Master Maria Jose Education
Academic Gilda Carla de Jesus Hisses Academic Talita Orienting Menezes Saints: Master Maria Jose de Azevedo Araujo SUMMARY To if thinking about how much the communication relations gifts in the world contemporary come if becoming complex, is each more well-known time the necessity of the use of the technology in the education, therefore this, when taking the technologies as education resources, becomes one of main the responsible ones for the formation of citizens capable to interact in critical and reflexiva way with the technology that is each more present time in the daily one of the same ones. In this perspective, the present work considers to analyze it the process of teaching and learning technological alfabetizao, arguing its relevance and contribution for the practical one of a coherent education with the new educational requirements, taking in consideration excellent aspects such as: new technologies, education contemporary, formation of professors, digital inclusion, amongst others. With intention to establish a study theoretician on the thematic one in question, this work bases itself on a qualitative research of the bibliographical type, under the literature revision on the subject. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Alfabetizao, technology, education. ABSTRACT When someone thinks about the contemporaneous worldwide communication relationship notices that it becomes complex and the necessity of using the technology you improve the education process is noticeable, mainly because this education (when someone you use the technology a learning tool) becomes one of the most responsible key you make citizens able you interact in the critical way using the technology which exists in to their routines. In this perspective, this project was proposed you analyze the teachers and students' technological literacy process, discussing its relevance and contribution you create coherent learning practice according you the new educational requirements. It' s also remarkable that adds aspects have you be considered such: new technologies, professional capability, teacher' professional s improvement, digital inclusion, many others.
Tags: technology