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Archive for December, 2012

by Tam

To achieve that a company should reflect good results (in terms of economic terms refers), it is necessary that the person who is responsible for directing the same, been thoroughly trained and take the right decisions at the moment to invest, spend, save, among other issues that are essential for success, financial, production, among other areas. A very interesting proposal for individuals entrepreneurs like you, is to perform a comparative analysis between the advantages of lease or purchase goods. It is recommended to be sure the needs of each company in particular presents and then get to make the best decision. Signing a lease agreement, granted you a temporary use on any good or service that will meet your needs as long as you need only, for example on transportation, machinery, real estate, computer equipment Office, among other needs your company may have for certain seasons. Only thus you invest in the time you need and in a manner more accessible. There is the possibility of choosing between a pure or financial leasing. The first is characterized by not having the obligation to share to the hirer on the acquired sale; While the second requires the lessee to pay other costs established by the lessor. Original author and source of the article.

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December 31st


Damasco Paint
by Tam

Varieties ATF: ATF IL DECORO FACILE – antique effect of the walls; ATF IRIDESCENTI – the effect of ancient walls with pearlescent; ATF PERLESCENTE 'LUXORY COLLECTION' – effect ancient walls, pearl effect; Antico Damasco-decorative coating with the effect of "wet silk." Coverage on the basis of specific modern materials allow to achieve the effect of 'silk', for indoor use. Antico Damasco suits to create a palace interior, as well as the interior in classic style and modern style. Flock of paint – is insoluble dry emulsion acrylic chips (flock), which are applied to the acrylic base, which acts as a glue. They may be the same color and different shades. Form when applying slightly rough, very tough, three-dimensional form on surface.

This coating consists of three layers. First, the base coat is applied – a monochrome background. Then with the gun still in uncured surface sprayed flock. And finally, the top fixating lacquer is applied. Coating after applying a protective varnish is very durable, but applying such a coating technically more difficult than working with tile paint.

Because of the myriad hues flock to flock coloristic possibilities of paint almost as usual. However Floki are not only different flowers, but also of different shapes: round, star-shaped in the form of a thin straw, and various irregular shapes. This gives designers additional capabilities. There are also two-flock coating. They represent a system consisting of a flock of colored and transparent satin varnish on acrylic base. In the application of varnish mixed with Floki, after which the product is applied to the surface, pre-painted water-emulsion paint. The paint is still visible and serves as a background for the cover. Flock coatings based on aqueous dispersions have no smell, very easy to apply and content, and are highly resistant. Flock coating includes three components: – acrylic base, water-based slow-drying (200 g / m) – the traditional flock, and applied to uniformly wet basis (180 g / m and 200 g / m for the small flock) – acrylic matte or satin varnish to protect the surface damage and giving the final form (100 g / m).

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December 29th


by Tam

I do not know will have hope until the end of the breath, or if the life will be capable to answer all my investigations, I always lose very imagining as the things will be in the future, or as they had been in the past. I ask myself if valley the penalty everything that I make or will use one day. They are simple questionings, for a mind ' ' jovem' ' , I would say, could and have be more complex, but the uncertainty of a productive mind is not capable to compromise the brain thus, so pretensiosamente. Perhaps the people thank to one day such concern, if and if this to make some difference in its lives and, this, is only banally understandable. It is interesting to notice that the accomplishment of some improvement always interests all, even though to that if not interested parties say, as well as also affects to all direct, or indirectly. thinking better not only an improvement, I would say any modification. He is clearly that drastic modifications interest much more, as well as affect much more. The truth is that it is difficult to understand because we deveriamos to think or worrying in them in the modification of something if we can live perfectly without having that to make no alteration.

this is a question, at least, intriguer. After all it does not have as to take an initiative without before something in ' ' incomode' ' , and if nothing it bothers in them we continue to live the old and vulgar routine. The development of an idea that a priori seems banal, can be materialize in something fantastic, but &#039 is not far from easy to arrive at one; ' idea with end brilhante' ' , it would say that many times are not arrived, what he is sufficiently desanimador of a mathematical point of view. However without attributing to the mathematics the imperfection ' ' mecnica' ' of many of these ideas, and coming back toward the profile modifier of these, we can say that this is a considerable factor for the room and conformity of the people with the routine. The lack of will to think about something innovative, to search, to study, to formulate theories, to discover is also a factor that attenuates this behavior. Clearly that it does not justify not the development and let us say that if it does not justify at least explains. I do not believe that the people come to thus change of behavior of one hour pra another one, or that they start to think in different way. But I believe that daqui has some years starts at least thinking more, and I really have hope of this, I do not only know until when.

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December 21st


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