Planning Business Strategies
Pause to meditate you thought about it and decide whether you have acted in the same way. Arises because, as an exercise in strategy, not in vain is included in our “Strategy Workshop.” 2 – Preamble When the events occurred, he worked as an independent consultant for a firm whose purpose was the launch of projects for further exploitation and sale. I was responsible for all matters relating to marketing and sales strategy. This article is based one of the experiences I lived. It all happened in one city in a country of Western culture for 1998. 3 – The protagonist “There was once an entrepreneur,” which came through the door of our company and had very clear ideas of how I wanted to be his professional future, though not so much on where to start and how to guide you.
I was about 35 years, was considered a good professional in your field – now explain what had been spent – and had decided not to rely absolutely “never again” of others. Having a high school in terms of what is formal, and a great capacity for work, and a good dose of empathy. He had just emerged from a traumatic experience in the professional and personal appearance which led it to abandon the company for which he had been working over the past five years. Do not know how to reorient their work and also had a very limited investment capacity. 4 – Where By mutual agreement we start we start by reviewing in detail what had been his working life.
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