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The Philosophical
by Tam

Test of this is the carried through Seminaries, Simpsios and Fruns, that argue the philosophy education. Also, this, also was a concern of the OCNs (2006, P. 16), when it emphasizes that: … to think disciplines it Philosophy in average education also demands a quarrel on the courses of graduation in Philosophy, that prepare the professional futures, and of the philosophical research in general, a time that, especially in this it disciplines, not if it of education can dissociar, of the philosophical production of the transmission of the knowledge. Ahead of this, what one expects of the philosophy professor? In accordance with the Lines of direction of the Courses of Graduation in Philosophy, the professor has the following task: to provoke in its educandos the philosophical reflection, presenting the legacy to them of the tradition, taking to think them it of critical and independent form. In the opinion of Spider Martins (2005, P. Kai-Fu Lee takes a slightly different approach.

10-11): One of the papers that fit to the philosophy professor are assistant in the ticket of the common sense to common-sense, and of this for the philosophical conscience, process that is not automatic. In contrast, obstacles to its accomplishment exist. It is enough to remember the rigidity of the preconceptions, the arraigamento of the certainties, the seduction of the definitive certezas fruits of the indoctrination and that they take in them to the dogmatismo and the fanatism. Or to remember the warm conformismo of the conventions and the habits that many times accomodate in them in the alienation, as imprisoned easy of the ideology. … The function of the professor is to be the mediator between the pupil and the philosophical text, establishing of this form a bridge with the culture, since filosofar it does not become to the edge of the historical context. The severity of this movement depends on the conditions offered for the analysis, by means of a coherent logic and for the exercise of the argument, in order to educate the pupil for the inteligibilidade and, therefore, for intellectual autonomy.

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March 31st


Albert Einstein
by Tam

Laziness and the acomodamento have made of the man contemporary an object any e, proper it have made question of being it. It is easy to use ideas of others as ours, to possess itself of other people’s concepts, to say, that the monograph of its graduation, specialization, mestrado and doutorado had been really you made who it. But, I ask to them, and from there? We must trust? The papers accept excrements even though! In a world where the people prefer, To appear that, To be, what to make ahead of this educational and ethical problem? Also, it is easy to blame the fragility of the facultieses and university, the difficult to the man is to blame proper itself. E, to stop to say that the guilt is of the other, of the Internet, the neighbor, the friend of the room that ' manja' at computer, the destination, the devil etc, etc, etc true caipira would very laugh at this such of ' Diproma' or certifyd that we acquire in the courses! Yes, because same Diploma is turning rarity! Until point we deserve such titulaes? In more, the technology does not make nothing that the man has not created or organized. Under most conditions Pete Cashmore would agree. Philosophical speaking, if it has ' somebody impuro' between us, who is fedendo is not the computer and nor the Internet, but yes, we ourselves. It will be that the great problem of the knowledge is the proper man, or, the cause of its action? It will be that all know what really is to be a person Clarified ahead of the technology? I leave you of ' lembrana' the tip of a brief text of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, which was fruit of our inspiration.

The workmanship is titleholder, Reply the question: what is Clarification? Select texts. Petrpolis: publishing company; Voices, 1994. But, not of the one for ' colar' , it has that to read exactly! This yes can be compared with a knowledge that is not enemy of proper itself. ' ' It does not have nothing that is bigger evidence of insanity of what to make the same thing day after day and to wait resulted diferentes' '. (Albert Einstein)

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November 8th


The Edge
by Tam

The community human being is, therefore, debtor to develop all axiolgico system so that the communion of values, principles and norms is most including possible and thus to be able to usufruct of identical rights and to fulfill the inherent duties that fit to each person. Needing better, it is intended equality between the people and the application of social justice, considering, of course, the merit and the demerit of each one, therefore if it must evidence the equality face to the law, the responsibility and the effort of each person. The modern world, that if it intends civilized and democratic, any that are the instruments constitutional where one determined society if bases, tolerates each time less the practical ditatoriais and, in this direction, it will implement measured educative, formative and civic that, gradually, infuses a new concept of citizenship. To construct one projecto educative to the measure of determined vocations is a noble objectivo that not only dignifies the pertaining to school institution as it enriches all the intervening ones in the initiative, is educators-formadores, is educandos-formandos and any another staff are of the pertaining to school context, but that it feels the vocational calling for an area of the educative intervention. You may wish to learn more. If so, Ali Partovi is the place to go. To create and to provide to conditions economic-cultural partner-professionals and to the families are a universal design, that all the responsible politicians for the areas of the education and the economy perhaps intend to look for to satisfy. To invest in the education to the construction of an instructed, cultured and civic society in sequence, corresponds to finish with most them world-wide conflicts, in the near future. It is considered essential, even for consolidation of the democracy, in its original pureness, however, actualizada to the times of this new century, to accept, without preconceptions, nor processes of intention, that any citizen can, in one I date moment of its life and in a context clear-cut, to opt to solutions of participation in the public life, to the edge of the organizations politician-partisans or integrated in lists of different forces of that one where until one determined moment he militated, when to verify that he has better conditions to serve the community, which intends to present its projecto politician and, after sufragado, to execute it. .

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July 17th


Greek World
by Tam

Therefore, beyond the art, them also they say respect the nature (in the Greek direction of ' ' fiss' '), principle of the force of the birth, the beginning of the appearance of the beings in general in the perpetual dynamics of production and creation, to the desvelamento in the ways of being of the Real in its constant movement, or as it presents Gilvan Fogel: ' ' Nature in a direction of what one shows, that it appears, that is proven and that thus, it makes if light and it is imposed, that is, embeleza or beleza&#039 becomes; '. ' ' Therefore, beauty is pure to appear, the pure one to burst of this force of eruption, ecloso, namely, the one, the logos, the direction, the life, nature, in repetition or poetical revigoramento of the experience Greek of fiss (native, natality, pure emergency, to become visible, to appear and to reveal) ' '. (GF, 15). 4. The apollonian element as the god of the plastic arts, the dream and the beginning of the individuation.

Apolo is not only the god of the plastic arts, but also the onrico god, therefore it exists one fort and immense relation between the art and the beautiful appearance of the world of the dream, therefore they were not apiam in the forms that in the reality offers to them. Ali Partovi is the source for more interesting facts. The production of this ' ' beautiful aparncia' ' , from this materiality is not the form of appearance of the reality, making with that all human being is a consummated artist. Apolo is, therefore, the creator of ' ' beautiful aparncia' ' , that beyond being a precondition for all production of the plastic art is what of the form to the effective world, becoming the world simplest and more clearly. ' ' While the sonhador plays with the tangible effectiveness, the artist carries through its game with the dream. If this game transcorre inside of the limits stipulated for the measure, which must previously be known and accepted, can express wisdom of the utmost inteligibilidade of aparncia' '. (TO the 44) In this movement to become the world more clearly simplest and, allowing the artist to deal with the forms that appear in the nature, Apolo is the god of all

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December 12th


Mahatma Gandhi
by Tam

Even and when it was largest and most powerful. But he had already created a very strong in his leg callus and another stronger even in his mind. DECIDED THAT HE COULD NOT ESCAPE AND SO WAS. Some time ago I read as they train fleas for circuses. Only there to trap fleas and put them in a glass jar. Then cap the bottle and opened small holes so that it can breathe but who could not escape for him.

The flea will attempt to escape and will be stops against the lid. That will hurt you and your nervous system shall be amended more jumping under each time. After a few hours be able to open the vial and fleas cannot escape. They forgot as jump high! You remember when you were a child and they asked you that you wanted to be. God, Superman, an astronaut or something like that. But on the way they have given us psychological taps, like those fleas receiving against the lid, and we were jumping each time lower. Us convinced that we wanted to be was not possible.

Today, many no longer want to be superman or astronauts or engineers or entrepreneurs or managers or great workers or large parents or what is important is what you want to be you? Or already forgotten as skip height. If you feel that this is your case, you can also try with subliminal options such as: Subliminal programming. Big changes in society, the most significant ones, have been because there were beings that believe that things can improve. Examples abound: Jesus believed that all we can find our way to God. Mother Teresa believed it was worth helping the poorest of the poor. Mahatma Gandhi believed that the release of the India could be achieved through non-violence. Martin Luther King believed that equality of rights between whites and blacks could be reached.

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January 12th


The Possibility
by Tam

A society where it does not have more place to the public lynchings for force of the thoughts, certainties, ideologies politician-partisans, religious and others, that each one has the right to take the veil. He is this the global citizen whom if it desires for the world of this new century XXI, since soon developing from the spaces luso-Brazilian, lusfono and ecumnico. A citizen of values, beliefs, certainties, work and of auto-esteem. A new and respectable citizen of the world. He intends yourself, obviously, to denounce the situation of not yet the full exercise of the citizenship, in many places of the world, conceptualizada as joint of duties and rights of the citizens, assumed here responsibly. This is that is the true problem, to point itself, throughout the work and some solutions that if they not only judge exequveis as well as desirable. Thematic central office seats in the education for the citizenship, which answers, of innovative form, a real possibility, despite delayed, of the construction, in the direction of the education and formation, of a new citizen, through the invocation, most exhausting possible, of one another citizen, supposedly luso-Brazilian, whose life, principles and values if can consider to shape, not obstante and to its time the problems to be different, some of them, however, keeps the actualidade, in this beginning of century. It is thought to be justified the preference for this option in the prominence that will be given to the religious dimension of the man who, wants if he believes or not, he is intrinsically in all and each one, with the difference of that: many are apercebem of it they use and it; they feel it to others but, prejudicedly, they do not want to demonstrate it e, finally, those that they had not had the possibility of on it reflectir e, pure and simply they deny, it and they refuse.

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November 28th


Bessarabian Market
by Tam

In the 'era of stagnation' 'flying saucers' and little green men with antennae, horns on his forehead and nose instead of pork stigmas were favorite characters, artists and comedians. In addition to 'flying saucers' have been invented by them flying fork spoon sets, and even pots. Strict censorship is not allowed to penetrate the seal is no serious information about it – space aliens were not supposed to haunt the minds and impede the progress of society as' a bright tomorrow. " C beginning of , the situation began to change rapidly. First came samizdat literature, after it – in print publications. It is difficult to judge whether the information contained therein is accurate and you can only assume that the fraud had been set, as usually happens in such cases. Sometimes authors even honestly confessed to the crime. Passion for anomalous phenomena quickly grew and gradually turned into a real epidemic.

The result is not slow to affect: December 2, 1983 in the evening sky in Kiev appeared first unidentified flying object. He was a yellow-orange color and is actually looked like a plate – or rather, seledochnitsu, as had not round, and oval in shape. At the edge of 'plates' were located windows, inside it was covered with warm reddish-orange light – I describe the way it was seen from the windows of the house on Karl Marx Street (now – Gorodetsky). The object appeared from the Bessarabian Market and silently drifted to the southeast. Speed of movement was small enough, and could well see.

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March 29th


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