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Archive for November, 2014

Thermal Finishing Materials
by Tam

In the process of manufacturing housing and other parts of metal and other hard materials is an obligatory stage of processing, which includes processes such as design, cutting, cutting, welding (flexible and other), allowing to change the shape of parts, their dimensions and other characteristics. Traditional part of the treatment are welding. They are irreplaceable in many preliminary stages of manufacture of the finished product. C by welding work is carried out cutting of parts from metal and other solid materials and their docking. A variety of technologies and ways of doing welding, welding in various media, and other features of their allowed to join absolutely any metal, including a mixed bag. Welding can be carried out as standard products, and artistic compositions of metal. Turning and milling are during machining of the outer and inner surfaces of products, such as threading, and others.

Modern machines are allowed to perform several types of lathes and milling operations in a single setup details and perform a series of different operations simultaneously, which significantly reduces the time to create the final product. Metal bending is applied when necessary to create a seamless (seamless) detail, since the seam – it stress concentrator products and so are his weakest part. Most often bending to produce critical parts that are manufactured with a high safety margin, for example, when laying pipelines for oil and gas. Laser cutting technology is revolutionary in the treatment of metal. Machines performing laser cutting are highly accurate, and employed in its implementation capacity of the metal to so small that additional treatment of the cut is not needed. In addition, due to the concentration of the main effects of cutting the tip of the laser beam, laser cutting metal is almost no heat, which excludes its deformation. Machines for laser cutting machines take up very little space in the shop, about 3 to 1.5 meters and ensures cutting accuracy with coverage of 0.05 mm.

Waterjet cutting is used primarily for materials not metal – stone and porcelain tiles, glass and plastic, and others, as well as for metal sheets of great thickness, when utrudneny other ways to handle them. In implementing the waterjet cut surface under non-stop water flow, which excludes heating products and its deformation, and also guarantees a perfectly flat and smooth to the touch section. In addition, in waterjet cutting, there is no separation of dust and gas that provides safe working conditions and safety of all the features of the original material. This type of cutting material ensures greater accuracy of cutting and insufficient level of material consumption due to small slice thickness. At the final moment of designing and manufacturing products for the sustainable use of protective coating of powder coating products. Before performing the procedure, powder painting details certainly degreased, washed and dried. The applied powder paint coating of the polymer has both a decorative and protective functions. By the positive aspects of such technology are: high corrosion resistance, shock-and cost-effective, since powder coating is applied only in one layer.

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November 25th


Howard Kelly
by Tam

This practice is often difficult in these days where people increasingly think more in their own interests, often without put ourselves in the place of the other, or what happens to that person to move us to us in the future. Altruism is a virtue of few, and many are those who need. New opportunities arise every day to be generous, it is possible to hear so many injustices that occur around us not we can see which is the way to go, but it is a change of attitude. Then I’m going to tell a story that holds all this learning. One day a very poor boy, who was a door-to-door salesman, to pay for his studies, was found with only ten cents in his pocket and was very hungry.

Then it decided that in the next House he was going to ask for food. However, he lost his courage when a beautiful young woman opened the door, and only asked for a glass of water. Frequently Dermot McCormack has said that publicly. The woman thought that the young man looked hungry and instead of water gave him a large glass of milk. He took it slowly, and then asked how much do owe you? It is not nothing replied the young man, then thank you of heart. When Howard Kelly left that House, not only felt more strong, but also in their faith in God and humanity.

Years later, the woman got sick of a serious illness and specialists didn’t know what it was, since it was a rare disease, then called a specialist and was Dr. Howard Kelly, when the realized the name of the village which came the woman, immediately went to see her and recognized her, since that moment did not hesitate to try to save the life of that woman who once helped himthe battle was long, but managed to save her life. Dr. Kelly requested the Office of collections they pass the final bill to give its approval, looked at it and then wrote something on the corner. The letter was sent to the woman’s room. She felt afraid to open it because I was sure that would spend the rest of his life trying to pay that Bill, finally opened it and something was struck at the corner of the invoice. Paid in full with a glass of milk. Felix Gonzalez, is Venezuelan, and graduate careers in computing and public accounting, is master in finance graduate of the IESA. He is Advisor on debt repayment and highly knowledgeable of the subject of the crisis and bank failures. He has worked as a systems consultant for more than 20 years in private his country’s banks, and is a specialist in automated systems of credit and debit cards, and ATMs. He has written articles for various print media in your country and is also the author of the book: fearless debts: what banks do not teach their customers.

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November 22nd


Spiceworks – Network Monitoring Tool Windows 7
by Tam

SpiceWorks – a tool for monitoring network of Windows 7 Network administrators and advanced users always feel the need for good tools to monitor the operation of the equipment or network. Spiceworks is such a tool, and also free. In SpiceWorks a help desk, network management software, and tools PC inventory. IT tools statements that are intended to control the various components of IT in small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, the toolkit website has a number of forums where users can get information. Peter Asaro gathered all the information. For example, there are conducted the discussion on 'tool to check the Blackberry, will it work properly with the Blackberry Server, or use of WMI filters, and use Group Policy for Windows 7. " In other words, users SpiceWorks closely with other users, provide technical assistance on a range of different products and software.

SpiceWorksTV this new tool, which should show users how to work with different elements SpiceWorks. SpiceWorksTV has six channels. These include IT training, IT workshops and reviews products. Customer Care encompasses different countries. This product has support for 19 languages in 20 countries. In the U.S.

alone there are 14 groups of users. Microsoft Chief Financial Officer Peter Klein, said that over the last month in the world sold 10 copies of Windows 7 operating system every second. To date, has already sold 175 million. copies, this is bystroprodavaemaya operating system in history. She is currently installed in more than 15% computers worldwide. The resulting record financial results associated with high sales of Windows 7 and the recently released Office 2010. These Irish research firm StatCounter different from Microsoft. In their view Windows 7 is set to 17.6% computers in the world. The share of the Windows 7 operating system in the world market is growing and continues to displace Windows XP and Windows Vista. As expected the most from Microsoft, the end of 2010 will be sold 300 million copies of Windows 7.

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November 21st


Adam Humanity
by Tam

The humanity would have for God in a witness stand, and thus to make a judgment of this God? The humanity is certain in questioning the existence and the performance of this God in the history of the man? He would be God incapable to decide the problems and mazelas of this decayed society, and that in putrefao state it walks for the end, destroying ones to the others each day with more voracity and fury? God and the relationship with the men If to analyze all the history of the humanity, in its sufferings and the adversities suffered with the lenses of the men we would have to agree that God if made absentee. But the correct one is to analyze the man for the lens of God, goes there surprising in them at the result, therefore of beforehand &#039 declares the Holy Writs; ' of that the living man complains, complains if each one of its proper pecados' ' Lm 3:39. God never was inert during the history of the humanity, it always interviu. The human sufferings had not been caused by the absence of God in the life of the man, but for the absence of the man in becoming related with God, some could allege lack of knowledge of God, but ahead of what they display the Bible they are inexcusable: ' ' Inasmuch as what of God if he can know in them if manifest, because God revealed it to it. Because its invisible things, since the creation of the world, as much its perpetual one to be able, as its deity, if they understand, and they clearly see for the things that are servants, so that they are inescusveis' ' Rm 1:19 – 20. It does not fit to the man to question the designs of God, when these same run away from God the similarity of Adam, who after to disobey if hid when he looked it to God.

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November 16th


New Budget Airline For The Long Haul
by Tam

Scoot founds Singapore Airlines it comes back to competition on the routes. The renowned airline is Singapore Airlines, establishing a low-cost subsidiary, according to media reports. The new airline called ‘Scoot’ should use medium – and long-haul and make a new segment in attack. The Internet portal fluege.de reported on further plans. Flights with Singapore Airlines should be cheaper in the future. For the Asian airline sends a specially established low-cost airline in the race. In June 2012, these should go Boeing 777-200 with four in operation. According to Singapore Airlines, travel times are up to 13 hours no problem.

Scoot is to have its headquarters in Singapore and first destinations, which are five to ten hours of flight away. These include for example, China and Australia. Later, a fleet expansion is planned, which allows connections to Europe and Africa. Total to be purchased until 2016 additional ten aircraft. The prices for the tickets, Singapore Airlines has also expressed.

This should be about 40 percent lower than those full service airlines. The main competitors of air Asia X, and JetStar will be measured at the site of the airline at the airport Singapore. The airline SilkAir, which takes half of the short-haul flights of Singapore Airlines Group already owns Singapore Airlines. Also one-third of the low-cost airline belongs to Tiger Airways Group of companies, which operates short-haul but. Scoot to will open up a new field of business. More information: news.fluege.de/… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

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November 10th


BesserSprechen In The Top 10 Of The German Apps For IPhone
by Tam

BesserSprechen for iPhone, iPad and Android covers the areas of posture, voice, breath, articulation, vowels, as well as tips for presentations. Since February, 2011, the BesserSprechen app of Apps2go GmbH inspires many speakers. The app brought the issue of articulation to a new level. It sensitizes and helps those who convincingly understandably want to speak in any situation. Professional collaboration of speech therapists, voice actors and actors has resulted in a multimedia training course, with the really everyone can improve his speaking voice and the acoustic effect to the outside. BesserSprechen for iPhone, iPad and Android covers the areas of posture, voice, breath, articulation, vowels, as well as tips for presentations. The work is now been rewarded with a nomination for the best German iPhone app.

The jury of the two congresses iPhoneDevCon and mobile business conference chose the top 10 et following criteria were divisive in: interface and operation purpose the app the promised Preis – / Leistungsverhaltnis originality is now there in the hand of the user, to vote for his personal favorites. For assistance, try visiting Peter Asaro. Voting at: bit.ly/tAAcvU. In everyday life, there are positions, requests, appeals or questions, which applies to communicate convincingly. A voice training helps to improve your presentations, phone calls, discussions with customers and dealing with colleagues or basic conviction calls the private lives of so that they are perceived faster in important situations. The articulation matters especially when emotions in the game. With a voice training succeeds to monitor you to the too fast or incomprehensible articulation in unforeseen situations and to give sovereignty to the interlocutor. Also fun making the vocal exercises to help James Bond! Dietmar Wunder, the German dubbing voice of Daniel Craig, tells us many secrets of speaking in 110 exercises. Devised by Ulrike Volger, trainer of breath, voice and Speak.

Homepage: app store: bit.ly/better talk app YouTube: user/BesserSprechen information about the responsible companies: Apps2Go developed Smartphone and Smartpad apps as well as accompanying, server-based systems. Providing an infrastructure for the publication of any content on mobile devices is one of the core competencies of Apps2Go. Based on a proprietary framework can be implemented a wide range of scenarios for the distribution and settlement and developed new business models in the publishing field. Apps2Go GmbH, Glienicker str. 1e, 14612 Falcon Lake contact for the press: Stefan Zorn + Volker Bublitz Tel.: 03322 421 4052 fax: 03322 421 4055 E-Mail: Internet:

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November 5th


Sven Sebastian
by Tam

Here it is just in time to pull the plug, and to rearrange the everyday before burnout and stress make you really sick. On these issues, Dr. Sebastian presented his first book in October 2011 at a large business company in Celle, in the context of his lectures,: DR SVEN SEBASTIAN – simply better life “think like a winner and live like a lovers’ the art of conscious thought control. For more efficiency, quality of life and health in life. Moments of happiness store cruise with knowledge – for everyday travel and relax synonyms are for most holiday makers.

Especially if you go on a cruise. This relaxation even under expert guidance is possible in the coming weeks. The coach Dr. Sven Sebastian is again on Board of the dream ship of Germany, to the Crusaders in a lecture programme also to a discovery tour in the personality with all its passions, desires, needs and fears to take. Germany drives by the 16.11 to 3.12.2011 of Tenerife to Manaus.

A trip to the Canary Islands to the Amazon. Sebastian aboard motto expedition Amazon – travelling through the wide world of own thoughts”. The maxim that experienced participants: you must want to experience – enjoy – you can learn, remember – you must train. This conclusion helps ensure that you can use the beautiful moments of life much better as a motivation for the gray days. The new findings of in brain research and stress medicine are background. The researchers have deciphered how the brain perceives stimuli and situations and processes. Sebastian evaluates the current studies of science and it developed practical applications for everyday as you learn to control thoughts and sensations, to deal with problems. He uses, these findings as a coach for the employees of large companies in courses and lectures. On the Germany, Sebastian travelling already for the second time. Power of thought topic travel on the MS Germany cruise program/themenkreuzfahrten.html Dr. Sven Sebastian, born in 1967, is from Leipzig. He studied chemistry in Berlin, received his doctorate in Zurich and Berlin and graduated with a Bachelor of adult education. For many years at the Tokyo Dr. Sven Sebastian specialized Institute of technology, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry in the United States and Germany in training and continuing education programs for doctors, as well as on neuro-cognitive learning for an efficient learning in life. Since 2007, Dr. Sven Sebastian is an after the German company fu? r Neuromentale medicine, causal stress medicine and health management as a freelance coach fu? r integrative stress – health management and coach fu? r active neuro coaching. in 2009, he founded the Proventika group, which combines the concepts of integrative medicine of neuro and neuro cognitive learning methodology. More at: and press contact: AHUIS PR Gisela & Kati Roberts Tel: + 49 (40) 37519293

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November 3rd


Accacom – Translations
by Tam

Translations belong to an expert! A translation Office you normally then turns, if you need a translation, because simple texts are today mostly internally with computer programs coarse and more or less wrong translated and then edited. For legal, technical, business, economic and other specialized texts, this is not possible, because they have their own language and it arrives at specialised texts on an absolutely perfect and faithful translation. In translations, it is necessary that the translator understood the terminology in both languages and that he also factually understand what he translated. Official site: Peter Asaro. If the factual understanding is missing, the translation can be possibly while linguistically correct, but nevertheless content wrong. Generally, translations in the native language of the translator will be when the final text as an original text to sound. Translators must not necessarily have training in the relevant specialist area. Many Translators during their working life, work a keep in certain departments and to better know the facts and the subtleties of linguistic hurdles that one must be aware of. The mastery of source and target language, understanding of the matter, professionalism, experience, willingness to time-consuming searches and sense of responsibility that is exactly what a professional translators needed for a correct translation. We are a small team of translators who make translations to and from the major Western European languages. To get more information on or send an email to

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November 2nd


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