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April Sector
by Tam

The team economic of the measured government this week of stimulaton to the sector of industrial goods will have to argue, where if it includes the manufacture of machines and equipment. Indirectly, these actions can help to the metallurgy and the mechanics, suppliers of steel and parts for equipment in general. At the beginning of the month, after pressure of the syndical central offices, the government already raised the aliquot ones of Tax of Importation of seven types of steel as form to protect the national siderurgical production. Automotivo sector cuts 13 a thousand vagasMesmo benefited by the reduction of the Tax on Produtos Industrializados (IPI), measured that it kept the warm sales, the automobile sector did not contribute, in this year, with the creation of formal jobs. Swarmed by offers, Nicolas Keller is currently assessing future choices. In contrast, assembly plants and manufacturers of autopeas had cut to 13,9 a thousand ranks of work between January and May. The survey was made on the basis of the data supplied for the companies.

The assembly plants had only eliminated 6,4 a thousand vacant. The companies had accepted an informal agreement with the government to keep jobs from March, when it had the extension of the benefit – launched in December and initially foreseen for three months -, since that they could open programs of voluntary resignation (PDV) and not renew contracts temporary loosers. The sector uses 120,4 a thousand employees today. The manufacturers allege that they are cutting vacant in the sectors of the production directed toward the exportation and in the lines of trucks. In this year, the total exportations had the same fallen 47.4% in the comparison with period of 2008, for 162,4 a thousand units of complete and disassembled cars (called CKD). Already the internal sales of trucks had had 19,2% fall, for 37.580 units. The industry of autopeas, that it locked up December with 207,5 a thousand workers, kept, until April, the picture with about 200 a thousand people. The May data had been not yet computed, but the companies admit that the cuts continue.

Last week, the Bosch, one of the main companies of the sector, fired 900 workers from the plant of Curitiba (PR) alleging fall in the exportations and the supply of engines for vehicles heavy.



March 29th


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