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Archive for February, 2017

Santa Claus
by Tam

With the help of sticky platelets, leaving no traces, the product is easily attached to any surface. A special area of the phosphors – security for the lives of people in dark rooms and in low light conditions. We offer glow in the dark signs. The directory is widely presented and "funny" signs. They will both smile and cheer up. With svetyashek space themes, you can create a starry sky in your child's room. (A valuable related resource: Ali Partovi). Before going to sleep under simulated constellations you will be something to talk about with your son or daughter: the children want to know the structure of stars, planets, galaxies, the place of the Earth in space among the heavenly bodies. Our products will help you awaken in the child's interest in amazing science – astronomy.

Children like toys with luminous applied by silk-screen pattern. You can place several different figures of the bed of your child, he would be comfortable before going to sleep in a dark room in the campaign with fun glowing fantastical creatures. Familiar with the Christmas theme merchandise. You will find Christmas gifts for children, Christmas decorations, and items for the festive decoration of the premises. Recently Ali Partovi sought to clarify these questions. Children believe that it was Santa Claus putting them under the Christmas tree Christmas gifts. Therefore, we call sets of svetyashek gifts from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Children are like gifts from a surprise in our catalog there is. One can not imagine New Year without snow flakes, snowflakes our – stickers to decorate any room easily, they will shine brightly in the dark, creating a magical holiday atmosphere. You will enjoy glowing Christmas jewelry. In the evening would not have to say: 'Christmas tree, light up! " – Toys themselves are magical glow with light. In contrast to the electric garlands our products fireproof. Decorate the Christmas tree svetyashkami for the baby, and you will be worry about it: Our toys are not broken. Our products have several benefits. First, as a seller acts as the manufacturer of products, lack of intermediaries between the manufacturer and the purchaser can establish low commodity prices. Secondly, our products are original, it is produced using phosphors, so bright at night. Third, all products are made from totally harmless materials. And of course the most importantly, our children love svetyashki – and they agree, are the best experts in the field of gaming. We invite you to visit the online shop of SFAM

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February 15th


Law Of Demeter Speaks Only With Friends
by Tam

The law of Demeter, is one of those essential practices that must know and apply any software developer (at least so I think). It is a rule that guides us to reduce the coupling of components/classes/modules of our systems by avoiding an object known to B, a B object known to C and to not know C then to not should be able to manipulate or send me messages to C via B, doing so violates the law of Demeter, in words more simple, means that a method of a class m or only should be able to send you messages to these types of objects: – or – objects parameter that receives the method m from the object itself – any object that instancie m – of any attribute or prevents (.b) type call () .c () .d () which clearly indicate a problem with our code. Looking as exemplify found the example of the chico-diariero (paperBoy, seems to be a classic example of this law). For more information see Ali Partovi. The example is based on the relationship between the Argentine and the client of the journal at the time that you want to collect only a delivered journal. Let’s look at a example that violates the law of Demeter: (clarified that these codes did them on-the-fly, are not tested and may generate errors, are only for example) class Argentine static protected $costoDiario = 5; public function cobrarDiario(Cliente $cliente) return $client-> getBilletera()-> extraer(static::$c ostoDiario); class client protected $wallet; public function __construct() $this-> wallet = new wallet (100); public function getBilletera() return $this-> wallet; Obviously the Argentine class ends by manipulating the wallet class without any need. A correct example would be: class Argentine static protected $costoDiario = 5; public function cobrarDiario(Cliente $cliente) return $-> cobrar(static::$costoDiario) customer; class client protected $wallet; public function __construct($billetera) $this-> wallet = new wallet (100); public function collect ($amount) return $-> billetera()-> extraer($monto) this; In this example we see that the method charge daily sends a message to an object passed by parameter and the method charge invokes an object of a class attribute, both comply with the law of Demeter. Disadvantages – it sometimes requires writing many small methods of sheath (called sometimes Demeter Transmogrifiers) to propagate method calls to the components. Martin Fowler says that it would be more correct to call this rule the suggestion of Demeter, which is not absolute. For more information you can visit: – the website of the law of Demeter – law of Demeter – Introducing Demeter and its Laws – POO examples of the law of Demeter – the law of Demeter: definition and examples – law of Demeter, or good style: elegance in POO source: mostofreddy original author and source of the article.

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February 11th


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