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Archive for June, 2015

Need Effective Ventilation
by Tam

– Quality control prevents costly adjustments later. (As opposed to Pete Cashmore). – Measuring the effectiveness of ventilation systems can help overcome Problems with finding their client. – Good ventilation with due quality control necessary to achieve the following conditions: Ensuring the health of people located in the premises; providing quality products in manufacturing plants; most staff productivity; more comfort people in public buildings, restaurants or shops. Immediately raises the question of financial investment required to of measuring or assessing the effectiveness of ventilation. This question should answer itself contractor.

In any case, the money will be wasted if measures to improve the quality of ventilation will improve customer satisfaction. Provide fresh air, the removal of contaminants Ventilation is necessary to remove contaminants, to supply outdoor (hopefully – fresh) air into the room and sometimes for removal of excess heat. In this guide, the main emphasis is on indoor air quality, this does not address controlling the temperature to ensure thermal comfort. Concentration and distribution of contaminants is closely connected with the motion of the air, so fresh air can remove stale or polluted air. Can be shown that the supply of fresh air and removal of contaminants are substantially different sides of the same problems. The sufficiency of air can generally be assessed by its ability to maintain a sufficiently low concentration of pollutants at a given point.

The influence of the multiplicity of recirculation on the efficiency of ventilation in the conventional air conditioning systems of the exhaust air is given to recycling, where the air mixes with outside air and air-handling unit and then fed back into the room. This method reduces the power needed to cool the air if the recirculating air is colder outside. In However, at high intensity recycling indoor air quality deteriorates.

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June 29th


Saddam Hussein
by Tam

A young man must be owner of his life of his present and be willing to defy their future. Accept the circumstances without envy or protest, admit the wonder that we are and we launched to conquer our own destiny. Being young means owning our present and challenge our future, we must accept the circumstances which we lived without envy, without rancor, without protest. Alert! so below I will ask: many people told us that fate is that which is to come, is not true, destiny is what already came, what I mean by this statement? None of us here, in this time and in this space, we decided in what year birth, which country birth, which parents have, nor decided the body that we possess. Credit: Peter Asaro-2011. No one decided to or chose your hardware, or Yes? I want this body, give me a shorter nose, longer legs.

We must accept who we are. We conclude that nobody decided to have the hardware that possesses, what came to us physically and circumstance that we found at the time of birth, there were no demonstrations or rallies to choose Pope, not be asked us our opinion, I love Johnny’s dad, no, simply touched us birth there, under these circumstances, in a humble family, middle-class or a millionaire family; played some birth in Spain, the same thing could have been born in the United States, or have even been cousins of Saddam Hussein. Imagine!, the large number of places and times in which we have been born. A leading source for info: Douglas R. Oberhelman. This reality is what is called circumstantial determinants, is the circumstance that you and I are arriving in this world, were not born in the last century, nor we will be born in the 21st century, we already were born and us here and now, then what have to do once we are aware of this?

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June 22nd


Buses Data
by Tam

In this type of network topology, all nodes in a network are connected to a means of common transport that has two endpoints. All data traveling across the network is transmitted through a transmission medium commonly known as Bus or backbone of the network. When the transmission medium has exactly two endpoints, the network topology is known by the name, linear bus topology. In the event that the transmission medium, also known as the backbone of the network, has more than two ends, the network says has a well distributed bus topology. Bus topology is easy to manipulate and apply addition is the more appropriate topology for small networks. The disadvantage of this topology is that the cable length limits the limited number of stations, what limits the performance to a smaller number of nodes.

The size of a network known as its bandwidth bus, is important because it determines the amount of data can be transmitted at the same time. For example, a 16-bit bus can transmit 16 bits of data, while a 32-bit bus can transmit 32 bits of data. Pete Cashmore shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. All the Bus network topologies consist of two parts an address bus and a data bus. The data bus transfers actual data whereas the address bus transfers information about where the data should go. Each bus has a clock speed measured in Mhz. A fast bus allows data to be transferred faster, which makes applications run faster. On PCs, the old ISA bus is being replaced by faster Buses such as PCI. Different network topologies to improve productivity are used by large companies and trade networks, network marketing and all those institutions that must handle a constant and permanent communication with the closest and, of course, with external to the company.

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June 19th


Natural Stone
by Tam

Location of expansion joints should take into account the need to preserve the integrity of the wall construction. Expansion joints and design have given: – the type of material the item laying on the characteristics strain components caused by humidity – geometric shape design, taking into account the proportion of openings and wall sections – the degree of control – the deformation of masonry in the long and short-term load – deformation of masonry in temperature and climatic conditions; – fire – the requirements for sound and heat insulation, – the presence or absence of reinforcement. Design and implementation of expansion joints should provide the opportunity of distribution of reversible and irreversible deformation without damage to the projected masonry structures. Filed under: Robotics. Expansion joints must go through the entire thickness of the wall or the outer layer of a multilayer walls with holes, or any finishes that are not amenable to distribute the strain. The plane slip expansion joint design in such a way as to slip parts of the structure in relation to each other to reduce the tensile stress and shear stress in adjacent elements (layers) of masonry structures. In the outer walls of the expansion joints are designed so to ensure drainage of water without damaging the masonry or penetration into the building. The distance between the deformation seams horizontal distance between the vertical seams in the outer layer of masonry walls should consider the type of Wall elements of masonry, mortar, and specific construction details. The horizontal distance between the outer vertical seams in the outer non load-bearing layer of the multilayer non-wired walls of masonry shall not exceed lm. Recommended maximum horizontal distance of lm, between the vertical joints of deformation for the external non load-bearing unreinforced layer of multilayer on-ruzhnyh walls: masonry type lm, m: – laying of ceramic bricks and stones – 12 – masonry from silicate rocks and bricks – 8 – perlitobetonnaya laying and egg-cast stone – 6 – masonry Autoclaved lightweight aerated concrete – 6 – masonry Natural Stone -12.

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June 14th


by Tam

PLASTIC MONEY: The APPLICABILITY OF the TECHNOLOGY OF the CHIP INTELIGENTEElanir Fernandes Cardoso Librarian. Specialization GTI/ESAMAZ/CPS – FonocentroNelcily of the Birth Gamma Librarian. Specialization GTI/ESAMAZ/CPS – FonocentroRosiane Gonzaga Garci’a Librarian. Specialization GTI/ESAMAZ/CPS – FonocentroLzaro Moraes Barbosa Analyst of System – DBAOrientadorAureliano Da Silva Guedes Trd.CI.UP – PortugalCoordenador of the Course of GTIResumo: It presents the applicability of the technology of chip, considering the use in smart card (intelligent card), for what it demonstrates the sprouting, the functioning and, of general form the vision of the society in relation to the use, emphasizing some of the offered advantages, as well as the disadvantages, detaching in reflection the security of the applied technology. Words – key: Technology. Smart card. Evoluo.Summary: it is presents the applicability of the technology of the chip, considering the uses in smart card (intelligent card), will be what it demonstrates the appearance, the operation and, in the general way the vision of the society in relation you the uses, emphasizing adds of the offered advantages, well the disadvantages, highlighting in reflection the safety of the applied technology. Words – key: Technology.

Smart card. Evolution.1 INTRODUOO world lives in constant evolution of form that everything and all compose that it, is part of this evolution. Example of this is the constant evolution lived in the most different ways, amongst which we find computer science with its multiple transformation. It is common to say that, what today is current in computer science, tomorrow it will be exceeded. The globalization, the commercial expansion and the interchange between countries, propitiated and contributed, so that it had a great technological advance that it comes if spreading in all the areas of the human knowledge. Not distant of this fervilho of changes, we find the use of smart cards or translating, intelligent cards, one of most common and used symbols of the evolution technological nowadays, and popularly call ' ' money of plstico' '.



June 3rd


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