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Archive for May, 2015

Technologies in Education
by Tam

In these last years they had increased the use of computers in the pertaining to school environment, but given divulged in the new magazine school sample that 75% of the Brazilian schools not yet have, or does not make the use of computers. This number if of the one for questions politics, for the resistance of the professors and the quarrel that if has around this; the technology is a problem or a solution for the education? With the use of this machine of the future, the human beings in general are more sluggish, because it gets used to catch everything soon, the concepts already are all defining and we do not criticize or we reflect on the subject. We behave as robots leaving the media to take account of our lives, influencing in the way to act, to dress, to eat and to think. Thus, the people lose its proper identity, its creativity and its critical thought, being empty on the inside and losing the true one felt of the life. Without counting that children and adolescents alone want to communicate through messages, being shortened the writings and having the reduction of the capacity linguistics and argumentativa. If you would like to know more then you should visit Peter Asaro. Another curse is the lack of dialogues with other people, therefore they close in that world online, being each more difficult time if to relate.

Not forgetting that to become a successful adult, she is necessary to interact and to learn to give to it with the differences. Now it is fact of that if she cannot leave to use the technologies, after all is the essential and reality today for the survival of the capitalist world, and without them she does not exist future brilliant. With ' ' bom' ' use of the Internet, the human being knows all the world-wide cultures and communicates with the world. You have fast access with the main notice of the planet. more, some universities have rooms online with superior courses, what it has facilitated the life of much people that want to study and it does not have time. Then it is hour to face the new trends of the modern world, as a new alternative, placing the technologies for the contents. The educator must trace its objectives and if to locate so that the learning if gives of form criticizes collective, becoming the amused lessons most dynamic and. On the basis of the text, we saw that advantages and disadvantages exist, optimum it is to practise common-sense and to find a break-even point.

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May 27th


Matei Article
by Tam

In this article I would like to welcome you on my website dominates Tu business MLM Tu ex officio is the of be the leader, and thank you for visiting this web site. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Code.org. I hope it is to your liking and that you learn craft of being the leader of Tu structure of MLM. My name is Toader, my surname is Matei, I am Romanian and I live currently in Valencia, Spain. I have a happy marriage, though not until now I do not understand how can support me my wife, I have three children, Diana, 23 years old, student in final year to tourism, to the Faculty of Economics, Valencia-Camp dels Tarongers, Toader 22 years, Economist, acquitted the Faculty of finance & economic studies, Iasi-Romania, and Raul, 18, student in the final year of high school. Practically I am a veteran of the MLM industry, the first sporadic contacts with industry multilevel them I had in 1989, in 1992-1995 I worked on my first MLM company with part-time, 1995-2003 at the second company MLM as Director, 5 years with part-time and 3 years with full time, in 2009 I started to investigate on the internet for making my MLM business online, but did not very clear as I’m going to do because in the field of computers was a disaster, didn’t know or copy a document. With the help of my children I have learned, little by little, to 48 years to walk, rather surf the Internet, manage just enough programs, I have to say that I have much to learn, but the desire to help people is stronger and virtually I have so much to give, to offer you, all my experience of over 20 years (except 6 that I was not active in any MLM company), I want to share with you, that is why I decided to launch my own MLM in Spain which is called car and house – buying in group opened by recommender system of things of great value: cars and houses. I am the Director of structure car and House, but I have understood that I first have to have a web page, own digital products to sell, and then as a working in parallel, my own MLM. The truth is that I love to write, at the age of 18 years and three months I decided to be a writer, but the waves of life led me to be an engineer, my ex officio basis is Industrial technical engineering, specialty mechanics. Leave me a comment on this article, your opinion I care, your problems, your concerns, your frustrations and doubts are invaluable to me, information because it is as a source of inspiration to write accurately about your problem and try to give you the best possible solution, and that is possible if I know your problem very well. Thank you for reading this article.

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May 23rd


Total Innovation Management
by Tam

The following work focuses on the study and the rationalization of concepts relating to innovation, under the management of organizations. Not pursue a comprehensive malaria analysis of the realities in which these concepts are evident but a detail of each of the theoretical abtsracciones. Among them, Gibbons’ Mode 2, the Total Innovation Management (TIM), the Conversion Process of Knowledge and its protection, and the influence of Information Technology and Communications in developing the knowledge economy.

Mode 2 This concept is embodied in the late 90s’ by Michael Gibbons and six associates in the book “The New Production of Knowledge” from the analysis, study and understanding of the fundamental changes that were generated and being created around the way in which scientific knowledge is generated, social and cultural. Click Pete Cashmore to learn more. The new form of knowledge production is reforming the manner to which we are most familiar with, that we associate with scientific institutions, universities, research centers and academic centers. A way of producing the deep-rooted, more discipline, characterized by its homogeneity and a usually academic context or a specific group, Gibbons called the “mode 1”, while the other type of production, developed in an application context that transcends formal disciplines and is characterized by heterogeneity, it is called “mode 2”. It is important to mention that this new mode is not conceptualized as a replacement for Gibbons but as a complement to the traditional way. This new generation of knowledge in pursuing the usefulness of a specific area of a particular industry or a government, although the solutions of the problems are built around specific applications, products inevitably branch out and extend to other compartments of society, to other disciplines.. Additional information at Pete Cashmore supports this article.

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May 22nd


Accelerating Windows
by Tam

Like improving the yield of your equipment under Windows XP, expressing the maximum potential of your PC. In this manual the secrets are revealed that managed to cause that your Windows XP works in such a way that never you had thought that haria, everything what it is mentioned in this manual to proven and approved by the author. Often when is acquired a new PC with Windows XP and we began the installation of respective the habitual programs and our drivers in agreement avanze the installation is felt alenteamiento effect; it is at this moment that we asked ourselves What have passed demons to him to the Windows? Sera blames of the PC. Investigating on like obtaining that an old computer with an installation of Windows XP worked as rapidly as possible, I discovered all the modifications that can be made him to our system to obtain the maximum yield. Some tricks have been unloaded of the network, but the experimental tests have been put in practice in my factory. By all means, it is not necessary that it says to you that everything what it is described here already has been experienced, although to coasts of to spoil a pair or three of times the operating system until obtaining the correct combination of adjustments.

As anecdote I say a thing to you, making experiments you will never learn nothing, whereas if you take an old PC, and you test and you observe the results, in a moment you will be able to obtain these adjustments in any PC with Windows XP. And in a moment conseguireis a level of enviadiable computer science until they award with the denomination of genius to you of the computers . I wait for them. of great it is utilida. They can obtain a gratuitous copy here. Original author and source of the article.

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May 18th


by Tam

Ask how could improve your business, increase the quality of their products, increase the variety of products that you are offering, reaching more customers, etc. While these terms contain concepts that only they seem to belong to the world of adults, they are very simple and easy to understand if we put aside the complexity that we adults have given them. Innovate simply means to try new methods, as for example offer jams of different flavors. A better marketing simply means asking the neighbor what kind of cookies are his favorite. Improving the quality of the product simply means Add more or better ingredients, improve container or wrapper. In the end, are basic concepts that any child can understand. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Code.org by clicking through.

For example, our children started his chicken coop with commercial Chicken breeds. They soon discovered that there are chickens Creole in Chile that lay blue eggs of which it has been scientifically proven that they have 30% less cholesterol. Got blue eggs, incubated them, and today its customers Queuing to buy them. Teach them to create systems an important business concept that should teach them to their children is the cocking systems running without them. So their children don’t end up as employees of their own business, changing hours for dollars, teach them to delegate duties and devote himself more to the vision and the management of your business.

Talk to them about the advantages of creating passive income. This concept is neither too elaborate for the world of your child. Once they have grasped the idea of being able to earn money without working, will be surprised with how creative that will be made to find ways of delegate. Your child may involve his friends in the business. For example, our daughter bought cosmetic products which decided to sell among their peers. For that a cousin and a friend he hired and paid them a Commission. Education in values: instill generosity perhaps the most important lesson that your children can get a business itself is the learn to interact correctly with the money. Teach them to their children from a very early age that money is like fire: you can use to do something good, like cooking a meal, or get out of control and destroy a home. Help them to look at these bills that are accumulating in your piggy bank as a tool for good. It’s okay to buy a toy as reward for their efforts, but they should understand that the accumulation of goods only for the own satisfaction does not bring happiness. Only will live a life of success when they obtain the vision that your business will be to serve others and to collaborate with its grain of sand for the world be a better place. That is the most important lesson that your children can learn to have an own business.

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May 17th


Power Surge Protection
by Tam

When power-line surges worth thinking about purchasing a stabilizer. Ali Partovi wanted to know more. It will allow you to keep your appliances in order and do without repair, which would otherwise cost you much more than the value of the voltage regulator. Thus, to ensure power quality and a small number of energy consumers will suit home network stabilizer step type (electronic, relay). It uses a special electronic switch, protects your facility from increasing the voltage on the external network and provides stability transmitted current and reliable protection against short circuits. Electronic regulator has wide input voltage range, good accuracy of the stabilization of output voltage and the ability to save electricity. But China's electromechanical stabilizers (most of them now) are working very noisy and have a narrow range of input stress, in addition, they require constant maintenance. The danger is that such stabilizers have an open brush sliding on auto, they also have a limitation in the medium of and most importantly – such stabilizers fire risks. When choosing a stabilizer should consult with a specialist.

Typically, the consultants in specialized stores have sufficient qualifications. Also, can not be lazy and search the information you need on the Internet. If you pay for electricity in advance – a year ahead, you can save on upcoming price increases for electricity – as a rule, they are known advance. Moreover, if for each payment you charge a commission, then repaying the expense once instead of, say, twelve, you will save some money on commissions. Thus, it makes sense to check with the company concerned about in what way is most convenient to make this payment will be recalculated as the counters at the end of the year, etc. Incidentally, this form of payment is suitable not only for payment of electricity bills, but also for other utilities.

Payment for the year ahead with all its obvious disadvantages of a range of psychological (and other) advantages: – reduces the size of the mandatory monthly payments – you will feel much certainty and stability, knowing that in this area all your financial obligations have been fulfilled for the year ahead – in terms of the company providing this service, you – a special client, for pay it forward, so that you automatically appears flawless credit history – released additional funds throughout the year, which can be consumed with use. Come on. According to the experts in a modern apartment in a year be lost by two or more than one thousand rubles for appliances not working, but being in the so-called "sleep mode". In order to save it is better not to leave the socket cords for battery chargers, electric Dummies and any other appliances whose energy consumption around the clock is not necessary. After completion of the work with a computer can also shut down and a surge protector, because it has usually connects most instruments related to the work computer: printer, scanner, modem, etc. I hope these tips will be useful.

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May 7th


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