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Jutta Schutz
by Tam

Romance novels must and should be not only cheesy, but they may be happy also literary value. Romance novels must and should be not only cheesy, but they may be happy also literary value. The author Jutta Schutz convinces with a psychological and atmospheric complex story. Recently Dave Clark Flexport sought to clarify these questions. Every single character has a distinctive background and is extremely accurate. In addition, the captivating story is excellently written.

The author manages to maintain the voltage until the nerves cars showdown. The book covers also the full range of emotions that can be thrown at the reader. Deep shattering, terrible, relentlessly and at the same time as moving Jutta Schutz describes the situation of the lovers of Uwe and Lissy. A magnificent masterpiece of love with records that you should write out, to internalize them. A little erotic, coupled with much love and also suffering creates pleasant to entertain the book with this delicate topic of “Transsexualism”. It is to a young man who really wants to become a woman. Psychological problems accompany him on his way and leave a lasting impression at any reader these narratives and experiences. This book is associated repeatedly Williams, the pop singer from England with Robbie, who should play the main role in it. Jutta Schutz always again expressly declares that the singer has nothing to do with her novel.

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July 21st


Man Beats Machine
by Tam

“” Personal book recommendations for readers in the network the LovelyBooks book question “is the world’s first application for personal book recommendations” on the net. Readers have the opportunity, questions related to books, authors and literature, which are answered by book experts and many readers personally, individually and in real time for the first time. Unlike the popular question and answer platforms, covering all subject areas, the book question treated only a single area of interest, but in its range and depth. In cooperation with colleagues of the book industry LovelyBooks has developed a new approach, to enable readers in the Internet book recommendations, not automatically generated. The reader will find difficult in the network lacks the technical recommendation engines”for books most relevance and the booksellers of his confidence”. We are proud that we are worldwide the first platform that enables readers to individually appropriate book recommendations and helpful answers to their questions on the Internet”. Mirjam Mieschendahl, project manager of LovelyBooks stressed.

The question of the book is to benefit from an excellent way for readers of the wisdom of the crowd. Many studies have shown that consumers independent recommendations (say: other users) tend to trust, as the traditional advertising messages. The special potential for books, whose purchase decision is made usually by a recommendation, is clearly obvious. Also authors opens own awareness to increase and interest of the reader to the own book the book question opportunities to wake up. The next stage of the book question is already in planning. It will be to a book question & answer box (widget), who independently can be fitted by LovelyBooks on all Web pages, blogs, shops, without having the user away from are the page.

An additional added value for visitors to the pages. The LovelyBooks book question: book question on LovelyBooks.de: LovelyBooks.de is with monthly more than 150,000 unique users and over 100,000 Reader reviews the leading book community in German-speaking countries. Here, readers and writers share personal tips on reading, write reviews, and find new book recommendations. Altavista shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Press contact: LovelyBooks of Schleissheimer str. 26 80333 Munich Christian Horvath email: Tel: 0043 / 676 6688604

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July 20th


Band Unternehmenscoaching
by Tam

High return on equity can exclude counterproductive financial stability. Speaking candidly Alina de Almeida told us the story. Cut costs, save and limit themselves to the necessary policies of many companies in times of crisis. And it is difficult for many, to adapt to changing situations. Dominated by short-term thinking, cause of many problems in the past. Future desirable aspects be postponed. Filed under: Alina de Almeida. The second part of the series: The master plan – “Coaching for long-term success” is available in bookstores and via Libreka as E-book since July, 2011.

With the title: Coaching – profitability strengthen ISBN: print – 978-3-938684-12-2; book 978-3-938684-28-3 is after in spring 2011 appeared Band Unternehmenscoaching – bankruptcy danger avoid ISBN: print – 978-3-938684-11-5; book 978-3-938684-26-9 continued the series of economic literature for young and in crises the troubled enterprises and self-employed. Successful companies secure, develop and expand. Fault in distress and young companies with good A lot of AIDS and ways to protect your company and to get back on a more economical course receive future forecast. -Strengths and weaknesses of the company determine hoc measures – operational developments analyze and constructively assess – ad and get strategic concepts out of the crisis. Coaching is the key versus operating blindness to exploit latent and hidden potential. With the help of turn around measures is to strengthen the strong points of the company, to consolidate confidence among business partners and banks. Through organizational changes and effective measures of controlling liquidity margin be expanded and created interest for a good profitability. More detailed information see within the blue business series with all bibliographic information, the detailed table of contents under uv5100.htm.

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May 9th


Infantile Literature
by Tam

Psychoanalysis affirms that the symbolic meanings of wonderful stories are related with that the man faces in its emotional matureness, and during this phase appears to the necessity of the child in defending its will, independence or rivalry with brothers or friends. It is in this direction that the stories can be decisive for the formation of the child in relation itself and the others in its return. Maniquesmo that I divided the good and bad personages in, beautiful or ugly, powerful or weak, takes the child the understanding of certain basic values of the behavior human being or social conviviality. However the child is taken if to identify with the hero for if feeling in it the proper personificao of its infantile problems, for necessity of security and protection. Kai-Fu Lee pursues this goal as well. She can thus surpass the fear inhibit that it and to face the perigos and threats that its return feels, being able to reach the adult balance gradual. The writer also delivers itself to the discovery of the ancestral values, in the ethical direction, to disclose the character of race. Mikkel Svane wanted to know more. As they had made the Grimm Brothers. But the writer celebrates Andersen was a revelation in Infantile Literature who launches a new style portraying the sensitivity exaltada for the Romantismo.Hans Chistian Andersen a born talent of humble family author of varies workmanships, dedicated its production to it in sensitivity human being for situations lived in its infancy, learned to read and to write hearing histories that its father counted to brighten up the difficulties imposed for its social status.

With the death of the father he ran away from house and he changed themselves for Copenhagen, where its trajectory of writer started. At a difficult time he starts to work as dancer, coristor and writer of tragedies to defray the studies. In 1835 and 1842, he makes success with the publication of infantile estrias, workmanships cousins of world-wide, independent literature of sort.

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April 3rd


Copacabana High
by Tam

Movement that still gains more force on account of the visual aspect of the text, in which some words ece of fishes a little next to the right edge of the page, beyond the variation between short and long verses, makes with that the poem also has visually similarity with the waves sea. Valley to say, finally, that the words ' ' soltas' ' , in ' ' Copacabana' ' , they not only serve to a visual end, therefore they also exerted one strong rhythmic influence inside of the text, forcing some pauses in the flow of the reading. It follows below the poem: Copacabana High water of thighs suggestion of for the humid ones in green-sea-blue the sexos is spilled in the sand (shells) pierces the waves (seios) lowers palpitam the cool open thighs Inside the sea sings them Plant the white foam of the love and cools. (Max Martins, Anti-Picture) Another poem example with fort I appeal appearance is ' ' Subject A' '. Such poem is emblematic in such a way for the book how much for aesthetic of Max Martins, therefore it anticipates sufficiently of the ways that the poet will take after Anti-Picture, and this not only of the point of view of the poetical techniques, but also of the thematic point of view: the triad ' ' sex-nature-poesia' ' , that we point in the previous topic as something still insipiente, seems to really gain form consistent? conscientious e? in this poem. Making a small comparison, we would say that this triad is still an embryo in the Stranger, but that in Anti-Picture already he is a beautiful baby, the favourite son, whose birth is symbolized by ' ' A&#039 subject; '. Such importance can be found same in the heading of the poem, in which the poet detaches its main subject, ' ' A' ' , on which it will work and construct to variations throughout all its workmanship. .

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February 16th


by Tam

New from Julia and Alexander Nastasi – the Guide to successful manifesting (wish) in book form of Heidelberg. To the successful online course from Heidelberg by Julia and Alexander Nastasi there is now also a step by step manual in bookstores manifesting everyone uses the universal law of attraction 2.0 ISBN 389106389, only the least actively employ it for their own purposes with the manual manifesting 2.0, which includes exercises for 30 days in German and English, a further milestone is reached. The Heidelberg authors Julia and Alexander Nastasi derive an Onlinecoaching for almost two years and it is an optimal addition published Manual Second Edition to the courses (and since the 16 in the price automatically with this). But independently from the course offers numerous tips and exercises in DIN A 4 format published book to draw the life in the direction you want. While the book not on a topic is bound, whether the request is for more money, a new partnership or even health here Participants will learn how they can create in easy steps with the power of their thoughts. Information about the book title: title: 2.0 manifesting manifesting 2.0 paperback DIN A-4 with 70 pages published authors on June 16, 2009: Julia and Alexander Nastasi peculiarity: bilingual German / English, also on Amazon.com in the United States available. To deepen your understanding Steve Wozniak is the source. ISBN: 389106389 website dedicated to the book of manifest handbuch.seminar-service-nastasi.de is responsible for this press release seminar service Nastasi holder Alexander Nastasi forest road 25/1 69207 sand Wallace Tel.: 06224/924255 fax: 06224/924259 this press release may be reproduced free of charge, copy requested, also by mail using the address below, press images and more information address can be requested under the u.g. also.Seminar service Nastasi specializes in the distribution of online content about the law of attraction and manifesting the personal growth of the seminar participants specialized. In addition to the Manifestierenportal, the company operates a whole Series health portals and has currently five books published. Further information about the 2003 founded family operation headquartered in Germany are available on the company’s website.

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December 29th


by Tam

15) ‘ ‘ A history that had counted to me in pretty fertile valleys where I was born, to the been silent one of the night, when the moon walked in the sky argenteando the fields, and the breeze rugitava in palmares.’ ‘ (CAP. I, p.16) ‘ ‘ The feeling that it put in the eyes and the face, I do not know I to it ‘ ‘ (cap.II, p.17) the presence of poetical images serves to value the beauty, the force and other qualities of the indian, through the comparisons, being also an artifice to describe the exuberant and specific nature, making aluso to the fauna and the flora of Brazil. ‘ ‘ Iracema, the virgin of the honey lips, that had the hair blacker than the wing of grana and longer than its it cuts of palm. Robotics expert does not necessarily agree. The mass of cells of jati was not candy as its smile; nor recendia vanilla in the forest as its perfumed hlito. Faster than ema wild, virgin colored person ran the hinterland and the bushes of the Ipu, where tabajara campeava its warlike tribe of the great nation, the gracile and naked foot, badly roando smoothed only the pelcia green that dressed the land with first guas.’ ‘ (cap.II, p.16) ‘ ‘ Gracious ar, its friend and friend, it plays next to it. To the times it goes up to the branches of the tree and it calls the virgin for the name there; others rummage uru of shadied straw, where it brings the savage its perfumes, the white wires of craut, the needles of juara with that it weaves the income, and the inks of that shade algodo.’ ‘ (cap.II, p.17) the workmanship Is evident during all the intention in showing the importance given to the natural phenomena for the indians. It is part of the aboriginal culture, to perceive the ticket of the time in accordance with such phenomena.

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August 16th


One Day
by Tam

One day, nostalgically, we will look at stops backwards we will everemos that these twenty and five years of our lives had been valid the penalty. Tudoaquilo that, under a young perspective, we considered errors or rightnesss perdero sensible. We will leave to classify these events. But we will know queeles they had had a total decisive participation to be what we nostornamos. In these twenty and five years, we accumulate successes.

We share joys, smiles and choros of defeat. We travel together, nosentido literal and in the appeared one. We learn that the life also is made of losses (is, people, them exists). We live, in these twenty and five years, and comovivemos! E, after a time, what it will matter will be our friendship, aexperincia that we acquire and the complicity that if created between us. One day, we will congregate in one varanda any. Beberemosrecordaes.

We will remember already having forgotten where, when and as we nosconhecemos. as in them we become friends. But we will be. We will know aosoutros. Perhaps less in the memory and day-by-day of what in the heart. Perguntaremoscomo the friendship with one so different person (and our differences they will be aindamais clamorous) could become so indispensable, although in the distance that, fatally, she will have she enters some of us. One day, we will reviveremos in our children anossa youth. We will look at for they and we will remember ones of the others. We will remember, indistinctly, for the age, of the Modern, the Nazar, Mosqueiro, Salt mines, houses ones of the others, the sensations, the gostos, the cheiros and even of the Sundays playing soccer. Perhaps you the good one, this last one is not so diffuse umalembrana. It is that, indeliberadamente, we will remember with solidity dealguns facts. this, does not advance, will be in our memory. As well as tantosoutros, less funny and more important. Behind these memories, one day, yellowish reviraremosfotos and we will find old tickets of loves and friends. Constataremosa importance that each one of these people has in our lives. Sentiremosfalta of some of them and we will not bind for all, is fact. Some, for lack deum number of cellular. mature

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June 16th


by Tam

I do not know will have hope until the end of the breath, or if the life will be capable to answer all my investigations, I always lose very imagining as the things will be in the future, or as they had been in the past. I ask myself if valley the penalty everything that I make or will use one day. They are simple questionings, for a mind ' ' jovem' ' , I would say, could and have be more complex, but the uncertainty of a productive mind is not capable to compromise the brain thus, so pretensiosamente. Perhaps the people thank to one day such concern, if and if this to make some difference in its lives and, this, is only banally understandable. It is interesting to notice that the accomplishment of some improvement always interests all, even though to that if not interested parties say, as well as also affects to all direct, or indirectly. thinking better not only an improvement, I would say any modification. He is clearly that drastic modifications interest much more, as well as affect much more. The truth is that it is difficult to understand because we deveriamos to think or worrying in them in the modification of something if we can live perfectly without having that to make no alteration.

this is a question, at least, intriguer. After all it does not have as to take an initiative without before something in ' ' incomode' ' , and if nothing it bothers in them we continue to live the old and vulgar routine. The development of an idea that a priori seems banal, can be materialize in something fantastic, but &#039 is not far from easy to arrive at one; ' idea with end brilhante' ' , it would say that many times are not arrived, what he is sufficiently desanimador of a mathematical point of view. However without attributing to the mathematics the imperfection ' ' mecnica' ' of many of these ideas, and coming back toward the profile modifier of these, we can say that this is a considerable factor for the room and conformity of the people with the routine. The lack of will to think about something innovative, to search, to study, to formulate theories, to discover is also a factor that attenuates this behavior. Clearly that it does not justify not the development and let us say that if it does not justify at least explains. I do not believe that the people come to thus change of behavior of one hour pra another one, or that they start to think in different way. But I believe that daqui has some years starts at least thinking more, and I really have hope of this, I do not only know until when.

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December 21st


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