Digital Configuration
Note that a rough adjustment makes sense to hold on the most powerful channel, and the final fine-tuning – to the weakest. Making sure that you can not improve the picture, finally tighten all fasteners on the antenna, route the cable from the antenna to the site to view and install all the equipment in stand under the TV. In the case of the digital receiver to perform this operation much more difficult. The fact that the analog method has a very wide range of input levels – from when something becomes clear through interference, to the ideal reception. Moreover, the analog receiver fulfills input change instantly, changing the picture on the screen, respectively. Digital reception is characterized by the appearance of a threshold character image.
Transitional stage, when the image trembles and breaks, has a very narrow range of input signal levels. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the digital receiver is not an instant 'captures' the picture. He even sufficient level of input signal must be a few seconds for image processing. Therefore, we can offer the following options configure the system with a digital receiver. First, you can borrow anywhere analog Receiver settings. On the most popular satellite groups, such as Hot Bird 1,2,3,4,6; Eutelsat W4/Sesat; Astra-1 B, C, D, E, F, G, H, 2C; Thor-2, 3 / Intelsat-707, currently there are both digital and analog TV channels. After setting up an antenna "by analogy" You can connect digital equipment.
If the analog receiver to take no place, there remains the option of setting the signal level meter. It should be remembered that satmetr can be connected to the converter cable segment is not longer than a few meters. With the cable in a few tens of meters satmetr 'does not pull. " Most models of digital satellite receivers have built-in digital signal level meter. Although it is rather crude measures of, but the setup process, they make it easy. In the case of setting the level of the signal is particularly important accurate azimuth setting. Satellites in geostationary orbit located a few degrees. Therefore, adjust the signal level on the wrong satellite and set the parameters of digital signal (frequency, SR, FEC), you will not see anything, and realize that you have configured incorrectly, it will be very difficult. Much expand your ability to foster a satellite positioning system unit with the different satellites. Such a system allows you to receive up to 100 or more analog channels and many more digital. Consider antenna design, which can be configured for multiple satellites. This dish is different suspension design, which is called the 'polar'. Invention of this suspension was for astronomical instruments and has this name, because the axis around which the mirror antenna, parallel to the axis of rotation of the Earth. And it is known, is aimed at Polaris. Suspension design in the most general terms is shown in Fig. 10 and 11. In this Configuration angle of elevation of the polar axis is approximately equal to the absolute value of latitude point of the antenna. Amendment 'about' arises from the fact that the Earth is not perfectly spherical shape, and flattened by the poles. Elevation is selected from the calculation of directional antenna axis parallel to the equatorial plane. To turn the antenna axis in the direction of the satellites in geostationary orbit, a so-called correction, or the angle of declination. From simple geometrical considerations it is clear that these three angles add up to 900.
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