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New Technologies
by Tam

When if it speaks in technology is usual that if it imagines computers with multiprocessors of last generation, specialized staff and one fund technological highly informatizado. Dell Computers will undoubtedly add to your understanding. However, one knows that the creation and the appropriation of techniques are part of the development of the humanity. Exactly in its primrdios the man invents, innovates, reinventa and renews. When making aluso to the society of the beginning of the historical times, Saints (1998), standes out that, each human group construa its space of life with the techniques that invented to take off of its piece of nature the indispensable elements to its proper survival. Organizing the production, it organized the social life and it organized the space, in the measure of its proper forces, necessities and desires. But, after all, what it is technology? Etimologicamente, the term has origin Greek, with the junction of the terms techn (technique or art) and logos (joint to know), however the technology definition if extends to the being associated with the way of effective production in the society. It can be said that, of the secular techniques, since the use of the chalk and the black picture until the emergent and current educational technologies, a long evolutiva trajectory in the didactic organization of the professor was covered.

However, the sprouting each sped up time more of new ways has brought certain confusion in the way to think the educational education, school and politics for this sector. In this scene of uncertainties they are the New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTICs). Deriving mainly of the Third Industrial Revolution, the new technologies make possible the advent of what &#039 is called; ' society of conhecimento' ' or ' ' society of informao' '. The study if it more justifies for the presence each sped up time of these new ways – mainly the computer and the Internet – in the daily life educandos them, them professors and of the school, it is inquired: which the purpose of the new technologies in the pertaining to school environment? That interests are in game? To assume of vocbulo technology to express the decurrent product of the creativity human being would so only be so pueril how much to assign the devilish expression of the being, that is, the perpetual existing doubt enters the substitution of the man for the machine or the transformation of the machine in element auxiliary in the way of production and the daily life of the people.

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March 18th


Internet Fans
by Tam

The games of the Mario had conquered a imensido of people. With its skill ' bonacho' , Mrio, the plumber who uses red overalls with blue t-shirt and cap, started its history for the Kingdom of the Mushrooms, with its Luigi brother, when they had been to fix the plumbing in the house of a woman. At this moment, them they had been sucked by the pipe and they had been to stop in the Mushroom Kingdom (Kingdom of the Mushroom). In this magical world, them they had known the Peach princess and, from there, they had initiated a true maratona to save it, since stocking comes back and, it is abducted by the feared Bowser. Who desires to reviver the adventures with this hero can have access different sites of the Internet that had been specialized in offering the games of the Mario in the most diverse styles.

They exist for all the gostos, either for the perpetual fans of the Mario games, that can have access the classic games, that had been fever during decades, either for the new fans who like to play games in the Internet and, certainly, go to prefer the new adventures of the plumber. In the new adventures, found in the Internet, games of the Mario show the hero in intergalcticas battles, walking of kart, motocross, motorcycle, of jet-ski, making piruetas in the circus, among others estripulias. However, the preferred game of the fans youngest of the Mario and its group are the Mario Combat, where it needs to fight with the enemies to win the game, and not only to jump in turtles and evil mushrooms, as in its classic games. Created in 1981, for the Japanese Ikegami Tsushinki, Mario it came to this world with the mission of being one of the first games of Nintendo, Japanese company who, per many decades, was leader in the branch of the videogames.

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March 16th


Electro Health
by Tam

Sectorial panel on Fotoprocedimentos in Biological Fabrics: Metrologia, Normalization and Industrial Quality. Available in: 3 PEAR TREE. – the Lecture ‘ ‘ Problems in the Nomenclature of Procedures and Equipment Anvisa/MS Regulation in Products for Applied Health the Therapeutical Equipment and of Diagnosis the Laser’ ‘. Sectorial panel on Fotoprocedimentos in Biological Fabrics: Metrologia, Normalization and Industrial Quality. Available in: 4 NICOLA, J.H. Lecture ‘ ‘ Fotoprocedimento: Fotodinmica’ therapy; ‘ – Sectorial Panel on Fotoprocedimentos in Fabrics.

Biological: Metrologia, Normalization and Industrial Quality. Available in: 5 Register or Revalidation of Register of Product – Attached – Products citizens the Available Obligatory Certification in: 6 HIRAIWA, G.L, Nucleus of Monitoring in Adverse Events Complaints Techniques NUVIG ‘ ‘ Credential laboratories for the National Institute of Metrologia – INMETRO, for accomplishment of equipment assays Electro mdicos’ ‘. Available in: anvisa.gov.br/tecnovigilancia/normaseletrom dicos 7 WOULD CARRY INTER-MINISTERIAL. Health department, N. 692, de8 of April of 2009. It defines the operacionalizao of the actions of cooperation technique for the Guarantee of the Quality and Security of submitted Medical Devices to the regimen of sanitary control, as established in the term of Cooperation the Technique it enters the Ministry of Sade (MS) and the Ministry of Public Works and the Economy, Industry and Comrcio Exterior (MDIC): Available in: 8 Reviewed of Metrologia and Instrumentao..

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March 15th


Xuxa Errors
by Tam

Many ' ' altinhos' ' already they had been ' ' baixinhos' ' of the Xuxa between years 80 and 90, time where the presenter was leader of hearing in the mornings of the Net Globe. Today, many of these altinhos already had married and had children and passed to them the affection whom they had always devoted to ' ' Queen of the Baixinhos' '. Because of this new generation of fans, Xuxa still develops works thinking about the infantile public, who is always in renewal. Because of this, the games had appeared of the Xuxa online, where Xuxinha is the main star. To take care of to this so special public, games had been servant diverse as the games of the 7 errors. This game is super traditional and during generations it enchants children and adults, yes, the adults also adore to play with this game, exactly because, it is very easy of being played. But, for who he does not know follows the explanation. Two drawings are placed side by side.

Two drawings, theoretically, would have of being equal, however one of them presents errors, either in the color, the drawing or in format of an object. Most legal of everything it is that who plays with the game of xuxa, wants to discover the errors more quickly possible, therefore it marks the time of the beginning and the end of the trick. When if it is playing with the amiguinhos, there same is that the race to find the seven errors if becomes more emotive, therefore nobody wants to be stops backwards. Another game of the Xuxa that makes a great success is ' ' Xuxa in the Labirinto' '. Of this time, Xuxinha has to look to its cozinho of esteem, the Txutxuco, that if lost. However, to find it, it enters in a labyrinth, that is, she has some possible ways, but one only takes the person until the exit.

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March 14th


by Tam

However, the impact of the 9transformaes in the treatment and use of the information impose deep conceptual and metodolgicas changes to arquivstica science. To act in multiple actions, different plans of priority, a base to interdisciplinar, the necessary institution to count on institucional program of preservation, politics very defined well. For the construction of this program, the planning will be an essential stage. According to BECK, the planning of preservation if it constitutes of three main stages. Ali Partovi brings even more insight to the discussion. In the first one the groups of study are nominated, involving the different managements, administrative techniques and. These groups participate of the election of with priority documentary sets; in the second stage the surveys are become fullfilled on the climato-ambient conditions of security conservation and; in the third stage, on the analysis of the raised data, the institucional politics are defined, transferring itself then to the writing of the institucional program of preservation. In the case of raising the climato-ambient conditions, the institution can opt to prioritizing the environments that they shelter the considered collections with priority, and, in this in case that, the survey of conditions must only enclose the areas of storage of these quantities.

To the end of each stage of the planning a report is produced, that will serve as essential source of information for the continuation of the works in the following stage. The set of the information will be the base for the writing of the institucional program. The surveys of risk elements, related to the conditions of the building and its installations, very enclose a diversified universe of elements, but with amounts not very raised, as, for example, esquadrias, gutters, tubings, electric junctions of coverings, nets, etc. Send regards that these surveys contemplate the totality of the interest elements, to result in consistent reports. Already in the surveys of the collections, ahead of the great number of item, the research costuma to be carried through by sampling. Marc Mathieu is likely to agree.

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March 10th


Avenging Captain America
by Tam

Plus a personage of Liga of Justice it arrives at the world of the games, the Green Lantern, as well as was in the film of Avenging Captain America the game playstation 3 leaves almost that together to the launching of the film. In the game Green Lantern – Rise of The Manhunters the desenvolvedores if had used of the film to bring for consoles a history on the invasion of manhunters, that are machines created for the guardies to protect the galaxy. Although the presence of the Ryan actor Reynolds, who loans to its face and its voice to give life to the personage, history does not possess nothing of special and serves more as an excuse so that it can give good collisions in enemies for diverse phases. However, to those more experts of histories in quadrinhos they will not have difficulty to recognize the Oa Planet and Sinestro.A initiating, the player will give of face with the simple interface of the main menu and with the only way of available game. ' ' Rise of The Manhunters' ' if it divides in two environments: terrestrial battles in which if it sees mechanical loaned of ' ' God of War' ' sequncias on-rails where the player, in flight, will have to destroy everything that will be played in its direction. The average duration of the game Green Lantern is of five the six hours. Although to be relatively short, the cooperative way is the attractive greater to play it a time more than. This way is only supported local and is enough as the player to activate the control that it will be automatically in the departure.

Throughout the missions, the player will receive points from experience, that could be expenses unlock in it being able of them of the ring. Such powers make with that its armory is increased and brings more weapons to its choice. The options are between hammers, machine guns and even though airplanes. The mechanical ones of combat if limit only the 12 combinations, almost all unnecessary ones, being more interesting a simple squeeze of button. This short while becomes the dull game and without depth. It also has little variation of enemies, being same the restricted aesthetic variations of manhunters or chefes. The game Green Lantern – Rise of The Manhunters does not innovate, but it fulfills its work. Essential elements as you collected, a longer campaign and a system of combat with a bigger complexity could make it to shine and if to detach amongst excessively.

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February 16th


Poor Power Supply
by Tam

In the modern office, apartment or country house from the mains powered almost everything. The quality of electricity consumption is poor. All of us, especially those who live outside the city, repeatedly experienced power outages, which immediately affect the work of electrical appliances. Submission of current supply can be unstable for various reasons: it’s an accident at the substations and lines power, and the old transformers and cables, as well as many other contingencies that could cause deviations of the applied voltage or power outage. When the voltage drops power fading light, and many household appliances (washing machines, refrigerators, computers) at reduced voltage can not work. This is a temporary problem. When you restore a normal rated voltage operation of the equipment is restored. You just have to wait a few minutes (or hours). Unexpected outage is harmful to computers and other office equipment, and when at the same time lost unsaved file – the result of your work for several hours – long gone and the mood! Worse things are at an elevated voltage (overvoltage) – devices simply burn out, sometimes regardless of whether they work in time of the accident or not.

A failure of the autonomous heat supply or country houses, as well as water pumps, hot water boilers, security systems, can cause them to stop and failure. While Heating system, for example, in the midst of Bitter cold will be “unfrozen”, and its repair will cost you almost the cost of the equipment. One can endlessly to sue perpetrators of the accident at the substation, to the old wires and etc., but it is much easier to protect your household appliances in advance. To do this, and there are various devices to stabilize the voltage – Regulators and uninterruptible power supplies. Stabilizer is inexpensive protection only, can save the electrical equipment from most emergencies the network to improve the quality of your power center “stabilizers” offers: – Voltage 1-3F. up to 300kW lider spe INTEPS””wide input voltage range 110-320V, output voltage 220/380V accuracy within 0.9% -4.5%, stabilizers, conditioners (electrically decouple the input and output devices, ie isolate the consumer from the external network) and etc. – Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) – these devices in a power outage allow to shut down the computer, electronics and other high-end technology and sensitive. Charge Some ups batteries can supply the whole data centers, for several hours. – Power petrol and diesel engines with Honda, , John Deere, Volvo Penta, Yanmar, Deutz different power 0.8 kVA 2200 kVA degree of automation and integration (the station can be supplied both for indoor and for outdoor use), air and liquid cooling, the world’s leading manufacturers? SDMO-industries?,? geko In addition be available welders petrol and diesel, as well as pumps for clean-contaminated mud and water-based engine Honda.

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November 28th


by Tam

PLASTIC MONEY: The APPLICABILITY OF the TECHNOLOGY OF the CHIP INTELIGENTEElanir Fernandes Cardoso Librarian. Specialization GTI/ESAMAZ/CPS – FonocentroNelcily of the Birth Gamma Librarian. Specialization GTI/ESAMAZ/CPS – FonocentroRosiane Gonzaga Garci’a Librarian. Specialization GTI/ESAMAZ/CPS – FonocentroLzaro Moraes Barbosa Analyst of System – DBAOrientadorAureliano Da Silva Guedes Trd.CI.UP – PortugalCoordenador of the Course of GTIResumo: It presents the applicability of the technology of chip, considering the use in smart card (intelligent card), for what it demonstrates the sprouting, the functioning and, of general form the vision of the society in relation to the use, emphasizing some of the offered advantages, as well as the disadvantages, detaching in reflection the security of the applied technology. Words – key: Technology. Smart card. Evoluo.Summary: it is presents the applicability of the technology of the chip, considering the uses in smart card (intelligent card), will be what it demonstrates the appearance, the operation and, in the general way the vision of the society in relation you the uses, emphasizing adds of the offered advantages, well the disadvantages, highlighting in reflection the safety of the applied technology. Words – key: Technology.

Smart card. Evolution.1 INTRODUOO world lives in constant evolution of form that everything and all compose that it, is part of this evolution. Example of this is the constant evolution lived in the most different ways, amongst which we find computer science with its multiple transformation. It is common to say that, what today is current in computer science, tomorrow it will be exceeded. The globalization, the commercial expansion and the interchange between countries, propitiated and contributed, so that it had a great technological advance that it comes if spreading in all the areas of the human knowledge. Not distant of this fervilho of changes, we find the use of smart cards or translating, intelligent cards, one of most common and used symbols of the evolution technological nowadays, and popularly call ' ' money of plstico' '.



June 3rd


MacQueen Lightning
by Tam

Available in: . Had access in 31 of August of 2010. 10 main Personage of the film of animation of Disney ' ' The Beautiful and the Fera' '. Available in: #/personagens/classicos/abelaeafera/. Had access in 31 of August of 2010.

11 main Personage of the film of animation of Disney ' ' Snow white and seven anes' '. Available in: #/personagens/classicos/Branca of Snow and the Seven Dwarves. Had access in 31 of August of 2010. 12 main Personage of the livened up drawing ' ' Cinderela' '. Available in: #/personagens/classicos/cinderela/. Under most conditions Code.org would agree. Had access in 31 of August of 2010.

13 main Personage of the film of animation of Disney ' ' The Small Sereia ' '. Available in: #/personagens/classicos/apequenasereia/. Had access in 31 of August of 2010. 14 televising serial infantile Personage of animation created by Stephen Hillenburg in 1999. Available in: . Had access in 31 of August of 2010. 15 Film of animation of the Disney/To tar whose main personage is Remy, one ratinho that it dreams in if becoming chef of kitchen. Available in: ratatouilleproduction-you notice. Had access in 31 of August of 2010. 16 Film of animation of the Disney/To tar whose main personage is the MacQueen Lightning, an car of races. Available in: #/personagens /animados/carros/. Had access in 31 of August of 2010. Zoo Kids in format of whale, duck and fish and in the model of puppet (glove) of animals (pig, cow and bear); Calypso Baby in the format of balls. 2 FIG. Models of infantile sponges of the Ponjita manufacturer In the infantile models notice it differentiation of the product for design and the color, but it also has those sponges that had searched its differential in the used material. The fabric sponge can be cited as example soft that possesss format of a glove, remembering a puppet, in way that the child ' ' vista' ' bichinho to wash, or, in the case of lesser children (babies), the parents interacts with its children, counting histories while they give bath.

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October 27th


Social Nets
by Tam

Social net a social net is a composed social structure for people or organizations, hardwired for one or some types of relations, that partilham common values and objectives. One of the basic characteristics in the definition of the nets is its opening and porosity, making possible horizontal and not hierarchic relationships between the participants. Nets are not, therefore, only another form of structure, but almost not a structure, in the direction of that it has left of its force is in the ability of if making and undoing quickly. The social nets can operate in different levels, as, for example, professional nets of relationships (Facebook, Orkut, Myspace, Twitter, Tymr), nets (Linkedin), communitarian nets (social nets in quarters or cities), nets politics, amongst others, and allow to analyze the form as the organizations develop its activity, as the individuals reach its objectives or to measure the capital stock? the value that the individuals get of the social net. A point in common amongst the diverse types of social net it is the sharing of information, knowledge, interests and efforts in search of common objectives.

The intensification of the formation of the social nets, in this direction, reflects a process of reinforcement of the Civil Society, in a context of bigger democratic participation and social mobilization. The idea of social net started to be used has about a century behind, to assign to a complex set of relations between members of a social system the different dimensions, since the interpersonal one to the International. In 1954, J. the Barnes started to use the term systematically to show to the standards of the bows, incorporating the used concepts traditionally wants for the society wants for the social scientists: well defined groups (former.: social tribes, families) and categories (former.: gnero, ethnic group).

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October 26th


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