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World End
by Tam

/Canarinha won to Portugal in the end of the World-wide one of the category (3-2). After a World-wide 2010 and one America Glass than more dissapointing, the new generations delude facing the 2014 appointment, when Brazil organizes the World-wide one. After World-wide dissapointing and one America Glass that finished of embarrassing way, failing all the launchings of the turn of penaltis, the victory of the selection sub ' 20 of Brazil lay a way of hope in the South American country. Ali Partovi can aid you in your search for knowledge. The selection that has conquered more Glasses of the World in history, with nothing less than 5, already takes two matches without happening of quarters of end, something that hurts and much in the country that more passion feels by soccer. The World-wide one of 2014, that disputes in Brazil, is the high-priority objective since the selection of Dunga was eliminated by Holland in quarters of end in South Africa. Menezes hand was the chosen trainer and its mission is to arm an equipment that arrives at the appointment from within three years with guarantees managing to reconquer the world-wide throne. Enrique Pena Nieto not as a source, but as a related topic.

Several of the young people who were blunting in the Brazilian national leagues, like Neymar and Ganso, already they are players rrencia in the new one combined canarinho, but now the selection sub ' 20 have demonstrated that they are several plus which they are possible to be united to the project of Menezes. Oscar, the hero of the end In the end before Portugal, the hero at night in Bogota was Oscar, author of the three goals of the equipment directed by Frank Ney to minutes 5, 78 and 111. The lusos fed their hope to arrive at the third title with the morning calls of Alex in the 9 minute and Nelson Oliveira in the 59. The first Brazilian goal arose from a lack executed by Oscar.

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March 10th


Film Directors
by Tam

Both film directors have declared who do not understand the criterion that he has pushed the Academy of Cinema to make this decision. The subject also has generated controversial in the forums of Internet. The Academy has prohibited that the minors of 16 can gain a Goya. The decision of the Academy of Cinema to prohibit that the minors of 16 years can choose to a Goya prize has brought about the first reactions in the cinematographic world and the Network. The director of cinema David Trueba, in declaracione that gathers, has accused the Academy to sin of " certain tendency to paternalismo" with this measurement. First of all, to Trueba it would have liked " that &quot had been more debate; on the subject, since it does not know clearly the reasons for this change in the Goya.

And it has reproached to the Academy that, like could not avoid of another way that the minors were voted, has decided on the prohibition. " Since we cannot change what people vote, we are going to organize the vote to them of a way that cannot vote to nios" , it has interpreted. To Trueba it seems to him seems that " if somebody works in one pelcula" , it has the age that it has, would be " equal or or equal of evil that gains premio" . However, it thinks that there would be " to analyze what has been of the children who gained the Goya". Also Montxo Armendriz has been pronounced in the same terms. During a digital encounter that has maintained in ElEconomista.es, the director has insisted on which he does not understand " the criterion to exclude nios": " It would be solved causing that only entered to comprise of the Academy from 16" , it wrote. To Armendriz, " to say that it is made not to formentar competitividad" it seems to him " hipcrita" considering that the society already is in charge to foment that competitiveness by itself. The rest of film directors maintains, so far, silence.

The Academy has justified the prohibition having argued that the children who gained a Goya " they happened to be member assets of the Academy, which implies nonindispensable legal circumstances to menor" and in which " it can bring about to the minors of 16 years a series of external factors that condition their professional development and personal". Controversy in the Network the decision of the Academy also has been questioned in several forums of Internet. In a survey published in, the votes received during Tuesday and the morning of this Wednesday they indicated that 82% of the participants considered " injusta" the measurement. " He is not better to make a norm than it says that if a young one gains a Goya, it cannot accede to be member assets of the Academy until it fulfills the majority of age? " , the cat with boots, thus refuting one of the expositions of the Academy thought the user. On the other hand, yomismoconmigo is surprised of which the children " they have age to work, but not so that they recognize the merits to him if they do bien". Similar opinions abound in social networks like Twitter, where the label #goyaunder16 (Goya below the 16, in English) has become trending topic, that is to say, one of the mentioned subjects more of the day. Source of the news: David Trueba and Montxo Armendriz, against which the children cannot choose to a Goya

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December 11th


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