Video Ads – The Future Of Online Advertising?
Online marketers feel great demand after Bewegtbildformaten / OMD will bring new promotions hype or growth? Online video advertising is the focus of the Onlinewerbebranche. Consumers for video content are well equipped on the net thanks to a growing number of broadband Internet connections. Almost three quarters of German Internet users (71 percent) Watch already movies on the Internet according to the industry association BITKOM. Marketing concepts for video content take more and more form: submit a video clip that integrates into a banner, the so-called in-banner ad and activated with a single click to down to the increasingly popular in-stream-ad so a promotional clip, upstream of an online video is (\”pre-roll-ad\”). The advantage: The user knows the form of advertising from the TV and takes them to see the desired content. And: track can be traced to better. The demand for the advertisers is growing accordingly.
Already, companies such as Toyota, McDonaldos and Ehrmann with individual campaigns fool like brand management in the NET can look like. However, there are still significant uncertainties in dealing with the new advertising medium. Here, Pete Cashmore expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Approximately 18 to 24 months as there is in the industry consensus is the market still need to unfold to full flower. This applies not least for the production of advertising materials: while vendors such as Apple traditionally innovative and open to produce already professional webpage for the network for the Internet, it is always still commonplace, to cut the current TV campaign for the Web on spots between seven and 20 seconds length. Even if there is still no defined duration for the highest effectiveness of video ads, short styles especially in pre roll ads have proven themselves right now: the users appreciate short advertising. High growth rates expected for a new advertising could join its triumphal procession: eMarketer’s U.S. market researchers expect high double digit growth rates for this format.
Tags: advertising & pr, marketing