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Technology For Garbage Destination
by Tam

The garbage, nowadays and already has some time, is concern for the governing of the planet, after all, on average, an adult person, generates one kilo of garbage almost, per day. It multiplies this for the population of the planet and you the world will have the daily average volume of generated garbage. How to decide this question? It is not something easy of if deciding, but it is possible. Some mninos questions are necessary to start to decide this situation. First, we can say in recycling recycling in the hard one.

To separate plastics, glasses, papers and cans of the organic garbage and between itself, therefore each one of these materials can in agreement (and it must) be reused. The glass, for example, can be worn out and reinserido in the line of production and in the same way with the plastic, seperado in accordance with the characteristics of the material, it can be worn out and reused I believe not more that than two or three times. The cans, in the same way form, oven can come back eo to be casting toward new applications.e the paper tb can be recycled, even exactly manually to be reaproveitado in the majority of the cases for artesanato. You already were in a stationery store to see qto you cost a notebook of recycled paper? Caaaaaaro n! Entaum we go to recilar and to make same artesanato we are saying still of domestic garbage ok? the organic garbage? What to make? Good this yes if vc will not have as to compostar good it conditions direitinho in the garbage bag there and places in the lixeira to be collected by the lixeiro qto to the used oil, looks an entity that makes use of it, as for example production of sabonetes Stacks and batteries! In the garbage! NEVER! It separates and it has led to some rank of collection as well as the cellular ones that tb the domestic garbage must be collected in the store of cellular ploughs guiding for recycling So far was alone! the industrial garbage, the hospital garbage and the radiativo? For the two first ones also it has solution, that it would be the same given destination the rubber tires and devices the Plasma Plant.



May 24th


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