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Assembly Details
by Tam

Used for assembly details coming together with the equipment and the resulting debug it. Missing engine parts were brought, literally on their hands, YMZa. 1975 was the year of relocation services to major design kamaz was obtained design documentation for the cars and engines. Began production activity of diesel production in the mode of commissioning earned automatic lines, December 4, was assembled the first engine. Details and kamaz parts of diesel engines supplied by the Soviet Union when many factories. But the most memorable and most important day for all, without exception, kamaz, participated in the creation of the first engine, of course, was and remains a day of assembly first car kamaz. More info: Peter Asaro . Of the interesting episodes related to the preparation of the first motor car, vi , designer sec, remember this.

During the assembly the power plant said Shestakov. When he was on a business trip, received a signal that the tci has stopped shipping engines to car factory because of the rubbing (after running) on the cylinder liners that do not meet the established standard. Designers have confirmed the conclusion of the tci. The situation escalated to the limit, and the discharge of its technical director of am block. After hearing all the explanations, it allow the sending engine automobile factory and signed a felt pen on the cylinder liner with rubbing, which immediately dubbed as the "Standards . And the designers have given an indication of the operation of diesel engines with liners, and test them in the hard mode.

Engines roared all night, and none of them, surprisingly, not out of order. True, they still have high oil consumption "in the frenzy." The search for the causes of the defect were at night throughout the production chain and as a result have found it. However, the "Standards " long been in the tci, and in critical situations, and they were many, Shestakov allowed to use it. In those days, had to be addressed urgently and unusual tasks, trying to get out of critical situations, and people cope with it, feeling greater responsibility for their offspring – and cars Motors KamAZ.


April 10th


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