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Archive for August, 2019

Strass Jewelry
by Tam

A small weakness of the fair sex – jewels, which have unique properties, namely the ability to bring in the face of every woman of mystery, evoke the sophistication and charming. Perhaps you one of those lucky few who have inherited the family jewels, and you fate has prepared a meeting with real diamonds, rubies and pearls, but if you want to set off her outfit his grandmother's necklace? Our the world is changing almost every day: the age-old traditions are gone, and the fashion today is free and neskovanna what some rules. So can the old jewelry to tell something about your secret is or, for example, emphasize your individuality? If you constantly change your image, it is very difficult to find a really expensive jewelry. In French jewelry translates as treasure or jewel. This "elegant" word associated with a variety of beautiful strings, laces, shining faces and bright colors. All this variety and lures to buy new, blazing, breathtaking jewelry. From the fact that jewelry Swarovski – is a leading manufacturer of costume jewelry for more than a century, the debate is difficult.

Queen of jewelry – this is the description of Swarovski. Unfortunately, the diamond is not enough at all, and knowing that any woman wants to look like Queen shines in the light of these gems. Not for nothing that diamonds are girl's best friend is called! The desire to drown and disappear in the glare of these wonderful stones will always be weary hearts of the weaker sex. Due to this there were masters who figured to add a crystal of lead oxide, thus they have a remarkable imitation of diamonds. But only with the advent of this genius of imitation – of Georges Frederic Strass Society has taken the charm of these artificial twins most desirable of precious kamney.Segodnya "rhinestones" are called imitation diamonds, quite officially, but it was not always so. Contemporaries of the great con artist so called rhinestones.

Strass work has an amazing quality and beauty. Outstanding fraudster has honed his skills so that the authenticity of his "twins" are not always established jewelers are often afraid to make a fatal mistake when evaluating the appearance of such izdeliya.S special grinding machine has been made a kind of revolution in the production of crystals. With the help of crystal was treated in a large quantity, while manufactured products do not lose their unsurpassed quality. On such a brilliant breakthrough Strass not even dreamed of. Grinding machine – the work of great masters, fine artist and engineer Daniel Swarovski. The main merit Swarovski achievement of his life is that the world believed in his work, became a marvel of artificial diamonds. Such world-famous diva, like Monroe and Dietrich, abandoned natural diamond jewelry in favor of making it a symbol of harmony and elegance. Swarovski invented a unique technology to create perfectly clear crystal. Until now, the secret of this technology is not disclosed. Having unimaginable success, to date Swarovski jewelry used to decorate the collections of famous fashion houses such as Chanel, Valentino, Dior. Indispensable for special occasions, Swarovski loved and popular in around the world. Fantasy contemporary designers are always finding new solutions and forms to any woman in everyday life could feel like a queen.

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August 15th


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