Stock market coach Markus Frick to the trading day September 11, 2009 the DAX sprints again today on a new year high and if that fails expectations, then we are consumer confidence in the United States, which will be announced today at 16:00 today still see much higher rates. Many investors do not trust this rally still, because the messages from the United States leave not really pleasure. 40 million people live in the United States in poverty and 13% of the total population. The trend is further increasing and we are relatively sure that we will have new 2010 highs in those poverty figures. On the other hand, the Government in the United States will withdraw from the economy. According to Treasury Secretary Geithner, parts of exceptional Bank aid will expire soon. The economy have become so much power that it is possible to switch from a course considered to rescue the economy on a recovery track. Some measures to encourage the flow of credit are no longer necessary, Treasury Secretary Geithner said.
The banks have ripped off healthy and they can go over now back to creating new products, then sell them all over the world. We start everything from scratch again. Includes opaque products and million bonuses again the normal things a Bank experience. No one wants to know something of course of brutal public debt or unemployment, but this will be also a great theme. In Germany of course only after the elections.
Markus Frick important exchanges dates for today: DE; Wholesale prices August 14:30: US; Import prices for August 14:30: US; Export prices August 15:55 Uhr: US; Consumer sentiment uni Michigan September 16:00: US; Wholesale trade July 20:00: US; State budget August Markus Frick became self-taught one of the best-known and most successful stock market professionals in Germany. Creativity, discipline, hard work and a special flair for the challenges of the financial markets were the basis for this success. As a trading coach with strong team Markus Frick offers today in addition to books, Seminars and DVDs for beginners for advanced investors a portfolio unique in the industry.
Tags: business & economy, trade