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North American Enterprise Search
by Tam

First phase of the API, the FeedBooster API 1.0, application on Web feeds and RSS enables content Erfurt / Rockledge, FL, December 1, 2011 Q-Sensei, which is excellent company, the next generation for its search technology today its first interface (API) application programming before. This makes it possible now to incorporate the company’s multi-dimensional search technology in Web pages, Web services or applications. According to Bobby Sharma Bluestone, who has experience with these questions. As the first API which is FeedBooster API 1.0 “provided, that helps to cope with the flood of Web feeds and RSS data. Previous search technologies have created flat and mostly endless lists of search results, which required much time and patience in order to select the desired results from it. “” Q-Sensei BBs of new search technology – multi-dimensional search “called – search results are in its constituent parts disassembled and in a dynamic and organized index along various dimensions” (keyword, source, author, date, language and more) presented. As a result, users will be in efficient way led through large amounts of information.

Here is also the FeedBooster API 1.0. It helps to cope with the flood of messages and allows users to search and filter out the relevant information from RSS feeds. The API can be integrated in news-oriented Web sites or blogs, to offer additional Web feeds in real time and improve this search and the reading of messages for users. “Our vision is to establish the multi-dimensional search as default and make accessible to all. Companies and end users want a better structuring, organization and searchability of the ever-increasing amounts of data”, so Ute Rother, CEO of Q-Sensei. “Our unique search technology can help operators of Web sites, Web services and applications to make the most relevant information quickly and dynamically accessible and provide a positive experience in dealing with data.

We hope that the API is used by developers and by the access to information and the Improve discoverability of data within data-intensive applications or services of all kinds.” FeedBooster API 1.0 corresponds to the principles of REST and returns values in JSON format to the easy configuration and adaptation within existing Web pages, to provide services or applications. Further, on the multi-dimensional search based, APIs and developer tools (including widgets and plug-ins) will be available from 2012. For more information about the API, see under: developer/api. Q-Sensei: Q-Sensei offers new and powerful solutions for searching and browsing in the ever-increasing amounts of structured and unstructured information in the Internet, corporate networks (intranets), on private computers, personal databases and on mobile devices. Thanks to the powerful multi-dimensional search and index technology of Q-Sensei, users can find the proverbial needle in a growing haystack of information quickly and easily. The Q-Sensei Corp. was founded in April 2007 by the merger of Lalisio GmbH in Germany and the US search specialists QUASM Corp.. “Q-Sensei was by IDC as” innovative business analytics company to watch under $100 M in 2011 “(doc # 230923) awarded and received the 2011 North American Enterprise Search new product innovation award” by frost & Sullivan. The search and presentation engine by Q-Sensei is protected by the U.S. patents 7,080,059 and 7,680,777. For more information, see:. Note: FeedBooster is a Web-based feed reader (Tablet apps will be available beginning of 2012), which offers a multi-dimensional search and the overview as well as a precision allows you to search within any number of feeds from news sites, blogs, or corporate sites. To experience the power of multi-dimensional search of FeedBoosters itself, please visit feeds.qsensei.

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May 7th


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