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Archive for January, 2019

Social Research Institute
by Tam

Individually expandable quality characteristics enable objective assessment of interviewer the Dortmund software and consulting companies run-e has developed a software module that is tailored specifically for the market research for quality assurance. Based on this new development is a management tool for the efficient planning, management and control of market research Studios, the MR Orga suite. Based on this intelligent software solution run-e developers have designed an expansion module on the employee master data management of MR Orga suite is connected and expanded these standardized quality characteristics and evaluation possibilities. For example, the competence of the phone or the handling of the questionnaire among the standardized quality characteristics. The interviewer’s objective valuation criteria stored in the software system and scaled. These focus on the standards and quality standards of the German market and Social Research Institute (ADM) working group. Additional user-definable parameters such as, for example, soft skills is the Module complementing the stipulated ADM standards represents an extensive collection of quality labels available, and can be located also at any time individually extended.

The quality assurance tool of MR Orga suite is primarily intended for use in the phone Studio. But elsewhere, this unique software solution can be profitably employ. “So the opportunity to extend the module in addition to quality data for the personal customer contact is both for the face-to-face- and CAPI area as well as for interviews and group discussions”, Oliver Bischof, Sales Manager and head of run-e – informed Munich branch. Market Research Institute and telephone operators take advantage of not only a similar technical infrastructure, but also offer a comparable service. As the sole distinguishing feature remains thus often only the staff employed. Important regularly to check the quality of the personnel and to train the staff accordingly. By the use of quality assurance tools developed by run-e market research companies are supported in exactly this type of quality education. In addition, the software helps to guarantee a quality standard of once achieved, and thus to keep the company in the future competitive. Sebastian Palayad

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January 28th


Waterproofing And Insulating
by Tam

Yesterday my roof again poured tar and covered with roofing material. It would seem, is why these older materials are still used, due to longevity? None. Because of the efficiency? Either. Price? Perhaps, but only to her yet should add a regular salary brigade workers. Unfortunately, the only correct answer is corruption in public utilities, but not about her speech now. The fact is that in a world designed for tens if not hundreds of materials and methods waterproofing and insulation of roofs, providing all who are in the room, comfort for decades in a single day of work.

Properly executed, they improve the microclimate, reduce costs, due to heat losses (and is 40-60%), eliminate icing roofs and hanging icicles, relieve from daily duties to listen to sound of pigeons and the roar of the rain By the way, sound is also due to appear , it does not necessarily do separately. More information is housed here: technology investor. High-quality waterproofing requires tools and equipment appropriate level of qualified specialists who are familiar with the technology used. But she is also very important. It is worth noting that best technology for waterproofing – jointless, which means the application of a single material for all insulated surfaces. Such an opportunity to enjoy only those that can be sprayed evenly. Basically, it liquid rubber material, from a distance resembling tar, only much more flexible and durable, and polyurea – this material is as hard as plastic, or even harder. It is a different color, and therefore can receive from your the roof is also an aesthetic pleasure. The same can be said about the roof insulation – insulation should be based on a monolith and does not contain gaps. This effect allows to reach spraying foam on the inside of the roof. The material used is humidity resistant, hygienic, is an excellent sound insulator and solves most problems associated with the roof. I note that each of these materials tightly adheres to the surface on which apply, so do not peel or form bubbles in the moisture that falls to the destruction of the protected surface.

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January 4th


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