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by Tam

To achieve that a company should reflect good results (in terms of economic terms refers), it is necessary that the person who is responsible for directing the same, been thoroughly trained and take the right decisions at the moment to invest, spend, save, among other issues that are essential for success, financial, production, among other areas. A very interesting proposal for individuals entrepreneurs like you, is to perform a comparative analysis between the advantages of lease or purchase goods. It is recommended to be sure the needs of each company in particular presents and then get to make the best decision. Signing a lease agreement, granted you a temporary use on any good or service that will meet your needs as long as you need only, for example on transportation, machinery, real estate, computer equipment Office, among other needs your company may have for certain seasons. Only thus you invest in the time you need and in a manner more accessible. There is the possibility of choosing between a pure or financial leasing. The first is characterized by not having the obligation to share to the hirer on the acquired sale; While the second requires the lessee to pay other costs established by the lessor. Original author and source of the article.

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