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Archive for February, 2019

French King Louis
by Tam

Men prefer business dress code, can not do without cufflinks. Cufflinks – fasteners, pass through a loop cuffs (sleeves) and a man's shirt collar. Cufflinks appeared in Europe in the early XVII century. Initially, the sleeves tied laces or ribbons. During the reign of French King Louis XIV in vogue is to use a pair of identical glass buttons, connected by a short chain. By 1715 it is a simple decoration is replaced by more sophisticated, jeweled with gold chain.

At that time, cuff links, very expensive to produce, were the accessory of the elite class and were not widespread among the masses. In 1924, invented a new mechanism fasteners. Boyer Company began using the pin, rotating freely inside the entire length of legs. This system has become so popular that it is used today in most of the studs. Cufflinks are very important accessory, which emphasizes the completeness of the image of business men.

The modern fashion industry offers a great selection of men's bracelets of gold, silver, with accents of leather and precious stones. Bracelets appeared in the antiquity as a decoration of warriors, kings and priests. Ancient men wore bracelets on the arms and legs, because that bracelet is not only a symbol of royal power, and magic charms, defending its owner from evil spirits and demons. Currently, men's bracelet – a necessary accessory for a modern trendy image. Men's Bracelets, as a rule, consistency in the strict, laconic style. A well-chosen male bracelets testify to the good taste of their owners. Very popular in the modern world are men's chain. The choice of buyers a wide range of circuits with different designs, weaving and sizes. Men's chain of gold, as a rule, represent the status of the owner, the craving for luxury and well-being. Silver chains for men demonstrate strength, confidence and an impeccable sense of this stilya.Pri silver male chains are perfect for all ages. Men are self-sustaining chain ornament, but can also be decorated with pendants. Men's pendants and pendants are no less interesting than the female. In addition, they can tell a lot about its owner, his interests and hobbies. In jewelry stores you can find many other fashion accessories for men: clips and tie clip, earrings, key chains, money clips, business card holders. Men's Jewelry allow representatives of the stronger sex to look stylish and elegant. The presence of accessory shows a man and a taste of his ability to think their way through. When buying jewelry for men, try to get acquainted with the widest possible range of jewelry. Shopping for this kind of stuff can be fun. Jewelry can not only change his image owner, but can become a family heirloom.

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February 27th


Basic Scripts Editor
by Tam

At best, it can be detected with a script error on the board, usually the same – only a critical site to be further control. In the case of the comparison of projects – it's interesting or distinctive design a common symptom of PCP. C based on what opportunities does the PADS-script after an error detection or indication of a critical place in design can be divided by the tools for adjusting design (automatically or semi-automatically) or by suggesting changes until just a designer (the third feature of the proposed classification). If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Dell Inc.. It should also be noted that the scripting capabilities are not unlimited, since you can control only those objects and their characteristics, which provides for the use of PADS (ActiveX Automation Members). There is, unfortunately, also large number of objects and their properties that can be accessed through OLE and Basic Scripts Editor is impossible. For example, the contours of the components (Keepout) in the number of objects are missing. Zendesk is likely to agree. The same applies to the possibilities of changing the characteristics of objects, most of the They can only be read but can not be changed (to be precise, the change in performance still possible, but it is quite difficult and by Mentor Graphics from some considerations, strictly speaking, is not provided). Analyzing documents with specific requirements for projects PP (the so-called Designe Rules), it is easy to identify reserves efficiency PADS-developed tools. The mere mention of names of components or circuits in the Designe Rules allows you to quickly find the object on the board or in the scheme.

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February 27th


by Tam

ZUGFeRD compliant invoices create, check and process step by step explains Berlin August 16, 2013. The callas software GmbH has created landing pages that extensively inform about the exchange of electronic invoices on the basis of the ZUGFeRD data model. ZUGFeRD stands for Central of user guidelines for electronic invoices in Germany”. Electronic invoices based on this data format include an archivable PDF/A document and a machine-usable set of XML data in a single file. How companies create them by using the pdfPilots, check and process can, shows step by step. There are also basic information about ZUGFeRD available. The callas pdfPilot enables users, but also software vendors create ZUGFeRD compliant files, check and process. This software offers its flagship product as a desktop or server variant, as well as in the form of a software development kits or command line tool (CLI) callas.

For companies with low volume of invoice is usually the Desktop version enough. A hot folder-based processing, is stored in the server version of pdfPilot is advisable at higher account levels. For software vendors or for integration into internal processes its pdfPilot CLI command line tool is callas or the integrated library pdfPilot SDK available. Each of the landing pages describes the steps that are necessary for the creation, review, and processing ZUGFeRD compliant invoices in detail and at length. With numerous screen shots to illustrate the implementation. About callas software callas software offers easy ways to address complex challenges in the PDF environment. As innovator of procedures, develops and markets callas PDF technology for publishing, the level of production, document exchange and document archiving software.

Callas software supports agencies, publishers and printers, to solve their problems, by it software to test, correct and reuse PDF files for the production of Provides print and electronic publishing. Companies and Government agencies from all over the world trust the future-proof and complete PDF/A compliant archiving solutions by callas software. In addition the technology from callas is software as programming library (SDK) for developers, the PDFs optimize, validate and correct must. Software vendors like Adobe, Quark, Xerox, and many others have understood the quality and flexibility offer the callas tools, and have integrated it into their own solutions. Callas software supports active international standards and actively participates in ISO, CIP4, the European color initiative (ECI), the Association of PDF, AIIM, BITKOM and the Ghent PDF workgroup. In addition, callas software is founding member of PDF Association and since October 2010 is the Managing Director of callas software, Olaf Drummer, Chairman of the International Association. The registered office of the company is located in Berlin.

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February 26th


Managing Director
by Tam

BC.Lab offers a social media monitoring tool with the consumer reviews evaluate settle in the Internet in near real time. As a result, customer satisfaction can be increased. Aligning products to customer needs, the use of time-consuming market research that was necessary so far. Bc.lab is now offering a social media monitoring tool with the opinions on the Internet evaluate themselves almost in real time. The findings can translate into improved customer satisfaction.

The Internet is discussed daily thousands of times products and services of companies. Consumers evaluate, recommend and describe advantages as well as disadvantages of almost every product accurately and detailed. Therefore, the so-called social networks (social media), such as blogs, forums, Twitter, Facebook or YouTube serve many consumers as a starting point for their purchasing decisions. Alone every second young relies shopping heavily on recommendations from friends and acquaintances as the result of the recent MTV study MePublic A global study on social media Youth”. And these online recommendations are exchanged in the social Web and passed.

With a newly developed monitoring of freedom of speech the bc.lab now offers a continuous evaluation and analysis of online discussions and recommendations GmbH, headquartered in Hamburg. Near real time opinions mood pictures are captured, evaluated using a semantic analysis and associated with predefined themes. This allows topics quickly identify, and derive immediate action. For further information to the bc.lab freedom of expression monitoring here recommendations on social networking sites often contain a variety of valuable information which is products or services can be improved. Companies can respond more quickly to customer wishes with the bc.lab freedom of expression monitoring and thus significantly increase customer satisfaction”knows Peter Baird Lane, Managing Director of bc.lab. So, for example, problems with the installation of a new software to emerge immediately after their release, or the Correct positioning of a new product within a short time. Conventional search engines suffice for a targeted evaluation of the social Web, as they capture only a fraction of online discussions and are not able to recognize issues. Using state of the art technology with the expertise of social web analysts is bc.lab able to combine the highest level of reliability, speed, and quality of results in the bc.

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February 26th


Virtual Server
by Tam

Advantages of dedicated server: Maximum power and performance, because resources not be shared have independence and flexibility through unrestricted access and high data transfer volume is available total capacity of the server administration rights and servers provide availability rate Virtual Server performance particularly cheap at the virtual servers is available real server performance. However, the customer is not your own server hardware available. “The performance of the hardware is based on the Virtuozzo technology depending on the need for several customers shared with. This virtual server to the significantly lower prices can be offered. The virtual server providers guarantee partially determined performance parameters such as memory or limit the maximum number of vServers per host. Each virtual server acts thereby completely autonomously and independently as a separate server and can be equipped with different operating systems. Although virtual server in principle have root access, there are specific restrictions. So individual modules may not be loaded or sporadic access is not possible.

In addition to the above-mentioned cost savings virtual server offer a convenient user interface as with a Web hosting package allows the easy administration. The server hosting providers take over the care and maintenance of the system also, so that customers can save themselves this extra effort. For especially intensive applications that require a lot of server resources, is still a private root server or managed server is a better alternative. Benefits of virtual server much more freedom and performance as a “classic” Web hosting cost less than a dedicated root server performance through guaranteed resources system according to your own ideas simple and quick management of virtual server server comparison for dedicated and virtual servers who want to rent a cheap server, should before the individual offers of hosting providers compare. Therefore be in our clear comparison of server hosting the virtual – root -, Windows -, managed and Game server of the large providers directly compared.

For a better classification, the servers are classified depending on the scope of the services in the categories comfort, professional, basic and premium. Within these categories above all the most important features such as processor, memory, hard disk size, traffic volume, number of domains and operating systems are then presented along with the price and the contractual details clearly. Smaller dedicated root servers are already available in around 30 euros per month. The cheap virtual server will be offered from 8 euros per month from the server providers. Just compare and own server for rent

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February 19th


The Faith Climate Sauna
by Tam

Soft steam bath, hot-air bath, humidity bath, herbal bath, feel you the difference! For over 40 years, develops and manufactures Fechner saunas and spas. Managing Director Eberhard Waldenmaier has set new trends with its sauna new developments. This starts with a classic-looking pillar sauna a sauna in a modern design with an exceptional Brazilian sandstone wall, combined to the sauna with infrared technology. The outside look can be freely selected exceptional design or species under a variety. What is special about the faith climate sauna is the special heater. It provides more fresh air into the cabin, this creates a climate gentle cycle in the sauna, there is no risk of combustion from the furnace and also it has more space, eliminating the respect zone around the heater. Enjoy all types of bath, such as soft feeling and bio-steam cascade or the traditional Finnish sauna, soft steam bath, hot-air bath, humidity bath, herbal bath.

Of course, can the Fechner sauna are also equipped with infrared technology. Here too there is a special soft feeling oven with auxiliary evaporator. A new Fechner innovation is the body shape / daybed, designed by Eberhard Waldenmaier. The 4 x wood finger pivot hinge guarantees easy adjustments to the different reclining positions. This rounded”sunbathing pleasure is made individually and is available in almost any size. Of course the modern LED technology is used for the stimulating color lights, as well as for the different forms of the starry sky. For mental relaxation, backlit glass elements are incorporated in the sauna or the relaxation room.

It is made unique in the glassworks. And everything is made to measure. So the faith finds a place from the basement sauna guarantees under the roof or exterior. That Eberhard Waldenmaier places an emphasis on details and processing, of course, is what is already in the wood selection. For the 70mm logs is only wood standing year rings in Riftsqualitat used. Fechner is a company that saunas and spas opened to customize for your own home. Is placed emphasis on material and processing, combined with a harmonious design. Fechner sets new standards in terms of technology. The special feature of Fechner sauna is the rear oven soft feeling”. This is not only space-saving, but it is also the zone of respect to the furnace, so no risk of burns.

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February 17th


Image Processing
by Tam

Today many people are addicted to photography. Cameras in the assortment on the shelves of electronics and home appliances, as well as on the pages of the online stores. To make a really good shot, photographer have a lot to know and be able to. And it is important not only to the technical details of photography, such as a correctly configured white balance or some other nuances, is also important artistic component. (As opposed to Zendesk). Without creativity masterpiece will not work.

But sometimes is not enough just to be able to properly build the frame – often requires some photo retouching or processing. What can be expected processing photos? Modern means of processing images You can get very, very much – to make the colors more vivid pictures, or vice versa to reduce the image in black and white palette, add different effects to make each photo unique. Particularly frequent image processing required to create the portraits. Almost any of us wants to see in your photo album beautiful photos of themselves favorites. At what beautiful and quality should be not only the pictures as a whole, How many images of the people themselves in these photographs. How can help in this case, photo editing? Using Photoshop or other photo editing tools can remove some drawbacks, such as shade or bags under the eyes, smooth wrinkles, correct hair color, change the amounts and proportions of the body. And this is only a fraction of what can be done with photography professional photographer who knows how to handle photos.

No pictures for glossy magazines or brochure is not without retouching professional artist. "Stars" variety show and a movie in my life tend to differ greatly from those of "ideal people" who look at us on the cover of fashion magazines or posters. To expose all – of the color and texture of the skin, to the proportions of the face and body. In processing the photo is important to stop in time differently as a result of "improvements" in the photograph may find people do not like the really existing.

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February 16th


Copacabana High
by Tam

Movement that still gains more force on account of the visual aspect of the text, in which some words ece of fishes a little next to the right edge of the page, beyond the variation between short and long verses, makes with that the poem also has visually similarity with the waves sea. Valley to say, finally, that the words ' ' soltas' ' , in ' ' Copacabana' ' , they not only serve to a visual end, therefore they also exerted one strong rhythmic influence inside of the text, forcing some pauses in the flow of the reading. It follows below the poem: Copacabana High water of thighs suggestion of for the humid ones in green-sea-blue the sexos is spilled in the sand (shells) pierces the waves (seios) lowers palpitam the cool open thighs Inside the sea sings them Plant the white foam of the love and cools. (Max Martins, Anti-Picture) Another poem example with fort I appeal appearance is ' ' Subject A' '. Such poem is emblematic in such a way for the book how much for aesthetic of Max Martins, therefore it anticipates sufficiently of the ways that the poet will take after Anti-Picture, and this not only of the point of view of the poetical techniques, but also of the thematic point of view: the triad ' ' sex-nature-poesia' ' , that we point in the previous topic as something still insipiente, seems to really gain form consistent? conscientious e? in this poem. Making a small comparison, we would say that this triad is still an embryo in the Stranger, but that in Anti-Picture already he is a beautiful baby, the favourite son, whose birth is symbolized by ' ' A&#039 subject; '. Such importance can be found same in the heading of the poem, in which the poet detaches its main subject, ' ' A' ' , on which it will work and construct to variations throughout all its workmanship. .

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February 16th


Netbook Asus Eee
by Tam

Look at the look of the netbook. Easy for you to keyboard, the location of additional buttons, supplies, reaching in complete, the screen size, etc. Current models do not differ much in performance, we can say that in general no different. 2. Display size. Here are all individually. Better to take from 8 inches. But there are models with a 7 inches, 8.9, 10.1, and may soon appear with 11-13 inch screens.

If possible, try to run any programs and evaluate ergonomics. 3. Opening hours without recharging time – the main criterion for choosing a mobile device. If you have already chosen a specific model, but the time of the catastrophic enough, try looking for a model with 6-cell battery. It is worth noting that different programs load a different processor, consequently, reduce operating time. 4.

Power of main plus netbook netbook – in their portability. Therefore, power is not important here. For mail, Internet, communication via icq, typing fit any model. 5. Selection operating system. Most netbooks are available with either Linux, or c Windows xp. If you need a mobile laptop for work with office software, Internet browsing, you can safely take with Linux, and the price it will be cheaper. And if you all linux do not like, you can always reinstall on Windows. Characteristics Netbook Asus Eee pc 1000H in the kit, along with himself eee pc 1000 includes pouch, cloth for a netbook; instructions, charger, cd with drivers and recovery technology netbook. The device comes in black, white, green or pink.

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February 16th


by Tam

And to think it almost did not have – a real child served as the prototype of the character. Well, bear just tried to make nice and not evil. 5. Next is a storyboard to plot the board. In fact – it's drawing comics for every situation, prescribed in the script. To one or another plot twist draws his comic strip, with the expression facial expressions and moods of the characters. 6. Voice – an important step in the production of cartoons.

Who and how voices of heroes – in principle at the first couple is not important, because this process happens all the time, before and after the storyboards. Often it happens that after assembly of the cartoon in one scene the actors are invited again to pereozvuchivaniya entire video. 7. The available samples of voices are superimposed on the video, in the process is synchronized with the movements and facial expressions, as well as sounding dialogue. The cartoon Masha and the Bear with this easier – the characters hardly talk, due to the fact that a – a child who by age still says little, and the second – just a bear. 8. Storyboarding with story boards no flowers be removed on a film or being pushed into the PC by scanning from top to impose a rough tracks. This can be called the first birth of the cartoon – at this stage, it becomes clear what will be animated and that required attention. 9. These collected black – white images scanned directorial team and producers.

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February 5th


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