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International Monetary Fund
by Tam

Walmart (NYSE: WMT) and its strategy of expanding the international financial crisis has hit hard in the pockets of American families. Such is the impact that have suffered, that their consumption habits have been modified. Additional information is available at Rapyd. Eastern shift in consumption habits of families in the United States (and also in other countries hit by the crisis with force), anticipates that it will not be short-lived. This also have perceived it companies of mass consumption, including giant Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) who is developing a plan for expansion that in addition to ensure you grow, will help to improve the soundness of the company. The consumption of American families is a not only key component in the growth of the U.S. economy, but also in terms of the drivers of growth in the global economy. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Mashable has to say. This faith can give China one of the countries who are suffering with greater force the lower demand for goods from the United States, which has forced it to launch towards the end of 2008 an aggressive policy of stimulation of domestic demand which has caused more than one headache. The weakening of the consumption in the United States was reflected in the results of the last quarterly balance sheet released by the company and which, according to Bloomberg, unveiled showed that sales abroad, mainly in countries like China, Mexico and Canada, exceeded the results obtained in the United States.

This phenomenon, although unthinkable a couple of years ago, has its logic. While the average American really like (perhaps too) consume, reaching borrowing heavily in if necessary to be able to do so, the coup that the crisis has resulted in its finances has led them to the urgent need to focus on clean up your personal accounts rather than to consume. The Chief Executive of Wal-Mart Stores, Mike Duke, considers in this context of family consumption weakened, the alternative that the company stays solid and proceed with its growth, is seeking markets that offset the fall in sales in the giant market that is us. But where you find markets expanding in a world that suffers from recurrent episodes of crisis? The answer for Duke is in emerging markets that are emerging as the new drivers of global economic growth. Taking the projections from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), you can see that the Brazilian economy expects a growth of 5.5% in 2010 and 4.1% in 2011, growth which also implies an improvement in the socioeconomic status of the population, a population with more than 200 million inhabitants. Other economies of Latin America such as Chile, Mexico and Peru expect an average growth for 2010 and 2011 superior to 4%. And for the Asian economies, growth prospects are even better, with China hoping to grow again at a rate of two digits, and India above 8%. CONTINUE reading – opportunity of investment the S & P500 has fallen 13% in a few days, what companies should buy in? Wall Street in this scenario and after these casualties? We do disclose in the world value report. Leverage actions that will rise now subscribing to global value.


April 5th


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