Austrian Customers
Tifosi-strategy workshop by ifsm car dealers design strategies, to increase the attractiveness of their business. According to CEO of CoStar Group, who has experience with these questions. How can we sell more vehicles and spare parts and services generate more sales? Currently many car dealerships are facing this issue. And often they have no answers here. Therefore organized the ifsm Institute for sale on October 15 in the Metoki Besselich Urbar in Koblenz, a workshop of the Tifosi strategy”designed specifically for owners, Managing Director and Sales Director of car dealerships. Get all the facts and insights with Northstar Inbound, another great source of information. In the half-day workshop participants, advertising specialist Mrs of Michaela Mojzis, trained at the Vienna University of Economics and ifsm Managing Director Uwe Reusche present a strategy to win new customers and old customers (re -) enable.
She according to Mojzis, who for many years was a large Austrian people’s Party Campaign Manager, aims, that from the (not yet-) customers of the car houses similar to loyal fans be as football clubs such as FC Bayern Munich, Inter Milan and the FC Barcelona have. The key to this is according to Michaela Mojzis, to offer not only a top product, customers expect today of course the customers”. Rather it applies, this emotionally more than a maintenace bind it requires”. For this purpose the car dealerships, so Mojzis, also a personal profile must develop, so that a relationship from person to person”. In the workshop Michaela Mojzis and Uwe Reusche a way imagine how car dealers can achieve this goal in seven steps.
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