So Paulo State University
If currently in them the importance to preserve seems clear, or at least this idea she is proliferated, and connected strategically in the speeches of the Brazilian and world-wide elites (and also present in didactic books), we have mainly that to carry through the effort, to understand that at this moment in Brazil, this idea was not so important, as speech of the dominant elites, and, therefore, the speech to be proliferated was of development. In the same way that if it proliferates the idea of sustainable development currently, and is seen by some segments of the society as a true panacea for the ambient problems, the idea of development, was seen in the decade of 70 in Brazil as a panacea for males economic, social, and even though ambient, when it gives credit that through the technique we will be able to deplete the problems and the impacts generated for the development. Bibliographical references BARBOSA, T. The Concept of nature and analyses of didactic books of geography. 301 f. Dissertao (Mestrado in Geography), Program of After-Graduation in Geography of the So Paulo State University, College of Science and Technology? Campus of President Prudente? SP, 2006. FOUCAULT, M. the order of the speech.
Loyola publishing company, 14 edition. So Paulo. 2006 ______ Microfsica of the power. Graal publishing company. 21 edition. 2005 GONALVES, C.W.P. The ambient challenge. Rio De Janeiro, Record Publishing company, 2004.
________A Globalization of the nature and the Nature of the globalization. Rio De Janeiro Brazilian Civilization. 2006 _____ Geography Politics and Sustainable Development, in Free Magazine Land in. 11-12 (So Paulo, Landmark Zero/AGB, So Paulo). 1996 LACOSTE, Y. geography – This Serves, In First Place, To make the So Paulo War: Papirus, (5 edition). 2001 MOREIRA, I. The Geographic Space – General Geography and of Brazil. Publishing company Stokes 6 So Paulo edition. 1976 MOREIRA, I.; AURICCHIO, E. Constructing the Space – Constructing the American space. Publishing company Stokes. 2 edition, So Paulo. 2004 SOUZA, the metropolitan challenge: A problematic study on partner-space in the Brazilian Metropolises Rio De Janeiro. the Publishing company: Bertrand Brazil. 2005
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