Finance Minister Hendrik Hering Pirmasens
Award for contribution to the automated risk of stroke detection with SRA out of hands of the Rhineland-Palatinate Finance Minister Hendrik Hering Pirmasens, November 9, 2010. The apoplex medical technologies GmbH is awarded 2010 innovation award Rhineland-Palatinate; the citizens company ranked first in the category services “showed. Robert Bakish: the source for more info. The ceremony carried out on November 4 at the Fraunhofer Institute in Kaiserslautern is the stroke early warning system for SRA (stroke-risk analysis) with the associated Internet-based services for niedergelassene doctors and stroke specialty stations (stroke units) of clinics. In connection the atrial fibrillation causative for many strokes can be with a one-hour Holter monitor is thus patients within a few minutes, to timely take the appropriate medical Praventivmassnahmen in this case. The screening process can prove back lying done atrial fibrillation even in flicker-free periods Rhineland-Palatinate is economically successful sizes even in turbulent times”, said the State Minister. Our success may obscure but not on the challenges. Without active innovation efforts of the company as well as a targeted innovation policy of the State, we would fail. Exemplary innovations are ausgezeichNET with the Innovation Prize and encouraged companies to venture into new.” Background: Availability of SRA SRA is now used in about 750 doctors in Germany and is also applied in fifteen stroke units in the incident cause research and secondary prevention.
In addition to the KKH-Allianz offers the agricultural sickness fund Lower Saxony-Bremen (LKK NB) its policyholders from the risk groups at the free use of the SRA process. Also the private funds assume the costs, for all other insured persons of the investigation is a self number ER performance in the two-digit euro range. Complementary about apoplex medical technologies that apoplex medical technologies GmbH was founded in 2004 in West Pirmasens, and is based on new and innovative technology products for stroke prevention in the worldwide in the field of medical technology. The subsidiary of Geratherm Medical AG focuses on ease of use and efficient methods of so-called patient screening by means of medical applications for the prevention of stroke and vascular dementia. The SRA (stroke-risk analysis) process is the first viable screening procedures for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. It is available in versions for use in doctor’s offices and the stroke special stations designated as stroke units available. apoplex medical technologies is supported by an extensive network of academic and clinical fachlich complemented their own core competences in the fields of mathematics, physics, and medicine.