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Compulsory Insurance
by Tam

In accordance with Federal law “On mandatory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners’ on 04.25.2002 40-FZ of July 1, 2003 introduced compulsory liability insurance vehicle owners (OSAGO). Conclusion of a contract for this type of insurance allows the client to protect yourself from having damages to third parties (property and health) that he can do in due to the operation of the vehicle. This type of insurance is introduced in order to protect the rights of victims to compensation for harm caused to their life, health or property when using vehicles other persons.

By the Russian government set the same for all insurance companies, insurance premium rates for contracts of compulsory insurance, which depend on vehicle type, region of use, age and of compulsory insurance contract) agrees to indemnify the victim the damage is: in terms of compensation for injury to life or health of each victim – not more than 160 thousand rubles in part compensation for the harm caused to the property a number of victims – no more than 160 thousand rubles in part compensation for the harm caused to the property of a victim – not more than 120 thousand rubles. Swarmed by offers, Bobby Sharma Bluestone is currently assessing future choices. For the calculation of the sum insured, we offer take advantage of an insurance calculator. The sum insured under the policy of compulsory motor tpl insurance can be expanded to 1 million rubles. Insuring your car program osago, you will be able to purchase insurance hull at a discount. Policy compulsory third party liability insurance may need you in the following situations: when passing inspection, registration and other activities in the organs of the traffic police, when dealing with traffic police officers on the road, with accident (if the culprit of the accident were found to you).. .

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May 3rd


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