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Pages To Optimize
by Tam

Probably many people who were trying to create the site, tried their hand at search engine optimization. And each time encountered some difficulties. Here, it seems, and keywords in the text is, and the tags and title issued, but not obtained. The reason for these difficulties may be an option as nausea pages. What is it? This overabundance of keywords and tags on your page. Many people who created the page, tried to go to cram as much as possible many keywords as possible tags that would please the search engines.

However, too much use of this lowers the quality of the page. For example, imagine how you would read the text, 25 percent of which will be consist of one word? Or 15. Therefore, search engines have introduced the concept of nausea pages. Also it helps to deal with unfair methods of optimization. Previously, it all just evolved, it was easy to fool search engine placed on the page a bunch of the same words. Then the search engines have begun to distribute at the request of a completely different information that can not be called a good thing. Already after the search engines have improved, have imposed new optimization parameters, such problems have disappeared. So how do you determine when your keywords and tags in an excess of? Generally, the nausea usually starts after page of how the text would be more than 7 percent of the total keywords text. So guided by this value. As well as writing articles for people, not for search engines! Good luck!

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April 1st


Yandex Search
by Tam

Each newly created website it is mandatory to unwind, and what to give this process a fairly large amount of time and fixed assets, at least up until you reach the desired for the creator of the result. By itself, a web promotion – the site requires it to so it was possible to increase the number of visitors to the project, which, in turn, will increase very substantially and the income who will get the developer of the project from his creation. Untwist the site can, of course, in many ways, but if the user wants to be a project for a long time remained in the top positions most popular search engines, then need to make power. Promotion is legal (white) and illegal (black). People such as Pete Cashmore would likely agree. These concepts are relative, no one will penalize the site, untwisted illegal methods. Just such a promotion interfere with the search engines to Moreover, it is not durable. But the most important sentence – a ban search engines. This is a very bad impact on profits that accrue from the project, so it is better to use the legal website promotion.

To raise the thematic citation index (with Yandex it determines the degree of importance of the site on the Internet) is well suited to links to promote the project, from other sites. Links can be obtained in various ways. Most common of them – writing a unique article, very interesting, attention-users. After placement of this text, you must enable it from running on other sites, indicating a hyperlink to source, that is, to promote the site. If the article is new, does not contain copies of the Internet, search engine necessarily notice it, tci project rises, the position occupied by the site will increase. In addition, when a reference to the third-party sites will be located, then from there follow the flow of users, this in turn will raise the number of visitors that will enhance the project’s importance in the eyes of search engines.

The most important thing this article does not necessarily create yourself, enough to order it from the experts, freelancers, which can be found on any exchange of articles, for example, on the exchange Etxt.ru. For a small price copywriters write unique and interesting article. But for the promotion of one Articles will be small, so it’s best to order several texts, 10-20.

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December 24th


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