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Social Networking Sites
by Tam

The true Queen of social networks remains Facebook, which leads the ranking with 89% of respondents, behind which are Youtube (60%) and Tuenti (44%). The study analysed, to part the presence, knowledge, perception, habits and preferences of Internet 2.0: the Twitter MicroBlogging network has experienced an increase in terms of their notoriety, tripling its results I respect to 2009. Users notice as the most famous bird of the network is more immediate than the rest. Among the more diffuse actions: connect with friends, learn about news and the word of the year: share. In addition, advertising on social networks is still perceived as much less invasive than the rest, since the user chooses their products to follow, and Social Network users are more active in the Web that those who reject the Web 2.0. Perhaps because they have already lost all kinds of fear to trust the network? Non-users of social networks, on the other hand, argue with lack of interest or time, and mistrust. Who of us doesn’t know about that I never have Facebook! I want to keep my privacy etc and your friendship request arrives after a few months? Find out what happens in advertising online, leave your comments: the Blog of Marketalia. From the Marketalia OnLine Marketing Agency we propose a series of online marketing services to achieve their business goals thanks to the potential of the Internet. Original author and source of the article.


July 13th


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