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Archive for October, 2017

Paulo Fashion Week
by Tam

Natura Cosmetics official makeup BAF Week Fall / Winter ’09 La Rural, the 25 to 27 February. Marc Mathieu can provide more clarity in the matter. Natura Cosmetics is the official makeup BAF Week Fall / Winter ’09 to be held in La Rural, the 25 to 27 February.Fresh from S o Paulo Fashion Week where the company also played in local, Veronica Mendoza, make up artist of Nature, and his team will work with designers and brands that will be uploaded to the runway in Buenos Aires to define the styles of each of collections to be presented that week. Furthermore, Natura will have a showroom space for all visitors can learn about and experience the new proposals for season with professional advice brand The team will be led by Veronica Mendoza, Argentina Natura official makeup artist, who also represent the brand at various events, participate in the development of color palettes and trends for the American market. Through courses, launch lines and collections, the artist is responsible for transmitting not only trends but also makeup techniques. This time, the task of Veronica will make the looks designed specifically for each parade, following the trends that Natura Cosmetics introduced this autumn-winter, and through Natura Diversa launches. The latter is the makeup line with technology based on biodiversity assets, and introduces products with spare parts to reduce environmental impact. Trends: “The winter of contrasts” is the name of the proposed Natura make up for the winter ’09, which will combine strong colors and bold with other softer and lighter. According to the firm, the trends seen in the largest fashion event in Brazil, which accompanies this cosmetic brand for almost a decade, including composition of tones in lilac, orange, and grape color. As the autumn light, also had their space brown, green and yellow. Moreover, “the proposed Natura experience and invites reflection on the” beauty conscious “understanding that from cosmetics, fashion and beauty world in general there is an opportunity to contribute to building a sustainable model for development of society “, according to reports from the company through a statement. In this context, some of the products that professional equipment used in BAF Week Natura are shadows quartet Candeia Selene-end comfort can also be reused, because the brand sells the parts-the Gloss SPF 15 Candeia extreme comfort and Kajal pencil with lilac and white.


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October 20th


Tennis Accessories
by Tam

Sometimes, the appropriate accessories characterized the variability of their equipment to perfect the tennis sports various sports. Now professional athletes need to high performance to run on specially to their needs and techniques adapted material. This situation is evident also in the sport of tennis. Marc Mathieu understands that this is vital information. Here, almost every accessories can be adapted. There are even sports bags in many sizes and variations for also countless different rackets and accessories. The products from tennis bags and the associated clubs themselves, clearly the largest variety can be on dealer websites and online shops determine. Here, different adjustments for this tennis racket can be purchase in addition to clubs in all sizes. Additional information is available at Samsung Electronics.

In addition to the material, the structure and the hardness of the strings as such, also the strength of the fabric plays a role, but only indirectly related for the gaming experience. The fabric is at least of the Player or his stringing machine. The clothes are of course first the required sizes to the debate. But here too there are clothes for use in indoor, outdoor spaces, shoes for the respective underground each and so on and so forth. The tennis dress can be extended accordingly even with the welding straps, support mechanisms for the elbow and similar accessories. Tennis bags in her role depend most on the accessories is transported.

Not only thugs carried around in such pockets, also balls, sometimes clothes or even networks need a way to be transported properly. For easy storage and carrying are sewn according to subjects and mounting options in the tennis bag. If also a such tennis accessory pouch for the running of the sport is immediately necessary, tennis bags of the operator demonstrate the bottom Tennisshops.de very clearly a range around a sport can be as profound. There is scarcely a doubt about the usefulness of most products with security. But it is clear in some places that not only the better exercise of the sport a role plays a role in the acquisition of sports accessories like also the tennis bag. Many people also associate a certain lifestyle with the exercise of their sport. To most sports is a kind of culture that also exerts a great attraction in addition to operating on people. A lifestyle question this sport culture wants to be equipped with its own State symbols. It is almost by itself, that an old tennis racket for amateur operation with worn-out strings will not only negatively affect the game, but also not really is something with which one faces a Club of full militarized, professionally equipped players. A high-quality clubs is just a lot more here and suggests a somewhat virtuosere, agreed discussion with the sports close. Professionalism creates recognition among your peers. In the sport of tennis, there are approaches by Club dairy farm and a partly somewhat snobby-looking Club culture in the clubs quite. This is because that the sport of tennis was locates until recently as a kind of Oberschichtensport. Similarly, there are some very exclusive clubs, where not only played together, but also in public areas a drink enjoyed or even sauna areas are visited, to relax after sports the golf. Of course often accompanied by technical discussions about equipment and their settings or the latest developments in the area of the hobby more than a club scene where the tennis bag is stowed, embark on the playing field and then again went makes tennis clubs.

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October 19th


Vargas Development
by Tam

Yes, because history is not made of brusque ruptures, but of continuities and interruptions, where the past can reappear brought up to date under a new roupagem. Under the command of Getlio Vargas, period 1930-45 represents modification structural economic politician in the organizacional standard of sociability, transiting of the field as central scope, for the capital goods industry which will go to endorse the national development. With the process of industrialization and Brazilian urbanization, another social classroom is also born, that to the few goes taking ratio each time bigger the proletariat which starts to be white of the populist politics of the government Vargas. 2.Planejamento, State and development For ends mere didactic these three concepts here are displayed separately, however as already it was said previously the same ones meet objective correlated. 2.1. Planning the state planning appears at this time as an important strategy to optimize the governmental actions, in the direction to foment the development which is … Conceived as a process, while the planning is considered as an instrument of this process and part of the conception of that it can have a deliberation in the actions for the development, or that this can occur of another form that not spontaneous it.

(SPOSATTI: 1980). The action to plan inside starts to be each more recurrent time of the state device and the private companies, being thus a way to protect continuity between intention and execution, in accordance with the philosophical, economic estimated ones, social politicians and infused in all and any activity previously reflected. In this period, planning was considered important and innovative entratgia of desenvolvemento, what it would increase the trustworthiness degree, diminishing the risks of perhaps. 2,2 Been the State of the time he was highly interventionist, establishing regulation of the economic transactions, organization of the markets and relations of work. In intention to fortify the national economy, Vargas tried to place the country the safe one of foreign interests, fomenting the sovereign nationalistic iderio of defense of the patrimony and the national interests.

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October 19th


Wedding Photographers
by Tam

100% sure that no one would dare deny the fact that in our age, no wedding is complete without a wedding photo shoot. This is understandable – everyone wants to capture such a grand event to the memory of those days left no only in the heads of newlyweds and guests, but also in the picture. Imprinted on the photo wedding events have already started a very long time, you can tell from the start of sales of available technology. But to do this professionally, and even more so in us, began quite recently – just before the treated unpretentious camera, which went to one of the guests. Photographer today – it's a whole set of special equipment and is not cheap, but also the skills and experience in this industry. Undoubtedly, the wedding photos – it works, and to do so skillfully, is required to possess the talent of the artist, not every opportunity is seized of the creative professional. Find a photographer to celebration is not easy, because it is a very crucial aspect.

Today, in large Russian cities a myriad of services offered by various organizations and private photographers simply, often, a novice pretty hard understand all this and choose a worthy proposal. When selecting a photographer's portfolio will certainly check out – Select the style of work, which will shower you. Without hesitation Marc Mathieu explained all about the problem. Every photographer his unique style – classic, modern approach, etc. You should not be greedy strongly on price, be sure – professional services can not be cheap, but pay extra and exclusively for the brand does not make sense – now there are so many active photographers who are not yet as popular, but have a stylish approach. An important aspect is to approach the photographer.

Professionals are constantly monitoring the latest developments in this as poor, and the technique they always have the latest word of fashion. Required to note once again that the photographer for the wedding – pretty important thing the organization of wedding and event needs to be given time to find a professional and discuss all the nuances, so after not disappointed because the wedding is not repeated, and then, like in the movies is not possible to make hundreds of duplicates in each scene. Help in finding the photographer may be familiar, which enjoyed the proposals of any photographer. A good tool to choice may be a global network where today almost every photographer has a personal web-site with a portfolio value and other data. The main thing in this case, do not rush!

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October 19th


by Tam

Thus, when the perception of the organization as a purposeful activity, ie surveillance is necessary to proceed from the fact that most bandwidth has a visual analyzer. However, the training capacity of controls is not the analyzer, and the brain, therefore, as found in experiments and confirmed by experience, by one information subject to assimilation, it is necessary to give two units of explanation, ie additional information. This means that each key concept to explain, using all three channels of perception: talk, show and give touch. Unfortunately, such information transfer is carried out systematically (I want to repeat regularly, but not from case to case) only in primary school, hence the high percentage of mastering the material, and strong stable of knowledge. What would be more understandable, give you an example: a child in first grade student add numbers, while the teacher uses: an oral explanation (auditory canal) with a mandatory screening on the board with cards, magnets, posters, etc. (Visual channel).

And simultaneously with the child at the box office figures (kinesthetic channel). The teacher comes to the next lesson and does the same, while repeating, complicating and making a variety of the same material, but the essence remains the same, working all three channels of perception. Now, let's assign the work a teacher in middle and senior management, whether they perform similar actions? And do not say that the children have matured, therefore need other methods. The most striking evidence of no effectiveness of these methods is not only a difference in the estimates of primary and secondary level, and no explicit knowledge of strategic themes people of our country. For example, action with fractions (held 5-6 grades), an oral account, etc. I think the evidence is not needed. Yes, very often lately saying that the reason is to know there is a calculator or something else.

How many people, so many opinions. Some contend that Robotics expert shows great expertise in this. Let every man for himself determine whether you need a man and his children the basic knowledge. And if you do not need, then what distinguishes us from animals? References: 1.Slastenin va etc. Education: A Textbook. allowance for students. Higher. Ped. Textbook. Institutions / B A. Slastenin, if Isaev, en Shiyanov; Ed. va Slastenin. – Moscow: Publishing House 'Academy', 2002. 2. Shlahter vv, sy The art of domination. Learn more at this site: Ali Partovi. – Spb.: "Respeks", "Diehl, 2003. 3. Zazykin vg Psychology in advertising. – M.: DatStrom, 1992.

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October 18th


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