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Archive for June, 2014

The Web 2.0 Social Networking
by Tam

The change in cultural habits that make using it gives the internet has mutated since its inception. At first, the idea was to link databases of universities for the exchange of scientific information. But little by little, the whole of humanity left taking over the Net, and was adapted to their tastes, desires and needs. Web 2.0 is a term that refers to new technological developments that allow more interactive sites. The era of static pages, whose sole mission was to be read by a passive audience, a mere receiver of information has passed into history. Web 2.0 refers to social networks, users who take over the sites they visit, the customizable to their wishes and preferences. Using its new applications that users can interact with each other, and share information, for example, photos on Facebook, or Google Docs online documents. In general, Web 2.0 is characterized by the multiplicity of languages and codes “Open Source “, meaning that any programmer can see and learn and thereby to develop new applications based on this common technology. Mikkel Svane is likely to agree.

For example, any programmer can develop an application for Facebook or Twitter. As if Ben & Jerry’s, a brand of ice cream in the United States, developed a Facebook application where users can turn a text that is displayed upside down, this to promote a variety of ice cream called ” Flipped “(turned). The possibilities are endless. Thus, the Web has been gaining more and more space in the daily activities of humans, leaving ample space for fun and leisure. The dialectical relationship between the publisher of a site, or sells a product or service and the public who receives it, has been equalized, as users increasingly interact more, and the sharing of information is more even. It is not all power, knowledge and wisdom of one side.

People also have things to say, even more valuable than the “institutional voice” of business. The tendency is to think of the internet as a platform, an environment where all interact, develop applications and generate content. Think of our own computer. We do what we want with the applications you have installed. For example, if we have the Officier Suite, we can make an Access database. The Internet is the same. Now you have powerful technologies and tools that allow us to work remotely on other servers, and we are thus limited to your computer. They no longer have our pictures on our PC, we have them in our Flickr account, for example. And our books are no longer in our library, are in Google Books. And our friends no longer go through to take a coffee house, now we all met through Twitter, and talked, and we learn things big and small, from examples such as “I am going to bathe now” to “My wife has entered into labor. ” That is Web 2.0.

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June 16th


One Day
by Tam

One day, nostalgically, we will look at stops backwards we will everemos that these twenty and five years of our lives had been valid the penalty. Tudoaquilo that, under a young perspective, we considered errors or rightnesss perdero sensible. We will leave to classify these events. But we will know queeles they had had a total decisive participation to be what we nostornamos. In these twenty and five years, we accumulate successes.

We share joys, smiles and choros of defeat. We travel together, nosentido literal and in the appeared one. We learn that the life also is made of losses (is, people, them exists). We live, in these twenty and five years, and comovivemos! E, after a time, what it will matter will be our friendship, aexperincia that we acquire and the complicity that if created between us. One day, we will congregate in one varanda any. Beberemosrecordaes.

We will remember already having forgotten where, when and as we nosconhecemos. as in them we become friends. But we will be. We will know aosoutros. Perhaps less in the memory and day-by-day of what in the heart. Perguntaremoscomo the friendship with one so different person (and our differences they will be aindamais clamorous) could become so indispensable, although in the distance that, fatally, she will have she enters some of us. One day, we will reviveremos in our children anossa youth. We will look at for they and we will remember ones of the others. We will remember, indistinctly, for the age, of the Modern, the Nazar, Mosqueiro, Salt mines, houses ones of the others, the sensations, the gostos, the cheiros and even of the Sundays playing soccer. Perhaps you the good one, this last one is not so diffuse umalembrana. It is that, indeliberadamente, we will remember with solidity dealguns facts. this, does not advance, will be in our memory. As well as tantosoutros, less funny and more important. Behind these memories, one day, yellowish reviraremosfotos and we will find old tickets of loves and friends. Constataremosa importance that each one of these people has in our lives. Sentiremosfalta of some of them and we will not bind for all, is fact. Some, for lack deum number of cellular. mature

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June 16th


Teaching Results
by Tam

It is necessary that the teacher knows how to handle properly the Internet, the classroom virtual, and all those workshops, brainstorming methods, which lead to motivate your participants to empathize with the skills being taught, keep alive the dialogue that has been lost, where. sometimes abuse the formal authority of power of the teacher, greatly harms the openness to dialogue. Classrooms must be real workshops that facilitate the analysis of the reality of the subjects taught and shared, where research is expressed and gives rise to results that justify the investment of time given in each class is taught . Since the blackboard, chalk, are not the instrument to be used in traditional classrooms, they should already be integrated into modern audiovisual media, which give way to more participatory classes. We share what we said Carlos Mora V. (2001) that the teacher, now more than ever, must know how to use motivational incentives give way to bring out the incentive that we all bring and lead to not only produce results that favor the encouraged but to everyone. This requires the teacher self-assessment, identify motivational stimuli are using through their teaching, how these stimuli has led to the student be motivated, encouraged and lead the class, learning reach academic excellence.

The teacher should also have a self of its weaknesses, strengths in their methodology, in the way outlined his ideas, knowledge and above all, as an incentive to students, something that is easily determined with the results, the prevailing motivational climate the course. It is necessary according to the personality, behavior, behavior of participants, to determine what should be the methodology to follow, how to communicate motivational stimuli which will generate positive incentives in student interest in learning, productivity. We insist on mentioning that the modern Teaching has definitely know how to use properly the motivational stimuli this application, especially when the media backed the demands of the knowledge society provide new stimuli, which helps manage saberseles positively towards the stimulation of the participant. Specifically it is a fact that the universities to ensure academic excellence should examine how they are demonstrating their role in promoting their teachers and all changes necessary to know the teacher to integrate productively with its participants, otherwise the results will be very negative.

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June 14th


History Of Marmalade
by Tam

History marmalade No one is sure where and when it was invented marmalade. Perhaps the marmalade is derived from the eastern sweets under the name Turkish Delight. Since time immemorial, it was cooked in honey, starch, fruit and rose water. About what exactly is in the west marmalade learned only in the era of the Crusades, when Europe was imported sugar. XVI century was a golden pastry for European history. Have been invented hundreds of types of jams and marmalade, amongst which was very thick jam, marmalade, which was named later. That French confectioners have noticed that apples, apricots, or, for example, the quince may be unlike other fruits boil down to a solid state.

Slices of jam in the glaze become a feature of French XVIII century. In the XIX century with the invention of artificial pectin, marmalade production much easier. There were marmalades with different taste and flavor, as it became possible to prepare it from various fruits such as cherries, oranges, currants, and others. To thicken the masses have also been used herbal teas cartilage, fish glue and other natural zheliteli. In the twentieth century without gelatin is not do any jam, and the invention of artificial dyes, fruit bought almost a modern bright vid.Blagodarya the latest technology, it is now possible to make marmalade every taste color and smell. Invented new kinds of goodies – whipped jelly, chewing marmalade, marmalade cream. Now marmalade is popular not only among children but also adults, being one of the most popular treats in the world. In next article we will tell the difference between a marshmallow from pastes. Now most people immediately respond – form. In fact, the form – not the main difference between them. Few people know that candy – traditional Russian dish.

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June 8th


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