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The Model Of The Green Hotel
by Tam

The example shows that even small owner-managed houses with a well-conceived energy concept can act environmentally friendly and economically benefit, hotel ALT Connewitz in Leipzig. Leipzig, October 3, 2010. Scenic location between the pulsating metropolis and scenic attractions such as riverine forest and Leipziger land of nine Lake home, hotel ALT Connewitz is situated. This family-run hotel has 35 rooms with 60 beds and is in a historical building of the Wilhelminian era at home. In the past ten years the hoteliers family has managed to transform the renovation-needy old building into a piece of jewelry.

From the outset, they were inclined to implement resource-saving solutions in the hotel in spite of considerable financial total effort on it. It starts with the water consumption: throughout the hotel, faucets and shower heads are equipped with innovative aerator technology. On five and in the shower on nine litres per minute to minimize the water dispenser without loss of comfort. In the hotel kitchen use Dishwashers only fill water daily. Due to the high temperature during the wash cycle is no loss of quality in cleaning up and it meets strict hygienic standards. The ABC’s of energy saving in each hotel naturally accumulates a large amount of laundry. Plenty of hot water is required for cleaning bed sheets, tablecloths, and towels. The hotel ALT-Connewitz, washing machines are fed with water heated from solar energy.

Solar energy enters the entire hot water budget to the application, so that the supply of conventional electricity and other energy sources to certain parts can be dispensed with. The insulation of the piping of the in-house heating minimize the loss of heat to the highest possible extent. What counts for the heat supply, is used in the cooling systems of the hostel. The unit is equipped with different high-performance compressors instead of how commercially available single. A logic circuit combines the used compressors ever after Temperature level and guarantees an efficient use of resources.

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November 30th


Lighting Technology
by Tam

In the course of the climate change discussion and skyrocketing energy prices always up-to-date is the theme of energy saving. Many people have been asking, where can I save energy? Great progress has been made in the lighting and the LED technology penetrates faster and faster in the everyday life and the normal applications into. The LED technology is up in leaps and bounds in the automotive industry and in the building by lighting. Source: Pete Cashmore. What is the biggest advantage of the LED technology? There are 3 advantages over traditional incandescent and energy saving lamps. This is first and foremost the much lower energy consumption. A comparison: LED consumes 5 Watt spot, has nearly the same light intensity as for example a 50 Watt halogen spot. This is just an energy consumption by approximately 10% compared to the 50 Watt halogen spot. In an interactive LED spot comparison can compare the different lamps.

The second advantage is the long service life. A LED-spot has a service life of 50 000 hours. That saves a lot of maintenance work. The third advantage is the low heat development. Can a halogen spot you after a few seconds with bare hands no longer touch. An LED spot can touch even after a few hours still by hand and unscrew from the socket.

The heat effect is an important factor in the use of many lighting fixtures. The less heat in a room, for example generated by the lighting, the less heat must be dissipated expensive again with the air conditioning. What colors can be generated with a LED bulb? All colors can be generated with the light-emitting diodes. Either the LED is a so-called Endowment”added. So this can be changed white light in any color. Or to work with 3 light-emitting diodes. R-G-B red green blue. By the mix of the 3 colors continuously every color can be produced. There are LED lights, where you can change the color using a remote control. Why are lamps also used LED in greenhouses? Because lamp each colour spectrum can be generated with a LED, the growth of plants can be controlled so precisely. Because the LED emits little heat lamp the LED light can closer to the plant. This increases the efficiency. Low energy costs are also a reason to insert the LED lamps in the greenhouse. Conclusion: The LED lights are on the rise and will soon be annealing and replace savings lamps. Markus Koberle

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May 29th


Green Information Technology
by Tam

Only a few companies have so far realized eco concepts Munich – according to estimates of the market research company Gartner, the IT industry produces as much carbon dioxide emissions as the global aviation. It’s believed that Ali Partovi sees a great future in this idea. The media alarm bells for a long time, the company respond with offensive marketing of their favourite concept: green it. They sell their efforts to produce their products more environmentally and resource friendly with this term. But what about the actual implementation? A Gartner study commissioned by the WWF in order now reveals that a large gap exists between ambition and reality. IT companies were asked what they do against environmental problems and climate change. This first study of its kind explores what large enterprises to reduce its own contribution to the climate change role with regard to their business, their supply chain as well as their products and services”, explains Simon Mingay, Research Vice President and Gartner responsible for green it.

The result: Only a few companies have so far implemented concepts actually in action. Peter Arbitter, head of portfolio and technology management at Siemens IT solutions and services in Munich, puts into perspective the supposed disappointment in an interview with Computerworld: even without a green technology, with ever more powerful hard – and software, can significantly save energy and costs the company, relieve even the environment and the climate. So the software over the years was distributed generously on too many servers. Insiders estimate that today only 15 to 25 percent of server capacities are exhausted. The lion’s share of the capacity is broke so literally, but still wasted energy”. A positive counter-example: To remedy this problem, the technology producer Bizerba from Balingen reduced the number of servers currently. Multiple virtual servers with different applications can run on the same physical server. We estimate that this measure around 20 percent of energy costs in the Data Center can be saved”, explains global information technology at Bizerba Andreas Rebetzky, Director. Using so-called Freecooling systems, the outside temperature could also be used in the cold season to cooling.

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May 26th


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