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Cloudy Prices On The ProCloud
by Tam

Institute for cloud computing is best cloud computing ideas and services from the sculptures together with SAP, with which the six prize winners IM pfalzbau in Ludwigshafen at the ceremony of the ProCloud 2011 by the Institute for cloud computing and the SAP as sponsors have been awarded, there were real. This is in a world in which data, software and hardware if necessary more or less from scratch, symbolized by a cloud, made available, not necessarily have been expected. In welcoming the participants in the ceremony head of the Institute Prof. Dr. Uwe Hannig made it clear that in an increasingly virtual environment at any time access to the just need data and IT assets from anywhere from increasingly important is. Educate yourself with thoughts from Robotics.

He stated that we are facing a paradigm shift, the children and young people have already taken”. Because who as an individual on-demand apps uses and gives its data via Facebook in the cloud, will use later in the professional life of cloud computing with great naturalness. According to Code.org, who has experience with these questions. Rainer Zinow, when the SAP In his presentation, AG is responsible for the OnDemand strategy pointed out that cloud computing represents a step towards IT industrialisation. Benefits, such as mobile, worldwide access and low capital commitment, would rapidly accelerate the development and are interesting in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises. Of course, the path is not easy there. That was the Chairman of the IT Forum Rhein-Neckar in the following Roundtable moderated by Thomas Kohler, clearly. In particular in the field of data security, caution is advised.

Germany has a location advantage here today all over the world. In the highly anticipated award finals presented the three best candidates from the two price categories best cloud idea and best cloud service solutions. SAP as a prize sponsor was pleased with the high quality of the applications. “Markus Stahl, responsible for business development at SAP Germany, is convinced: young enterprise and cloud computing fit together just fine.” Unless a need, that’s why SAP to create a public platform for their innovative solutions with the ProCloud. Also Prof. Dr. Rainer Hoch, the Chairman of the designated jury, noted that there were only winners this evening. The MRM MobileResourceManagement GmbH could prevail in the category of best cloud idea, with their ServiceManager24, an application for the control and optimization of sales, service and sales organizations ahead of global eye and the EGOTEC GmbH. Cloud services, the AXIT AG pointed with their logistics platform AX4, providing supply chain management on push of a button, the Movilitas GmbH and ubivent GmbH on the courts. Cloud computing allows users at any time at any place without fuss to the consumption-dependent use of IT resources tailored to the needs. It increases flexibility, protects against technical obsolescence and releases highly qualified IT personnel administration tasks. The concept will prevail as well because of these advantages in the company but also in the private sector as Once the lease. The Institute for cloud computing (IfCC) is dedicated to the target, to meet the demand for knowledge in the field of cloud computing, and to provide cross-cutting information to the planning and implementation of cloud projects available.

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