather than go to another site.

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August 2nd


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