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Archive for September, 2014

Mario Donnebrink
by Tam

easy. Smart. If you have read about Ali Partovi already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Mobile: d.velop shows at the CeBIT ECM solutions with great ease of use and simple implementation of mobile d. 3 use well with Android smartphones and tablets Gandhi Sagar, 16.02.2012 – motto is simple. Smart. the d.velop shows its broad solution offering mobile.”devoted to simplicity in the enterprise content management (ECM) AG on this year’s CeBIT. With version 7 of the ECM system d. 3 for a completely new concept realized that both ensures an easy and reduces counteracted the implementation and operating expenses.

The number calculated by the independent consulting firm PENTADOC one in customer satisfaction in the ECM market will present their solutions, the mobile ECM contract and email management to the automatic processing of incoming mail and incoming invoices, live in Hall 3, stand H20. Presented both solutions on basis of d. 3 system as also the services and solutions of the second product line, d.velop ecspand for SharePoint. Easy handling is “not only in the today’s consumer technologies has become a central feature, but also for users of business applications, it is increasingly becoming a core requirement”, Mario Donnebrink, Executive Sales & marketing at d.velop AG, the strategic orientation of the software house in the product philosophy. A productivity gain is possible through functional innovation of course, but a low-click User Guide, he let increased in addition. Complicated and confusing applications delay the work processes and generate a higher error rate, which affects also the acceptance of employees”, he explains.

Therefore d.velop provide their performance solutions very clearly in an ergonomically beneficial user interface, so that the desired functions with minimal mouse clicks are attainable. A typical example of the systematic implementation of the idea of simplicity is reflected on the form designer d.ecs forms. It provides an programming-free and rapid creation of forms. In addition, the created time elements in the interests of increasing productivity in later forms can be reused.

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September 30th


Network Technology
by Tam

The IT-service-NET also in Saxony-Anhalt’s home in 06528 Blankenheim him no way too far. So then also Eisleben, Sangershausen and of course Hall among his daily locations. As befits a friendly janitor, actually there is no way is too far it to satisfy its customers. Because IT must be up to date, often there are just minor details, cause the errors or failures. Just in smaller but also in medium-sized companies often little attention is paid to the computer, you forget that this is an enormously important part of operation. Only when this fails once you realize the operation of which depends on how.

A failure can be expensive, the complete loss of important data can plunge but also operate in economic problems. Support is imperative for small companies, because they have no professional help, often at all. After consultation with the customer Ralf Henning an IT offers complete service. This includes a pension package warranty extensions consist of maintenance agreements, and Backup. He thus assuming a responsibility that must normally be provided by an in-house specialists. Medium-sized companies often have no employees who really knows with EDP. In these cases, he replaced the expensive, proprietary computer administrator.

He strengthened the performance of the it Department but also in larger companies. These services are provided by common arrangement, what protects the customer’s wallet. The Internet is indispensable for companies, just precautionary measures must therefore be taken here as well. The failure of the mail traffic is bad, if a squat a virus but paralyses the company network, this can mean already a disaster. For the IT-specialists no problem, he knows how he averts these dangers. Under the motto of Green IT “Ralf Henningaber also takes care of the health of its customers. Printers, copiers and fax machines to recirculate the Office air per fan. In these pollutants are caused by toner. The skilled person reduces These unhealthy emissions by up to 92% by attaching a filter regular cleaning and the use of an appropriate toner. The principle is quick and extensive help with moderate prices. Above all, the Henning EDV-service, by the telephone system to the server, offers everything from a single source. The user must not further for the copier a particular technician for a printer and a third technician call for the network. First aid: Info: makes the first non-binding information and help the network and its first on-site partner, they are slightly below the Internet address: to find. Due to the growing importance of the issues of health and safety, expanding his series the network and providing jobs. Interested parties are informed and trained to provide an optimal service in the target group of small and medium-sized enterprises. ITSN/Henn

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September 25th


Innovative Energy Technologies
by Tam

Currently, the global economic crisis, one of the determining factors to reduce costs and increase competitiveness of the Russian economy is the implementation of activities conservation. Energy saving potential in our country is estimated 35% -50% of the total domestic consumption in Russia. Achieve a level of energy saving is possible due to various events, which are reflected in Energy Strategy of Russia until 2030. Specifically, the use of new materials and technologies for construction and renovation of buildings and structures, use of alternative power sources – solar batteries, wind generators and the like, the introduction of LED, energy-efficient lighting, various control devices and equipment modernization, generating electrical energy. About a third of the capacity is concentrated in the electric power network 0,4 kV class – the main source of energy for manufacturing, housing and communal services, social, cultural and community facilities, population, budgetary organizations, transportation, communications, construction industry. Energy-saving device 'ENEF10 +1' (www.doorwest.su) is used as the local (individual) voltage regulation and, simultaneously, is an inductive filter, preventing the penetration of the load of the network impulse high-frequency noise.

ESA 'ENEF10 +1' can be used as a sole means of a stabilized power supply for the manufacturing equipment, CNC shop equipment, office equipment, communications equipment and management, as well as to stabilize voltage in power networks of country cottages, country houses and farms. ESA 'ENEF10 +1' can be used as effective means of saving in any lighting networks, where the level exceeds the supply voltage is 220V, automatically limiting its value at a given level. The choice of modifying the ESA 'ENEF10 +1' is done within the parameters of your power supply: the magnitude of fluctuations in input voltage per phase, the differences in the nature of the load, and based on the optimal combination of parameters – 'The price of equipment / Payback investments in energy efficiency. " Using a professional approach to energy savings with the ESA 'ENEF10 +1', you can not only realize significant energy savings, but also extend the life of appliances and equipment, and also protect themselves from various emergency situations.

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September 22nd


Massage Technique
by Tam

Classical massage technique is described in various handbooks on massage and self-massage. Many authors have noted the need to maintain the already established techniques of massage, to warn against unreasonable aspirations Some experts complicate manipulation technique. It is important not the invention of new manipulation, and development on the basis of long-standing classical massage techniques particular methods used to differentiate According to the testimony and the nature of the disease at this stage of treatment. Laying patients to massage the back, waist, back, thighs, shins, feet srednefiziologicheskoe position: – The patient lying on his stomach, his head on one side, his hands – along the trunk, under the rib cage folded towel under the ankle – a roller. With massage, front, rear and side surfaces of the thigh – the patient lying on his side, arm is bent behind his head, legs slightly bent at the hip and knee joints. Between the knee – a folded position of competence.

For massage of the chest, front thigh – the patient lying on his back, his hands – along the trunk, under the knee – roller blades under – a folded towel. To massage the abdomen – position of the patient is the same, only the legs bent at the knees and hips, bent so as to completely stop adjoined to the couch. To massage the scalp, neck, trapezius muscles – the position of the patient sitting at a special table, his head rests on a special bracket with a roller, the hands are crossed each other on the table.

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September 15th


Hanging Buildings
by Tam

Because of the low mechanical strength of a roof can damage even falling from the trees branches. And in this case is not without repair necessary. FRAME ATTIC Make rafters on the ceiling – a quick way to build a framework of traditional roofs. Small-caliber ROOF value of the roof for any building can not be overestimated. Most modern Developers perfectly aware of this and give "headdress" of his home no less attention than the "clothes" of its walls. However, this cautious approach does not always apply to small buildings such as hozblokov, Summer showers and other "nice" houses in the yard. "Where there is a roll of tar paper or stekloizola lying around, here and covered them" – often thought the owner, started the construction of another "small caliber" facilities.

Such approach has the right to exist. But you can go the other way. And having at hand all the same roll material. It suffices to show imagination and your roof will give you a different view. Box-Beams for Your Hanging LINE I built the house alone, so it was necessary to develop a design, easy to manufacture. A special problem is designing a roof. Build build one without aides easy.

They need support, and here – pull your. Be at the same time in two and sometimes three locations just a magician can. Do not break it? The author of this article shows by example that one person can also build a house. Sophisticated technology, special Accessories allow you to do this very effectively. Today he talks about how single-handedly built the roof. OUR ROOF – BLUE SKY! Make it part of the roof transparent – effective way to solve the problem of insufficient light house. They are often used by architects, designing buildings in areas with difficult terrain, buildings, surrounded by tall buildings in a dense forest, etc. But to make a transparent roof in place even with the warm climate, it is necessary to solve a number of architectural and engineering problems. Skylights What should be the attic window, to satisfy several requirements? After all, it is important to ensure good coverage of the premises (Without overheating in hot rooms) and effective ventilation. At the same time they should be comfortable to use and to be embedded in the roof. Slate – MATERIAL CHARACTER roof and facade – the person at home. They give it a complete individual species, and this is enough to critically approach the selection of roofing and finishing materials. And not just in terms of durability or efficiency. Becoming increasingly important properties such as appeal, compliance with sanitary norms, eco-friendliness. That all these qualities has natural slate. He all the more interesting that combines the possibility of using as a roof, and finishing material. Inconstancy of its structure, a different color and natural shine will add individuality, elegance and beauty of any roof or facade. Design options of homes using natural slate – an infinite set. Used for a variety of roofing slate tiles of different shapes. Depending on the coating is divided into universal, rectangular, decorative and so on. Consider some slate covers in detail.

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September 9th


Fashionable Stylish Romantic
by Tam

Love. How many emotions, feelings and events hidden behind this short word! Daily meetings with the second half, walking arm in arm, visiting cafes and restaurants and finally … the wedding – the most important event in the life of every man and Any woman who dreamed of building block of society and the birth of children. So the wedding. How many weddings you've been? The differences between the wedding ceremony, nothing? The same competitions, banal tradition and drunken persons.

If Have you always dreamed of chic romantic wedding that will be remembered for a lifetime, a wedding abroad – here's your option! Narrow streets of Italy, long canals of Venice, the Colosseum in Rome will give a wedding and European level relieve your celebration of banality. Italy for hundreds of years attracted the romantics, lovers of art and architecture. The scenic beauty of nature, historic sites, incredible Italian cuisine, as well as hospitality of the locals leave the most indelible impressions and that neither is on, the sweet memories of your wedding abroad. No hassles, away from Russian cities, and personal problems. Weddings in Italy – for those who want to be engaged abroad in an old castle on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, as well as everyone who wants to change the style of the wedding ceremony or get married in secret from prying relatives. Italy seems set for romance. You see here the love and aesthetics in all – in medieval sculptures, to caress pigeons in the square in Rome and the Italian lakes water reflection. Or maybe your dream is – it

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September 3rd


Oxidation of Organic Compounds
by Tam

Under these conditions, you get an almost complete oxidation of organic compounds. The entrance of liquid waste is done through a system of compressed air injection and air injection crown that favors the combustion process. 6.4 Decontamination of soil can be found virtually unchanged hydrocarbon mixtures after 25 years of contamination of soils with poor conditions for microbial growth (very polluted, with few nutrients and low temperatures). Peter Asaro has plenty of information regarding this issue. However, due to the resilience of the soil by microorganisms, have conducted research for alternative recovery of damaged ecosystems by the presence of residues of the process of oil extraction. In general, the components are lighter decompose much more easily while the heavier components are more complex and less readily biodegrade and for a time period much longer, or even not at all broken down, causing the development of special processing techniques. 6.4.1 The biorepair (“bioremediation”) is a technology for pollution treatment that uses biological systems to mineralize or transform pollutants.

It is a technique that can be used to degrade hydrocarbons and reduce their mobility and toxicity, for example in the degradation of organochlorine compounds or through processes that use, or derived from them to return an environment altered by contaminants to its condition natural. The success of the biorepair depends on three factors: i) the specific contaminant biodegradability, ii) the microbial community that has to develop and iii) the environment and soil quality. 6.4.2 biodegrades tion (intrinsic bioremediation) of a molecule (organic or inorganic) is their susceptibility to structural alteration or mineralization by microorganisms.

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September 2nd


Third Edition Of The Awards Videoart
by Tam

Photo Espana inaugurated the Third Edition of the Video Art PHE10 click & rec. The deadline for submission of work will be open from February 12 to May 28, 2010. The third edition of click & rec revolves around the concept of “Time” and all work submitted must be related to this subject. In addition, awards of this edition include a five Jury Prize and Audience Awards. In click & rec10 can involve all people over 18 years, residing in national territory and, therefore, need only register on the Web and submit the piece of video art as the required technical specifications. The works for the prizes may not be longer than 3 minutes and must be in a 16:9 format with 600x340px resolution, without their weight exceeds 30 MB. Similarly, the formats in which work can occur are: wmv, mpg, mpeg, avi, mov, flv, rm, 3gp, mp4 and asf. Weekly Jury Prize, the jury will make a shortlist of the best pieces presented in terms of its artistic quality and .

Selected pieces will be shown in the official website of PHE. On May 28 will close the delivery of parts and then the jury will select the winner, which will be awarded 3,000 to finance his next piece of video art. Audience Awards Audience Awards are determined by votes from visitors to the official website of the competition, they can vote for their favorite pieces until 28 May. Once voting is closed to publicize the works that have highest number of votes received and, therefore, the video artists who are winners of the Audience Awards. The awards consist of a cash prize of 300 for the most votes was obtained, and a lot of articles PHotoEspana for this and the next four in the ranking of the votes. The awards will place on June 18 in Madrid, under Dela Night Photography, will host the thirteenth Festival , PHE10. Click & rec PHE 10 The contest continues for another year with its commitment to the most avant-garde artistic languages, to facilitate a scenario in which new and veteran artists to express free-form art. Since its inception, the Awards click rec have been consolidated within the framework of Video Art in Spain.

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September 1st


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