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Archive for March, 2019

KORSIS Network
by Tam

This reserve is most noticeable on a few primary areas where the so-called "concentrated consumption of "home, shower and industrial wastewater from industrial facilities commensurate with the consumption of domestic water from the town to be allocated to the greatest collectors of the section. Experience in design of drainage networks confirms the possibility of the above method of determining the estimated (total) costs. In calculating the pumping stations, emergency – regulating reservoirs and treatment facilities must have a distribution of daily and replacement costs and hours of the day shifts. In the relative values of municipal wastewater treatment costs into account not only of houses but also on office buildings and municipal enterprises. (3.14) and (3.15) imply uniform disposal of wastewater from the area neighborhoods. When placing on this area of administrative and community facilities, this principle is violated. On sites which discharge water from such facilities should be used Polymer piping type KORSIS with increased costs pass concentrated on them. These costs are set by the relevant applicable regulations. Technology investor contains valuable tech resources.

At the same time, the cost of water in other parts of the network can be less than calculated by formulas (3.14) (3.15). Determination of the estimated cost of waste water for individual sections of the network. Estimated expenditure for the current network section can be determined by gravitating to the specific areas and costs unit length of pipe. The first method is the "area" is widely used in engineering practice, the second – the method "length" – is less common, mainly in the calculation of the network using a computer. (Not to be confused with Peter Asaro !).

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March 26th


New Technologies
by Tam

When if it speaks in technology is usual that if it imagines computers with multiprocessors of last generation, specialized staff and one fund technological highly informatizado. Dell Computers will undoubtedly add to your understanding. However, one knows that the creation and the appropriation of techniques are part of the development of the humanity. Exactly in its primrdios the man invents, innovates, reinventa and renews. When making aluso to the society of the beginning of the historical times, Saints (1998), standes out that, each human group construa its space of life with the techniques that invented to take off of its piece of nature the indispensable elements to its proper survival. Organizing the production, it organized the social life and it organized the space, in the measure of its proper forces, necessities and desires. But, after all, what it is technology? Etimologicamente, the term has origin Greek, with the junction of the terms techn (technique or art) and logos (joint to know), however the technology definition if extends to the being associated with the way of effective production in the society. It can be said that, of the secular techniques, since the use of the chalk and the black picture until the emergent and current educational technologies, a long evolutiva trajectory in the didactic organization of the professor was covered.

However, the sprouting each sped up time more of new ways has brought certain confusion in the way to think the educational education, school and politics for this sector. In this scene of uncertainties they are the New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTICs). Deriving mainly of the Third Industrial Revolution, the new technologies make possible the advent of what &#039 is called; ' society of conhecimento' ' or ' ' society of informao' '. The study if it more justifies for the presence each sped up time of these new ways – mainly the computer and the Internet – in the daily life educandos them, them professors and of the school, it is inquired: which the purpose of the new technologies in the pertaining to school environment? That interests are in game? To assume of vocbulo technology to express the decurrent product of the creativity human being would so only be so pueril how much to assign the devilish expression of the being, that is, the perpetual existing doubt enters the substitution of the man for the machine or the transformation of the machine in element auxiliary in the way of production and the daily life of the people.

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March 18th


Argan Oil
by Tam

What benefits are obtained using edible argan oil and argan cosmetic oil?, to answer this question I will mention the properties of each of them, their advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start with the preparation of each principle, culinary use argan oil has a characteristic flavor that in many occasions people defined as a or walnuts or almonds, this flavor is given to toast the seeds of the fruit of the argan tree before leaving the seeds to remove the seeds from which oil is extractedThis way the oil obtained a darker Golden tone and a pleasant taste, the disadvantage of this principle is that some properties of argan oil are removed, however to ingest the oil it still contains the gamma-tocoferoles, sterols, lupeoles and other nutrients sufficient to give us a myriad of benefits. When the oil is ingested prey sterols that reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, prevent cancer by avoiding the proliferation of cancer cells without damaging healthy cells, have anti inflammatory action, as well as polyphenols that prevent aging, the carotenoids that protect from Ultra violet rays, fatty acids rich in gamma-tocoferoles which have an antioxidant power only, as well as sterols that also prevent cancer, prevent cellular dehydration, you help control gastritis to repair tissues thanks to its healing and regenerative action, among many others. Cosmetic argan oil is extracted in the cold so that it retains its properties intact, because unlike the edible that nutrients are absorbed by the intestine, argan cosmetic oil is absorbed by the cells of the skin, it was found that the membrane lypidic of cells which take the necessary nutrients that are in the oil as the gamma-tocoferolesthe lupeol, vitamin A and other nutrients to strengthen your system, nourish and reproduce more quickly, providing elasticity, moisturization, softness and smoothness to the skin. This method makes that unlike the edible oil this oil does not have a pleasant taste and a pale or dark golden color. The advantage of this oil is that you take advantage of their properties and do not need to heat it to use it. The only disadvantage of the culinary oil is that if you want to give the food a flavor as the Moroccan food you’ll use even for frying, and heat the oil this will lose their properties and your profits, but you can use this oil to garnish your salad or other food in this way consume it at room temperature and in a natural way to make the most of. Various studies have shown that two teaspoons per day per person are more than enough to benefit from the properties of argan oil.

So no matter if you use one or two options always will have benefits with argan oil. In addition to using argan cosmetic oil, this wonderful product has other uses. Are you interested in knowing more properties of argan oil? Continuous reading my articles on this wonderful product.

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March 13th


Primaplex Insulation
by Tam

In older homes, this figure is twice as high. Primaplex plates are used to heat insulation: outside, from the front, inside, from the interior, inside the building envelope (in a layered masonry). In systems with "wet facade "extruded polystyrene are attached to walls or locks glued special glues or pastes that do not destroy the structure of polystyrene. Insulation inside the walls is produced in operated buildings, if you need extra insulation or when the thermal insulation of the facade is problematic. Strength, the correct geometry, ease of installation, low thickness and weight – all these qualities make the plate Primaplex more attractive for domestic use. In a stacked masonry (inside building envelope), the use of plates is preferable than fibrous insulation (rock wool, fiberglass), as they do not bend and do not sag, water-resistant, not deformed by freezing – thawing.

For the benefit of others and their Primaplex advantages mentioned above. In addition, the layered masonry, they can serve as an air and vapor barrier that reduces heat associated with convection air. Thermal insulation of the roof was through the roof there are the greatest heat loss. Well insulated roof provides energy savings throughout the building: it is easier to maintain optimum temperature and humidity conditions in the under-roof space, and therefore can extend the life of roofing and the building. The range of tiles on the roof Primaplex very wide: it can be as flat and pitched roof construction, new buildings and exploited. In the case of insulation plates are stacked old roof on it right – first remove the roof waterproofing or no ties to carry out repairs necessary. For more information see this site: Mikkel Svane.

On pitched roofs solve the problem of thermal bridges, which occur when the roof insulation with a soft insulating between the rafters. Finally, Primaplex can be used when constructing roofs of contrails, which used in the creation of pedestrian terraces, "green" roofs, autoparkings. Insulation of underground facilities have already mentioned the possible negative effects of exposure to the construction of frost heave. Their can be prevented or avoided altogether, having insulated underground part of the building. Partially solves the problem of the device under the foundation of sand bags and sand backfill. However, to fully counteract frost heave is not enough – it is necessary to insulate the foundation around the perimeter of the building. The use of expanded polystyrene slabs allows the walls of the underground facility to store heat and provides a constant comfortable temperature in the space under the ground in winter and summer. Warming of the foundation will reduce heat loss, will prevent the walls from condensation, mold and mildew. In the insulated basement rooms without additional heating temperature is maintained +5-10 C. Heat protection by insulation greatly improves durability Primaplex waterproofing membrane that protects the building from the effects of soil water and moisture.

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March 13th


by Tam

What’s Christmas without gingerbread – new from sugar bakery slowly fills the air itself again with these wonderful smells of gingerbread and tunnels. It smells of cinnamon, anise, coriander, cloves and cardamom and shows us, soon it is again, the contemplative Christmas time is coming. In many places, Christmas markets and even at home stirred the delicious ingredients together and the sweet seductive cookie and scented gingerbread baked. Then, the Christmas smell in the air is so sweet and so delicious. At the latest if the advent wreath decorates our domestic tables is the question then, as every year also the perfect Christmas gift for his loved ones on the agenda. This is traditionally the time for tinkering the advent and Christmas season and decorate suitable.

In the new country mirror which is available from 29th November at the newsstand, the experienced but also the inexperienced DIY friend will find many suggestions and how-to tips for festive decorating. With a few simple tricks appear beautiful table decorations for the Festival. Old heirlooms from the attic, cellar, the storeroom and mother’s chest of drawers come alive in a new light on a second life and can be combined to a unique table decoration for a most excellent way. And when delicious smells in the House gingerbread makes the crafting and decorating is twice as much fun. From Sugar Bakery: So headlines the country mirror of his recipe and gift idea for gingerbread heart. With the homemade gingerbread man brings the lovely Christmas smell in the House and with the simple recipes for gingerbread, brightly coloured, playful, times as gingerbread heart, cloverleaf, ladybug, or lucky, as jewelry, cloaks, hanging and gift or just to eat up, you can make a delicious and personal gift from the heart the loved one. So the anticipation of bright children’s eyes can come to Christmas, mulled wine, cookies, candles and studs.

Because: no Christmas gifts are homemade as beautiful as that with love. The new mirror of the country is now in the Station bookstores and available at the newspaper stand for 3,90EUR. Company Description country levels – naturally live and enjoy is the magazine for a value-oriented, understandable sustainable culture and stands for sustainable socio-political concerns and vibrant wellbeing topics. Trendy LOHAS topics and burning socio-political concerns as feeder like interesting find about healthy nutrition, natural garden, Bauen & Wohnen, energy, development, society, resources and much more. Life with nature, rural living and enjoy healthy for a natural and enjoyable life: country level as a supplement and extension to the magazine find readers in, commercial-quality additional offers. The print circulation is 200,000 magazine. Distribution via the Dorothy Vertriebs GmbH nationwide options appearance. The copy price is 3,90EUR the magazine is moved over the publishing and media company FOOXX GmbH from Bad Honnef, next to the mirror of the country also known as! technology and multimedia -. and how how to finance and economics magazine! moved. The publishing house is also leading marketers of digital value-added products in Europe.

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March 11th


Youth Policy
by Tam

That ended in 2009, announced by the President of the Russian Federation "Year of Youth. We can already draw the main outcomes of the meeting and on this basis, we can assume the main directions of future activities. Without a doubt the most important event of the Year of Youth – a meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation on youth policy, which was held on July 17, 2009. Requests to the President of the Russian Federation at the State Council and Russian Prime Minister at a meeting of the Organizing Committee, have a strategic character and give a serious impetus to the development of our industry in the country. Others who may share this opinion include Koch Industries. On which the country's president Dmitri Medvedev said that the youth problems recently received much attention in this direction taken certain steps, but this does not mean that all issues are resolved, on the contrary, it is rather just the beginning of work. As part of the plans Youth of the Year in the Russian regions, has passed a variety of activities and events, and, seemingly, live so rejoice young man, but the Year of Youth revealed a number of challenges in matters of regulatory management and implementation of state youth policy. Until now was never adopted the Federal Law "On main principles of state youth policy in Russia." Thus, has not passed a long-awaited separation of responsibilities in the implementation of youth policy at the federal, regional and municipal levels. It is not possible to establish in all Russian regions united threshold level of young people. sites.

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March 7th


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