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The Web 2.0 Social Networking
by Tam

The change in cultural habits that make using it gives the internet has mutated since its inception. At first, the idea was to link databases of universities for the exchange of scientific information. But little by little, the whole of humanity left taking over the Net, and was adapted to their tastes, desires and needs. Web 2.0 is a term that refers to new technological developments that allow more interactive sites. The era of static pages, whose sole mission was to be read by a passive audience, a mere receiver of information has passed into history. Web 2.0 refers to social networks, users who take over the sites they visit, the customizable to their wishes and preferences. Using its new applications that users can interact with each other, and share information, for example, photos on Facebook, or Google Docs online documents. In general, Web 2.0 is characterized by the multiplicity of languages and codes “Open Source “, meaning that any programmer can see and learn and thereby to develop new applications based on this common technology. Mikkel Svane is likely to agree.

For example, any programmer can develop an application for Facebook or Twitter. As if Ben & Jerry’s, a brand of ice cream in the United States, developed a Facebook application where users can turn a text that is displayed upside down, this to promote a variety of ice cream called ” Flipped “(turned). The possibilities are endless. Thus, the Web has been gaining more and more space in the daily activities of humans, leaving ample space for fun and leisure. The dialectical relationship between the publisher of a site, or sells a product or service and the public who receives it, has been equalized, as users increasingly interact more, and the sharing of information is more even. It is not all power, knowledge and wisdom of one side.

People also have things to say, even more valuable than the “institutional voice” of business. The tendency is to think of the internet as a platform, an environment where all interact, develop applications and generate content. Think of our own computer. We do what we want with the applications you have installed. For example, if we have the Officier Suite, we can make an Access database. The Internet is the same. Now you have powerful technologies and tools that allow us to work remotely on other servers, and we are thus limited to your computer. They no longer have our pictures on our PC, we have them in our Flickr account, for example. And our books are no longer in our library, are in Google Books. And our friends no longer go through to take a coffee house, now we all met through Twitter, and talked, and we learn things big and small, from examples such as “I am going to bathe now” to “My wife has entered into labor. ” That is Web 2.0.


June 16th


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