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Archive for September, 2013

Defense Base
by Tam

THE shot as ATHLETIC preparation:-most important objectives: develop jump, increase attack power and injury prevention. Organization of the rotation 1 attack attack: from the reception: can be planned in advance, according to the modifications offered at the time the rival and the limitations of our team. Also is scheduled in the week of work 2 attack of transition: from the defense: is more a response to a particular situation at the time and is therefore more spontaneous schema linear and combinations outline linear: are fundamental formations of attack, with direction of parallel career of attackers. It is schema type is simple quick and orderly. Its strong points are: 1 – attacks parallel with efficiency, speed. 2 Sum always one line fullback 3 – best possibility of output for the K2 scheme of combination:(no para principiantes) 1 sequential parallel 2 sequence crusade lock is the first line of Defense of the team.

-It is a very explosive maneuver that has several functions. First the lock function is to intercept a ball of attack, either by returning it to the opposite field (called a blocking point) or taking the ball up and back to the area of defence (called soft blocking) (taken) – another important function of the blockade is to make display in certain areas of the field, influencing the direction of the attack of the opponent and thus reducing the area of the field that the Defense Base must cover. LOCK types: Neutral: vertical hands and arms at the network level. DEFENSIVE: neutral, but the palms of the hands facing up. Contact with the ball is intended to facilitate the defence of 2nd line. OFFENSIVE: total penetration of hands to another field. Hands form a greater angle toward the place of contact. This type of blocking can be passive (static hands and arms) or active (action at the level of hombros-brazos – forearm-hands of greater penetration in field opposite to the sense of contact with the ball).

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September 30th


Digital Video Disc
by Tam

DVD will be presented (Digital Video Disc), in which it will contain the program of learning with the video-lesson inserted, together with emends elaborated, that it is in format pdf, available in the site of the learning program. The main objective was to provide a resource more in the learning of who will be to operate these softwares, with clarifying videos and one emends of easy interpretation. 3,5 PROGRAMS OF PROCESSING the programs of processing of the collected rude data during the mensurao for the geomensor, come to assist these professionals in the question of a fast and trustworthy ascertainment of the procedures carried through in field. For each model of receiver GNSS it has an available software for the processing of the data previously collected. Amongst the most known in the country, and that they will be boarded in this work, they are: GNSS Solutions, TGOffice, Leica Geoffice and Topcon Tools.

Another available tool for the calculation of the transport of coordinates, and that also it will be demonstrated in videos through the learning program, is the Positioning for Necessary Point, also known as PPP, a resource that meets available in the site of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). These programs are of simple manuscript and easy learning. It has as function to carry through statistical tests and to process the inserted data in them for the user. After this processing, is carried through by each software the adjustment of these comments, and then a report of this adjustment is generated. Through the gotten results, the quality of the vectors and processed coordinates can be made the analysis of the survey and be verified. 4 PRESENTATION OF the PROGRAMS OF PROCESSAMENSTO GNSS to follow, the analyses of the processings and the manuscript of the main used programs, currently, in the geodesic universe. 4,1 TGOFFICE As study object, was used version 1.60 of the TGOffice program (Trimble Geomatics Office).

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September 18th


Master Maria Jose Education
by Tam

Academic Gilda Carla de Jesus Hisses Academic Talita Orienting Menezes Saints: Master Maria Jose de Azevedo Araujo SUMMARY To if thinking about how much the communication relations gifts in the world contemporary come if becoming complex, is each more well-known time the necessity of the use of the technology in the education, therefore this, when taking the technologies as education resources, becomes one of main the responsible ones for the formation of citizens capable to interact in critical and reflexiva way with the technology that is each more present time in the daily one of the same ones. In this perspective, the present work considers to analyze it the process of teaching and learning technological alfabetizao, arguing its relevance and contribution for the practical one of a coherent education with the new educational requirements, taking in consideration excellent aspects such as: new technologies, education contemporary, formation of professors, digital inclusion, amongst others. With intention to establish a study theoretician on the thematic one in question, this work bases itself on a qualitative research of the bibliographical type, under the literature revision on the subject. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Alfabetizao, technology, education. ABSTRACT When someone thinks about the contemporaneous worldwide communication relationship notices that it becomes complex and the necessity of using the technology you improve the education process is noticeable, mainly because this education (when someone you use the technology a learning tool) becomes one of the most responsible key you make citizens able you interact in the critical way using the technology which exists in to their routines. In this perspective, this project was proposed you analyze the teachers and students' technological literacy process, discussing its relevance and contribution you create coherent learning practice according you the new educational requirements. It' s also remarkable that adds aspects have you be considered such: new technologies, professional capability, teacher' professional s improvement, digital inclusion, many others.

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September 11th


Traditional Midwifery
by Tam

Most recently, 150 years ago, was invited to give birth the midwife who had no medical training, and a rich experience in making deliveries. now the management of pregnancy and childbirth – the prerogative of medical professionals. In spite of this midwife in traditional areas of its activity is based not only on the received her medical education, but also on the age-old female experience. It is not often the expectant mother are important not so much the medical manipulation, as human support and information about pregnancy and childbirth. The midwife did not consider pregnancy a disease and therefore did not insist on systematic interventions by physicians without the rigid needs. Problem help their Trust women to recall the accumulated centuries of experience of childbirth, learn to feel, your intuition, your body. Therefore, the most important for midwives are not generally accepted normotivy, and a woman and her child, their well-being, both physical and emotional. Educating parents on all matters relating to pregnancy, childbirth and neonatal care, that is, information preparation for childbirth, as is the work of midwives.

It is the midwife should tell their trust on the changes occurring to her during pregnancy, the prenatal development of the baby stages of childbirth and the postpartum period features. In protssse of pregnancy midwife may well find the woman. Establish a trusting relationship with her, to understand that the woman concerned. This is not only about possible health problems, but also about psychological worries. This helps the midwife preserve the emotional state of pregnant woman in labor, to protect it from unnecessary medical intervention (stimulation, analgesia, etc.). Well knowing childbirth, the midwife can always offer her time such safe methods pain relief and correction, such as water, massage, change of posture, use of herbal medicine or homeopathy.

because of this birth with a midwife traditional areas safer. Interestingly, when administered pregnancy midwife during childbirth is much less likely to occur indications for the use of painkillers and rodostimuliruyuschih drugs, which in itself may subsequently cause various complications in the baby. operating in the same birth pregnant women, midwives were observed at the end with half less than that of other women. At birth, at birth, birth prosihodit the whole family. Realizing this midwife always privetsvtuet participation in labor pope.

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September 5th


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