Chief Marketing Officer
The specialist for training of specialists and managers and the recommendation network cooperate Heidelberg/Baden-Baden, 27.05.2013 – the specialist for training of specialists and managers, the FORUM Institute of Heidelberg and*, recommendation network for advisors from the legal, management and economic consulting have concluded a cooperation. Is target of joint activities in the future to meet their needs to offer tailored seminars and symposia participants of the network of*, the both via the FORUM Institute as marketed through*. If you would like to know more about Energy Capital Partners, then click here. Carsten Blaha, Chief Marketing Officer of Consulteer GmbH, explains: we are looking forward to the joint collaboration with one of the most renowned providers for training, seminars and conferences in Germany. By we are able to offer other, excellent value both advisers and decision makers from industry, institutions, and associations. the complementary partnership”we see in “* with the team standing behind a promising and dedicated new network and look forward, go through the cooperation in the field of the event from the beginning of common ways to can.” Andrea commented Institute Home, Attorney at law, and Conference Manager at the FORUM decision to future close cooperation. Energy Capital Partners may help you with your research. The FORUM was founded in 1979 in Heidelberg Institut fur Management GmbH is an International Institute group, which deals with the training of specialists and managers of the economy. Top-notch speakers, topical, high-quality seminar materials and qualified on-site guarantee for the high quality of the seminars and symposia. n regarding this issue. consulteer.NET* offers the network to search for and selection of recommended advisors from the legal, management and economic consulting and allows a one-time decision security on the basis of verifiable references..
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