Border Control
DimBurtanik I want to get a Schengen visa, the nationality of my Armenian, but the citizenship of Ukraine. We drive the family (four of us: my mother, two sons and a daughter – all adults), the visa will open a tourist (Poland) for 10 days, I was told that happens at the border – the border guards can not miss because of nationality. In general, in what way to go, so the least had a problem with the border? Train, bus or plane? And what questions they will ask how they are answer correctly in order not refused entry at the border? Alexandr When crossing the Schengen Member States, in addition to a passport with valid visa, it is desirable to have the opportunity to present the following documents: Guarantee the availability of funds to subsistence: cash, traveler's checks, the existing payment plastic cards (bank printed on the cash balance on a plastic card). About the accommodation: for tourists: hotel reservation, Documents from the tour operator, for a private visit: invitation (original, fax, scanned file), and formalized the original commitment of taking the content. The presence of health insurance: an insurance policy, cover the cost of all types of health care and social support. Guarantees departure from the territory of the Schengen zone: a return ticket. Learn more on the subject from Samsung.
fregat222 All of this is just pograntsy on 'one' side can (They have a right) regardless of all this 'wrap'. Polish prikordonniki no time to prove it. Alexandr I traveled through Poland to the Schengen area (and in Brest) on the train – it was long ago and since then, I think a lot has changed. But we had no questions. Y We had a standard tourist group. GroovyCat Because of nationality should be no problems. Kip Cyprus understood the implications. The visa you will end up together to open the Polish, and go where? Going on or just relax? Unambiguously, least of all the issues would be if by plane – but in the end depends on what you answer to question 2 above.
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