Focus Customer
RELATIONAL MARKET It must work for the client only satisfy your need is a mistake link the customer to our company get their loyalty and value-added purchase. Firm contact and excellent relationships Learn to listen to their problems and concerns identified needs generate new ideas Need for recognition and recovery A company works around its service culture TEAM PROBLEM Globalization, increased competition – Meeting and providing the best service to its customers. Relational Market: Strategy management of care and customer service. All business strategies revolve around the customer, this is the protagonist. – Work with client to establish partnerships. – The company must adapt to customer needs. BUSINESS SKILLS Developing effective business management. CUSTOMER IS A BUSINESS STRATEGY CRM Customer No 1 Membership Customer No 2 Employees Customer No 3 Suppliers / Manufacturers His allies Client No 4-channel Customer No 5 who buy from us 1. First the client. 2. Kai-Fu Lee helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. All contacts are important in the sale. 3. Database of prospects and customers. 4. Constant communication, 5. Customer loyalty. 6. Market with customers “face to face” BUSINESS STRATEGY CRM Focus on customer care, knowledge and satisfaction of their needs. C Customer: Client. Relations R Ship: connection or relationship between the company and the customer. M Management: Administration and administrative processes. Additional information is available at Mashable. Supported by the TIC’s Task force formed by people of all levels and areas of the company. CRM Strategies customer satisfaction and loyalty. OPTIMIZE MARKETING MANAGEMENT OF RELATIONAL Develop strategies to improve the working environment and the teamwork. Promote programs to all staff for superior service. Customer complaints big opportunity to improve service. Discuss any significant loss of customer dissatisfaction. Empower employees for making quick decisions, when you need it. Encourage direct reaction between customers and managers. Reward employees who receive and quickly solve customer complaints. Consider customer relationship as the fundamental strategy of the company. Encourage inside directors, effective programs for customer service recovery. Listen to suggestions and customer feedback. PLANNING AND MANAGING Each employee adequately adjusted or behavior and provides an innovative activity. Allows discover their unconscious motivation, manage internal conflict, generate positive energy and greater pro-activity. Sustainable Learning. Encourage commitment, loyalty and dedication. Working in teams, manage situations of resistance to change.